When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

I went to my primary care Dr for a confirmation test and they were extremely friendly and helpful. Maybe try them first? Then they can send confirmed positive to you ob?

Same thing happened to me in September and October of last year. Took 5 tests in September all negative but missed my period. October 9th I went in to the er feeling like crap and their blood and urine tests were negative for pregnancy. October 20th all the same tests were done and all positive.

Get blood work done to check for HCG levels.

I had a faint line with this pregnancy and I am very very pregnant. Iā€™m 5 months now

A line is a line.
Denying critical testing (a pregnancy test) is negligence and you can sue your ob.

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You can go into a walk in they will give you a test

You could always go and get a digital test and take it first thing in the morning to confirm.

A line is a line faint or not. First thing in the morning though.

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Could also just be pms

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A week after your missed period

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Usually thereā€™s a 2 week waiting period


I think these symptoms are in your head because you want to believe so badly that youā€™re pregnant. You donā€™t really get any symptoms of pregnancy until you miss your period. Goodluck


Itā€™s best to wait until your period is due. I know those apps were off on ovulation for me. Your symptoms can be from pms as well. Itā€™s best to use ovulation tests and bbt to track ovulation. The apps just guess.

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Wait couple days then test again

It could be too early, a lot of tests say ā€œas early asā€ 5 days before your missed period. But thatā€™s still pushing it as far as accuracy. At the same time, if itā€™s something youā€™ve been wanting badly, your body could mimic the symptoms. So essentially it could be in your head.


I was just super tired, and had a missed period

First am urine is always best but should wait till youā€™re closer to your cycle

I had better smell than normal and I tested postive 5 days before my period late at night ! But the ovulation on my app was not accurate I used the clear blue sticks and they were showing ovulation 2 days before the app and apparently they were correct !

Way too early. You need to wait until after you miss ur period than add a week to just make sure you werent just late than text. Thats the right time to test

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Iā€™ve always waited a week after my expected missed period

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I think its too early to test, even though the tests say they can tell as early as 5 days before. Itā€™s never worked for me, I usually wait to test after I miss my period entirely, maybe even a little bit longer. I also test first thing in the morning, usually right out of bed.

2 weeks from 22nd, earliest

My test showed positive 2 weeks after we had sex. I just had a feeling I was :woman_shrugging:t3: Iā€™m 7 weeks now and was just told I have HG Iā€™ve been puking pretty much since day 1. Kinda sucks. But yeah I was more tired and nauseas about a week in I started having mood swings.

Wait another week and take again ! I took one and it was negative and I was bummed then I just took another one a week later to be sure and it was positive ! Iā€™m due this month lol

I got my first very faint line at 8dpo ( 8 days past ovulation)
Clearly noticeable and detected by digital at 10dpo.

My periods are way to irregular for the apps. So when I found out that im pregnant I waited until I missed my Period. I ended up missing 2 periods before testing and now Iā€™m almost 27 weeks pregnant with my son

I unintentionally got pregnant and now that I know more of the signs (it was my first pregnancy) I had them all before I was actually late. Mine were a migraine, UTI, some nausea (I thought was migraine related), food aversion, extreme tiredness like I couldnā€™t get enough sleep, and very moody.

You can have phantom pregnancy where you want it so bad your body will begin to show signs. Stress can make conceiving hard. Donā€™t focus on dates or tests id wait until a week after your scheduled period before testing

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I tested + the day my period was due with my 5th baby. Iā€™d say wait till your period is due at least to test. Or until youā€™re late.

To early but also take into consideration apps are just a guesstimate on when you ovulate, when I actually started tracking my app was a whole week out from when I actually did.

4-6 weeks from the 18th

The earliest that the pregnancy tests can pick something up is 4 weeks. The line will be very faint, but as you get further along (5-6 weeks) the line will be darker.

I always get a positive around day 11
Cheap ones & digital ones
Iā€™d call your OBGYN, you should be able to go in and get a blood test to confirm.
I also had heart burn, nausea & throwing up before I ever tested with all 3.

I took three tests 3 days after sex, two were negative and one was positive, so I went to a doctor and they did a blood test but it still wasnā€™t completely positive but they said to take it as a positive because there is definitely some hormone developing thus the near positives :slightly_smiling_face:

Wait until after missed period.


The apps are not always accurate. I Used the app for 4 months no luck, with 1 false positive :roll_eyes: (I was 8 days late) got blood work done and it was negative. The next cycle i.used ovulation strips and found out the app was a few days off. Next month I was positive! I had texted 5-6days before my missed period and it was POSITIVE!

Too early. Wait until you miss your cycle

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Well 1st of all you donā€™t necessarily ovulate when your app prediction is. You can actually ovulate anywhere in your cycle. With that said it takes 6-12 days for implantation to occur. That would be when your hcg starts rising. Take your test with 1st morning urine. Get a basal body temperature thermometer and track it for your best ovulation prediction.

I took a test six days before my period was due and it was negative then I took one the morning I was supposed to start and got a positive.

Those could be PMS symptoms as well. I would test a week after a missed period.


Wait until your period is late then test

Your stressing about it to much. Your mind can actually make you have symptoms. Itā€™s called ghost or phantom pregnancy. Something like that. I wouldnā€™t even stress or test until Iā€™m late. Until then just breath.

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Iā€™d wait until the day your period is due to test. I personally didnā€™t have symptoms that early, but I believe your hcg levels might be too low to show a positive this early. 3 pregnancies and I didnā€™t have symptoms with any of them until after a positive test (all around 3 to 4 weeks).

As another person commented those could be signs of PMS as well - a week before my cycle I would have all of them and not once was I ever concerned about pregnancy - if itā€™s meant to be it will be but like others have said wait until you miss your cycle then test.

Most rest you need to wait 5 days before your missed period. Also its best to use the first pee of the morning!

With both my pregnancies I didnā€™t test positive till the day before my missed period. I also used the early detection tests that supposedly can detect up to 6 days before your missed period; they didnā€™t work that far ahead for me.

I found out when I was 6 weeks. I got bad Charlie horses in my calves and I couldnā€™t touch my boobs at all they hurt so bad

As soon as you get up in the morning and whenever you want too

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Still pretty early! I tested positive the day of my missed one.

I found out I was pregnant with my son at two weeks, I would wait a few more days and then take it as soon as you wake up

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Period and pregnancy symptoms are very similar. Always just wait til itā€™s time for your period and see if it comes or not.


I tested positive with my daughter exactly 11 days after the date of conception.( I was artificially inseminated so I knew the exact date and time I conceived)

The earliest I ever got a positive was 8 days past ovulation. 9 days past was way better lines tho.

I wouldnā€™t test until the day before your period or day itā€™s expected.

I had a feeling I was pregnant and tested 6 days before my period and test was negative. Tested 3 days after missed period and was positive, so was obviously too early to detect, even though i was. Maybe wait a few days and retest or give it a week and see if you miss your period and test then. Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

The best time to take a pregnancy test is when you think you might be pregnant.

Your overthinking this let nature take itā€™s course.

Take it in the morning thatā€™s when you have the most HCG hormone.

It says on the test packet. Most accurate results are on the first expected day of your period.

Take one when youā€™re a day late and use your early morning pee. Like right when you wake up.

I always took a test after a couple weeks of being late. My periods have always had a mind of their own.

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Iā€™d wait till the day you are actually due for your period and do it first thing in the morning when your wee is more concentrated. Good luck!

You should wait few days. Even more then that and until the next period comes. If it wonā€™t come it means you are pregnant and the test will definitely show positive. The way I found out is I realized I lost my period one month and then went to a doctors office and yes they brought the test saying Iā€™m 8 weeks pregnant. :smile: I will never forget this. My daughter is 29. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Breasts were painful.

Take the test early in the am when you first wake up.

I knew with in two weeks, just feeling. You should wait to take a pregnancy test until the week after your missed period for the most accurate result. But two weeks is good


Just wait til your due. Thatā€™s the easiest solution


probably too earlyā€¦wait the the day your period is due and take another test

You might be able to with an early detection test. Otherwise maybe wait just a couple more days. With our baby I had the 28th, I took a test a few days before my period because I just had a feeling I was pregnant.

If you arenā€™t wanting baby get blood test as soon as possible. Donā€™t wait to see if you have a missed period if you donā€™t need to. If you are wait then see.

Wait 3 days after your missed period. I Took a test a week before my period and it was negative I took another test three days after it messed and it was positive

Take a test! My test showed positive after about 2 weeks! Two weeks before my missed period too!

I think itā€™s too early, wait until you are actually late and try again!! All the best x


Your brain works in mysterious ways. You are worrying about possibly being pregnant so it could be that you are making yourself feel this (unintentionally) or youā€™re pmsing. But if you really think you are it would be better to go to a doctor because not everyone is the same


I took a test when I was late on my period by two days and it was negative. Then I took one a week later and it was positive. I was about 6 weeks from conception. I think everyone is just different. Are you taking it first pee of the morning? Thatā€™s when your hormone levels are highest.

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I was 9 weeks pregnant before a test picked it up with my 1st, doctors where convinced I would loose the baby but my daughter is 15 this year. I would wait till you have missed your period and test first thing in the morning. Good luck.

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Give yourself some time a few days after your missed. Would probably be the best time then definitely follow up with a doctor best of luck


Being boy so donā€™t have idea

I would wait and see if you get your period. Those can all be signs of PMS as well, worrying about it could cause nausea and vomiting if your stressingā€¦ in my personal experience Iā€™ve gone through all that, finally got my period and felt perfectly fine if not better that before.
I could also be wrong.

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When I was pregnant with my firstā€¦my first response test said I was pregnantā€¦the doctorā€™s test said noā€¦the blood test said maybe. Had to wait 10 more days to find out for sure

Could be coming down with the bug thatā€™s going around or just a messy period . But take another one if youā€™re period is late by 4 or more days . But Iā€™ve been late before bu 15 days and then stated so never know hormones could jisy be off .

I always took a test the day I was due. Sore boobs were the first sign, most r also just signs b4 your period. My morning sickness didnā€™t start until 6weeks

Same thing for me, my man & I want to have a baby too but when is my fertility window open!? Iā€™m downloading an ovulation app to find out today.:blush:

At 6 days early, you are FAR more likely to get a false negative. Not every pregnancy has enough HCG at 6 days early to make the test positive. Re-test after you miss your period. Thatā€™s when theyā€™re more accurate

I knew I was pregnant 2 weeka before a test confirmed itā€¦1 week before my pd was supposed to show up. I would say wait until your first missed day

I was sewing a dress for an event. My change in size told me I was pg.

Wait 2 days and try again. It can take 48-72 hours for hcg to double

You got 6 days before youā€™re supposed to start then start thinking about it ā€¦ either you are or not always try next month ā€¦. When youā€™re thinking about it the least is when it will happen ā€¦ relax n go with the flow n more than will happen sooner than later :smiling_face:

Wait until your period is late, then take the test

Wait to see if you get your period

I hope you get the outcome your hoping for. :pray:

Sound like early pms to me

Vomiting and nauseous within 2 weeks of becoming pregnant? Are you inferring that you think you already have ā€œmorning sicknessā€ before actually missing a period? Iā€™ve never heard of that before, but Iā€™m sure someone will say it is possible. It generally takes 4 weeks before your body produces enough hormones to detect on a pregnancy test and also alter your body significantly to cause said morning sickness. You can take a $1 test from Dollar Tree the week after your 1st missed period and it should be accurate, at least with all 3 of my pregnancies, which were all boring and by the book, I could. Never understood why anyone pays for expensive tests when the cheap ones work perfectly fine! Never had a false positive or negative, missed period, took test, said positive, resulted in a baby. Also, the latter was true for me, twice I thought I might be, came back negative and that was also true. Not pregnant, only have 3 children! I would go to the doctor about your vomiting and nausea!! The 18th to the 1st, is less than 14 days and still 6 more before your period should start, way too early for morning sickness, sounds like a mild food poisoning, virus, or bacteria.

That far out you only have a 40 ish percent chance of a positive even with the early tests. Wait a few days and test again


Just wait a week after your period is due n if it doesnā€™t come then take a test.

I honestly didnā€™t have any symptoms of pregnancy in all 3 of my pregnancies until around the 6th to 8th week. And I never had a positive test before my missed period.