When should I contact my daughters dentist?

I took my daughter to the dentist 3 1/2 months ago they found a cavity but have yet to call me to make an appointment to have it filled… Is this normal? She’s never had a cavity before so I wasn’t sure if it should take this long. Also this is a new dentist we switched to.


At my office if you don’t schedule on your way out you’re expected to call them and make an appointment…


We schedule them before they even leave after their six month apt, so yes call and schedule it!

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I would never have waited almost 4 months. After 2-3 weeks I would be calling

And make the appointment

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Please, call the office and schedule. As a current dental hygienist, if patients do not schedule before they leave the office. We assume they will call back once the check their schedules. Hope this helps!


Standardly, you make an appointment when the treatment is diagnosed. If not, you’re expected to call to make the appointment.


It’s not their responsibility to call you. You need to call them.


You make the appointment……

My son had a small one at a check up that they were watching and it was fine next 1 or 2 visits later and then they finally scheduled it to get filled

You probably need to call them. They should have set something up when you were checking out

Should have gotten a appointment then. Even if next availability was a couple months out. we make ours before we even leave the office. If not you would need to call and make one.


They told me to schedule asap. Like two weeks MAX. You will need to call and schedule it

And you haven’t called back for an appointment??? Do it now

We make appts before we leave in that situation they don’t call you.

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Wow that’s so weird I just took my son to the dentist today and they found cavities but the secretary had left the office for some reason while we were there so the hygienist said she will tell the secretary to call me to schedule an appointment for fillings. They never called me today so I plan on calling in the morning… you shouldn’t wait around for several months for something like that.

All Drs in or area are running with long waits on appt, id flow thru to make sure thats the case and that it didnt fall threw the cracks.

You are responsible for your care. Health care providers don’t care anymore. I’m happy to say I have a good dentist though.

They should’ve made an apt before you left when the cavity was discovered.
The longer you leave the cavity the worse it can get.

I would call asap to make an apt.

They should have made an appointment for a filling when they found it. Even if they are booked out, they should have still put you on the calendar. Call them. Cavities can go bad very quickly and with little warning.