When should I make my first doctors appointment?

Okay so I just toke a pregnancy test it says 1-2 weeks when should I book a doctors appointment


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Not sure where your located but I called as soon as it came positive and the doctor I chose was very popular so I still didn’t get schedule until almost 11 weeks

Typically like 8 weeks. But you could make an appointment any time now…&& then they will already schedule you for your next necessary appointment. It can’t hurt to go in. They will make you take an in- clinic pregnancy test anyway. :green_heart::green_heart:

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I called my doctor as soon as I found out which was 5 weeks and set up an appointment for when I was 8 weeks

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Call the Dr you wish to see and ask them. Any Dr that I’ve seen for pregnancy wants to wait until 12 weeks.

I call and see what they say

i called to set up an appointment soon after finding out with each of my pregnancies.i think just places won’t see you before 8 weeks because the baby will be too tiny to see on the ultrasound.
When you call tell them you guy a positive test and they’ll also ask when the first date of your last period was.

You can call whenever, but it’s normal for them not to see you til 12 weeks.