When should girls brush their own hair?

It’s a good age to start practicing. But definitely double check. I started at that age and my mom let me do it all and learned after a couple weeks that the underside of my hair was a huge mat. It was awful, so she started making me let her check it after.

My daughter is 6 and brushes her own hair without being told to

Oh the hair brushing battle. I know this all too well with 3 daughters.lol
You’d think by that age they should brush their hair without being told … Nope! Lol

Curly hair is different than straight. It needs different care. Different products ( curling creams ), different drying methods ( dont go nuts with a towel use a tshirt ), different combing ( wide tooth comb in the shower ) they need to know their hair care routine and be allowed to do it so they can when they’re older.


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My girls 6 and 9 both brush their own hair. My 6 year old has short hair with lots of body and she does pretty good maintaining it ( I help with the back when she asks or I see major issues) my 10 year old has been pretty well on her own for brushing also with minimal help her long wavy hair that curls really tight underneath…I help her dispense her hair products in the AM and she maneuvers it thru her hair and then brushes. I usually only have to touch up the back ends behind the hair that lightly waves. She has done a great job thusfar

My daughter has extremely curly and almost coarse hair. It knots/mats in no time. She’s been doing her own since that age, she’s 13 now and has been refusing to let us do it for years. She does a good job tho and fixes any spots we may notice.

I have my 7 and 9 year old try to do their hair - wash, rinse and style - but I help them out afterwards. I have really thick unmanageable hair myself and there were times as a kid when my mom either couldn’t or wouldn’t do my hair and I’d go to school without it being completely rinsed out or it looking insane and it led to maybe not bullying exactly but just hurtful comments from my peers so I’d like to avoid that with my own children. Kids can be hateful assholes. We also use the time when I’m helping with grooming to discuss what makes bullies and how to stop it from happening to them and their friends.

My granddaughter is 6 years old. She does her own. She knows how to put her scrunchies in herself.

My daughters been brushing her hair since she was 4 maybe earlier and is now 5 can put her hair in a ponytail and we practice on her dolls. Wants to learn to do a plait so practicing on her dolls xo

CURLY HAIR IS SO MUCH DIFFERENT THAN STRAIGHT HAIR. If she had straight hair, I’d say 4 and a half/5 is old enough to brush her own hair if she takes the interest. My daughter has curly hair and there’s no way she would be able to do it without my help (she’s almost 5). At their ages, I’d let them help. You HAVE to teach them! Curly hair isn’t “here’s the brush”. Eventually they’ll “help” do most of their routine, then supervise for awhile, then let them do it on their own :blush:

Of course they can brush their own hair!!

My 6 year old brushes hers

l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12706 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE… https://homemakemoney417.neocities.org/

I still do my daughters hair but she can brush it herself too she is 7

l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $22115 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE… https://makemoney421.neocities.org/

my daughter is 8 and has long thick hair and she does her own hair. some days I will brush it and fix it after her but she does try.

I’m 29 and I don’t wanna brush my own hair if I don’t have to

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Have them to bush it 1st, you can comb through it to make sure all tangles are out. The oldest is old enough to fix her own hair with supervision. Don’t enable them, you will regret it later. I know this, my children are grown and enabled. Wish I knew then what I know now.

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $22974 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE… https://makedollarfresh843.neocities.org/

My 5 year old brushes her own hair and can put it in a ponytail good enough for play. For school, once she brushes it, I fix it for her. She says I hurt her when I brush it so that’s why she brushes her own hair.

My daughter 8 does her own hair. If she needs a little help I am there.

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My daughter is 13 she probably been doing her by herself since she 5 but as she got old we told that she had to take care of it and if she didn’t it would get cut off we have only do it once and it really need cute she had spit ends and need some cut for it to grow

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I’m almost 30 and I wish someone would brush my hair for me. :rofl: I think knowing how is important, but I don’t think there is a set age. My daughter “knows how” but I still brush her hair. I still curl it, braid it, put it in a ponytail, etc. I will until she doesn’t want me to anymore. It’s a simple thing. She has fine, wavy hair, so super easy to manage on her own, but I’ll never tell her she HAS to do it herself.