When do you let your child’s aunts/uncles/grandparents/cousins come meet baby?
I let everyone come meet baby in the hospital and if they couldn’t or didn’t want to come to hospital, I let them come by the house a couple days after we got home.
Whenever YOU are comfortable with it. Any answer is acceptable if you feel good about it.
We let people meet the babies when they asked to come see us. We didn’t make anyone wait.
After you get home & have established some kind of routine, gotten some rest & feel ready for visitors. Stress short visits & remind them to please stay home if they have been sick🤪
That’s entirely up to you. I let everyone come see me when ever they wanted! I just made sure they knew not to expect my house to be cleaned or me to be all dressed up. lol
Its up to you guys. I didn’t wait for my twins and and my single child but I did wait for my last baby because he was in NICU and was on oxygen when he came home about 2 weeks I think he was that age I had everyone wear a mask and sanitizer.