When should I be concerned about my infants cough?

So my 3-month-old baby has had a really bad cough for the past 5 days almost is it worth bringing him in to the doctor…are they going to be able to even do anything relly? I just feel bad for him…hes so little and he coughs so hard


Yes please take him in ASAP

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With rsv going around I wouldn’t take any chances. It could be nothing, but also could be something. My son got diagnosed with asthma at 3 months old.

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It’s always better to just take them in and have the doctor say it’s nothing.

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Baby is now delivered in Jesus mighty name Amene. Be sure to thank Jesus for his deleverance and miracle healing Amene

Yes always take an infant to the Dr. Its Better to be safe than sorry!

Yes take the baby to the doctor. With babies that age, a cough can turn from bad to much worse quickly. RSV, croup, strep, etc need to be monitored by a doctor. Some of these conditions will not go away on their own and can have lasting implications. Since there is no way to tell without being checked and tested then it is always best to go in.


Yes, our 3-month had an awful cough. They gave her a nebulizer.

Wtf is this even a real question?!?
Of course, take him in to see the doctor.Like ASAP; God forbid you let the baby die.