When should I be seen for my contractions?

I’m 37 weeks and I’ve been having contractions that go for a minute and 3min apart, they started at 12pm yesterday till 7pm I went to get checked and the moment they put the monitors on it stoped, I woke up this morning with huge boobs and nipples, I’m in so much pain :sob::sob: my pelvis hurts so much and my back feels like it’s shifting I can’t walk or do anything :disappointed: any advice to ease the pain? I don’t want to try to induce myself as I’ve never tried it before and I know it’s not good for my baby as he will come when he wants but I’m so desperate now but idk what’s safe and what the doctors can do if I’m not high risk of anything? I just can’t handle the pains :sob:
Anyone going through the same pains and know what I can do about it? His been dropped since 26 weeks :sob:


Go buy organic red raspberry leaf tea. Brew a huge batch and drink it constantly. It will help your contractions and make them stronger

I’m surprised they didn’t keep you at the hospital!!
Make a call to you doctor ASAP and maybe they can get you admitted for monitoring.


Go to the hospital. That’s how it felt when I went into labor with my second. He came out 3 hours after I went in (was only 2 cm when I went in)


You probably just have to wait it out. I’m 40 weeks 4 days and have been in extrodinary pain for months now. I basically put myself in bed rest because I can only do so much.

My baby dropped around 36 weeks. I’ve had every labor sign since. Including days where I have contractions close together for hours, just never long enough. Last week I was at 3cm but he’s just being a really stubborn baby(his sister was a week late so go figure).
The price we pay to bring our little babes into this world. It’s not fun. But you get a pretty awesome reward at the end of it all

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My kid dropped at 34 weeks and I had Braxton Hicks contractions for the next 3 weeks… he came out fine and I was too just my body was like nope you get to enjoy this

My dr said they wont intervene that early but at 37 weeks baby is welcome to come out. I bounced up and down on an exercise ball lol and did stairs a bit but stairs are exhausting. The ball kind of helps with back pain too.

Keep the dr updated and do what they tell you. But the baby may just not be ready to come. They wanted to induce me at 38 weeks and did an amino which showed he wouldn’t breathe on his own so they couldn’t induce. I know it’s uncomfortable but when the baby is ready, it will trigger labor

Sitting in warm water helps

I was induced at 37 + 6 :blush:

I gave birth at 36+6 and so my daughter is called as 1 day premature as full term is 37 weeks plus . If it gets anymore
Painful I would go back in as it could be early labour . I had no idea I was in labour till
I got to the hospital at 5cm … anything that isn’t normal
For you then go straight in … reduced movements , more pain or pressure , blood spotting . Then go straight back x

Do the baby mama dance oh and call your Obgyn again.