When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

I’m looking for advice/opinions. My periods are always regular. They have been at the same time every month up until last month. Last month I was early. This month I’m late. I’ve taken multiple pregnancy test and they’re all negative. Could it just be too early to test?


Could be stress, could be age and hormones so many things can cause periods to change…but morning time is the best time to take a test and yes, it could be just early.


If its negative I would wait one week and test again…don’t waste money buying new one every couple days. I’m on 5th baby now and this is what I learned. Wait a week between is what I do

Call your dr for a blood test.

Your body changes periods change could just be changing.

I had this same problem last month. I’ve been late 3 times my whole life and they are 7, 5 and 1 so when I was late thats the 1st thing I did was test. I was 7 days late and I checked over 10 times to make sure I got the date correct for my period. BUT considering I have mild hot flashes I’m pretty sure I have a “great” 10+ years ahead of me

Have your thyroid checked

Dollar Store pregnancy tests told me I was pregnant first day missed period everytime. Just find a test that reads lower HCG levels or go to the doctor.

You can take one 2 weeks after your missed period, but I’d do 3 just incase because if you are pregnant it may be too early for your test to show up positive only 2 weeks after your missed period

I tested positive at 4 weeks without a missed period with my twins, but didnt test positive til 8 weeks with my oldest son. You may need blood work done to confirm because a missed/late period could be due to stress or other lifestyle changes.

Usually 6 days after your first missed period is the earliest detectable stage. Give it a week or two then test

There are so many variables call your OB/GYN and make an appointment. Some lab work may tell you more. Mine were like clockwork too unless I was pregnant and then hit menopause

The first pee of the AM would have the highest concentration of HCG if you are pregnant

Usually first morning pee.