My son is soon to be four months, and I’m not sure when I can start feeding him pablum, many are saying to wait another month, but my son is beginning to be fussy before it’s even his feeding time, so I think it’s almost time I introduce him to rice cereal? I’m a young mother, and i’d like some tips or advice.
U could put baby oatmeal in his milk
Always started mine by 2 months😊 just start with rice.
6 months with all signs of readiness. At 4 months they don’t need solids.
My daughter was about 2 months when I started her
Pediatrician recommends 6 months for anything other than breastmilk or formula some will approve it at 5 months I personally would wait, no judgement though too each their own
Don’t. At least 6-8 months before child should start solids.
Rice cereal has almost nothing for nutrition. Wait until 6 months if you can.
I didn’t start solids until the appearance of teeth, and I started with puréed fruits and veggies. I highly recommend Mommy Diagnostics by Shonda Parker for all sorts of natural/holistic tips and advice. Good luck!
It’s recommended to start around 6months and meeting all signs of readiness
Please talk to your pediatrician. All kids are different
We got the clear at four months. Actually encouraged. She had horrible acid reflux. Was still sleeping in a daydreamer and was about to be out on different meds to test. Dr said try some food and see. So we did and maybe a day later she was so so so much better. Soon after she got to sleep flat and we avoided meds we did one new food a week though since she was younger than we’d of liked.
My children’s pediatrician had me add baby cereal and rice to their bottles at 4 months… Your baby’s doc will tell ya if it’s time
I skipped rice cereal because it has no nutritional value and is just a filler. I started my baby on stage 1 purée exactly at 4 months, pediatrician approved. That’s the earliest to start but some start at 6 months. Nothing wrong with starting at 4 months as long as they are ready. They’ll let you know. I don’t regret starting my child at 4 months. She’s 8 months and a great eater now and on stage 3 food and table foods. She eats three meals a day including 30-35oz of formula.
Wait till 6 months. Look into baby led weaning!
Maybe things have changed as my daughter is now 7. But food before 1 is just for fun was the saying. They get most of their nutrients from milk whether formula or breast. If he is fussy “before his feeding” then you are waiting to long. It is not an exact time for feeding. If it’s every 2hrs but you’re finding at 1hr 45min baby is fussy then you feed them at 1hr 45min. The idea of solids before 1yr is to get them used to new flavors & how to swallow different then with the just liquid. But gut wise I was told 6mths & still that is just for fun not meant to replace breastmilk/formula.
Baby isn’t ready for solids until closer to 6 months. Babies don’t feed on a schedule, they eat when they’re hungry. Rice cereal is also high in arsenic and isn’t needed. When you wait til 6 months, baby can eat almost everything you eat. With the exception of honey, dairy milk and undercooked meats.
I’d talk to your doctor. Maybe they need more formula at feeding time. They do require more at one time the bigger they get. 6 months is recommended for solids.
Your pediatrician is better to ask than Facebook
I breastfeed both mine 6 months exclusively. 6 months is what my doctor said. I’m glad I waited
Do not put rice cereal or oatmeal in their bottles, it’s a major choking risk! Most pediatricians will tell you can start at 4 months. But; a baby’s digestive tract and digestive enzymes are not completely developed until at least 6 months when they can fully digest their food. Also you can choose between pures or to begin right with the things we eat and that’s known as BLW.
I would wait til 6 months or closer to 6 months look up open gut and also it’s super easy to make your own rice cereal! Lot healthier then store bought also
All mine started at 4 months with pablum.
Breast milk or formula is the only food your newborn needs. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first six months after birth. But by ages 4 months to 6 months, most babies are ready to begin eating solid foods as a complement to breast-feeding or formula-feeding. › art-20046200
Solid foods: How to get your baby started - Mayo Clinic
Every baby is different. Some say wait. But you know what your elders would say.
All 4 of my kids had started Rice cereal 2 1/2 months and getting out food by 5 month to 6 months! Shes now 10 months and eats every meal we have and snacks! She steal gets formula as drank/ with meals. She’s 18 lbs and healthy! Every baby is different but if that’s what your thinking your probably right on momma instincts!
Ask his pediatrician.
If your baby is fussing and hungry before his “scheduled” eating time, feed him. Babies go through numerous growth spurts and may need extra food during this time. My daughter is almost 4 months old and has been eating every 90 minutes for about a week now. Rice cereal has no nutrients, so I would skip it. Before 1, food really isn’t necessary as babies get all their needs from formula/breast milk. The pediatrician should help decide when to start solids, but personally I wait until my babies show signs of readiness to eat solids.
I would ask a Dr first, but my son was ready for solids between 4 and 5 months and the doctor didn’t have an issue with it. Just introduce anything slowly and start with one ingredient purees and wait a few days before introducing a new one so if there is any possibility of allergies you know what caused it. An example, today is Tuesday, introduce banana and a few days from now if that works out well introduce peas.
My first kid had horrible acid reflux and the pediatrician recommended I start him on rice cereal as early as 2 weeks old, every kid is different, if your baby is hungry before the next feeding he probably needs something heavier than just formula, follow your instincts
I fed both my boys pablum at 4 months because the formula wasn’t filling him up for very long and the doctors both told me it was ok
Talk to your pediatrician! Ours started my little one on cereal in his formula at 1 week old!
I would say next month puree some veggies and fruits and mix it with some breast milk.
Baby cereal, make it a little extra runny when he is able to tolerate being spoon fed. My oldest started at 4 months, my youngest was a little older
My baby was like that… I talked to her peds and they played it off her milestones and said she was ready to start… We started cereal at 4 months and she wasnt a big fan of it… At 4.5 months I started 1’s baby food and I came to find if u start veggies first instead of fruits they eat alot better… You cant blame them sweeter stuff is way better than bland veggies… She’s 8 months now and I make majority of her babyfood and weve started giving her some of what we eat, I,just watch the salt and spices
You could definitely try feeding him a little rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula before you give him his night time bottle. Would maybe fill his tummy a little more.
I say try some type of baby food if the formula isn’t keeping him fed. But only do it once a day
Feed all my kids straight out of the hospital
Now is a good time. He can have a bread roll to suck on…some mashed banana rice cereal avocado anything mushy.
Semolina is a good one. Easy to make and kids love ig
When your pediatrician says its okay. Never before
I’d introduce the rice, just a cple tsps to start and give right before bottle.
I waited until 6 months with my oldest. My second was always hungry so the dr recommended to start cereal at 4.5 months and he was good. I gave him the cereal at dinner time and it kept him full over night. He would only wake up once for a small bottle and then go back to sleep
Feed him if he is hungry. My son is now 6 months and has been on cereal since 2 months and eating anything mushy since 4 months. Formula wasnt keeping him full at all
Everyone says wait till 6 months which I mostly did but at 4 months I began to give him small taste of banana mixed with rice cereal or avocado. We worked his way up from a Couple of spoon fulls to Maybe an oz of it by six months I started him on all foods ( he eats what we eat) and he is a great eater now.
I started my son on solids, sparingly, at 4 months. I would steam and purée fruits and veggies and now he eats practically anything.
I started both of mine around a month old. If they’re hungry feed them. When they have a full tummy they sleep better.
Start with ricecereal
My son was eating stage 1 baby food veggies at 3 months old he also started sleeping through night at 3 months cause he stayed fuller longer
It’s definitely fine to try cereal at that age! Just pay attention to how baby reacts to it. Sometimes it can upset their bellies and you might have to try different cereals. Hopefully adding cereal helps!
My pediatrician said cereal at 3 or 4 months, start introducing to basic fruits and veggies at 4 months. And at 6 months most things go, peanut butter, fish, eggs, more table sort foods
My pediatrician said to try at 4 months and see how she did. If she wasn’t interested or just pushed it back out. Wait a month. Vegetable purees such as carrots and peas was our starting foods.
I’ve been giving my baby rice since 2 months and she’s eating food already, started her before 4 months and she’s doing fantastic, all you gotta do is listen to your baby. Baby tells you when baby is ready.
I gave my kids rice cereal at 2 months
So I remember when you started baby at 3 months but with my oldest and the other 2 also I was told to wait til 6 months old and was told that it was for allergy reason for all babies and to wait. I did what felt right to me and what I was comfortable with I started with rice cereal mixed with formula (use breast milk if you breast feed I could though) and make it kinda runny so baby don’t choke on it from being to thick when you start introducing other baby food I was told wait a week inbetween for just in case reasons
Always ask your Dr. But, I started baby foods at 4 months and soft foods like eggs and mashed potatoes at 6 months. Never replaced a bottle feeding but it helped them with sleeping and the weight gain that they needed
There is starting kit and rice cereal for 4 months old you can start with those
Gave my girl rice cereal at 6 weeks. Formula just didn’t get it . I made her baby food fresh. By 4 months she was spoon fed and teething. Very healthy happy kid. Now her pediatrician was old school and said if she’s hungry feed her. Juice in sippy at 6 months . Off the bottle completely on her first birthday. Hit all of her milestones. Just my experience. I would say as momma you know what your babe needs so do what feels right.
When my kids were babies their pediatrician told me between 4 and 5 months was good to start introducing them to rice pablum. Very small amounts and watered down.
Ask your dr but my baby was going through formula she was only 4 months when they suggested I add just a tiny bit of cereal to the bottle too. (Not 100% how much it’s been too long but it was only a little bit) just talk to your Dr first
My sons doctor said to start with rice cereal in his bottle at 4 months because he was getting hundgry before it was time for his next feeding just like your. Everychild is different. What is right for one may not work for another. Remember you know your child best.
Talk to your pediatrician!
I started feeding cereal around 3 months just a spoonful and then her bottle and I started simple fruits and veggies at 4 months by six months she was eating two jars at a time and slurping down a 4oz bottle lol just start slow because it can hurt their bellies.
Talk to the pediatrician…my son was put on stage 1 baby food at 3 months because he was so hungry. Still give bottles because they need the nutrients. start one food and wait 4 or 5 days to see for any allergies
Try a few tablespoons of first stage foods or cereal it’s ok I started my last baby at 4 ms. Hes 6 1/2 ms now and eats a container of gerber baby food a day.
I always started my kids on 1 can of baby food a day when they turned 4 months old then transitioned them full time to baby food at age 6 months.
I started my kids on sloppy Weet-Bix at 8 weeks and 6 weeks
Between the age of 4&6 months is when you can start baby food BUT babies should show ALL signs of readiness- sitting up, using their tongue to help swallow, showing interest in foods, etc.
Skip rice cereal. So bad for babies! Baby food at 6 months
Baby rice cereal has very poor nutritional value, I would avoid it & go with something else.
6 months then you can do baby led weaning.
Try feeding more formula or give the bottle earlier.
And rice cereal isn’t needed. No real nutritional value and is a choking hazard.
You could try the hungrier baby milk
Mine was 4 months. Doctor told me to let him start trying stuff off my plate. I would out veggies or soft foods. It was called baby led feeding. Hes 4 now and super healthy. Also almost 4 ft tall!
First son from 3 mths but that was 20 yrs ago. 2 & 3 daughter around 5-6 mths as recommended as stomachs are to small to break everything down.
My boy is 4months and is eating baby food, started at 3mnths because a bottle was not satisfying him. I’ll be introducing him to mashed/nutribullet blitzed boiled veges around 6-8mnths old.
Your best plan is to talk to doctor hunni, I was told by mine to start weening early due to my sons appetite and allergies ( at 3 months was on 7oz every 90 minutes), everyone on here has a different opinion but you know your baby best and dont ever be mum shamed for asking for advice xxx
Feed him rice cereal. It want hurt him
Four months is too early. It is recommended solids to be started at 6 months to avoid allergies.
You know what is best and it will not bring him any harm, aslong as he is still getting milk aswell, if he is ready for food then go for it! My son who is nearly 9, I started giving him foods at around 3/4 months and it done him no bad, if anything more good! And my daughter who is now 6 months and breastfed started having food at 4 months because she was ready like her brother, both happy and healthy and she still has boobie alot aswell as food:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: just keep the meals small and don’t introduce too much at once, it is all up to you:kissing_heart: and half of the rules are silly:see_no_evil: all the best Try other foods instead of rice cereal hun
Message me anytime if you want
Both of my girls were trying to grab the food off my fork b4 4m if I was holding them while trying to jam some nutrients into myself lol, its isnt really recommended before 4m bit I dont think a teaspoon of rice cereal like farex or what not would do harm especially if bubs is getting fussy earlier than normal when food time rolls round…my girls both had what ever we had for dinner in one of those suckey food bags that they can nom on from around 4.5m onwards, now they both eat everything we put in front of them, my oldest even eats offal…takes after their dad lol
I have my daughter pablum at 2 months mixed in her milk just to thicken it out … 4 months she was eating baby food, mama knows best don’t worry what others have to say they always always judge. I don’t need no Karen’s attacking me for putting pablum in her bottle either ! She’s 3 she’s happy and healthy ! Don’t make your baby starve because of judgemental people
I started at 4 months just some porridge before a bath bottle and bed x
I started baby purées with both my girls at 4-5 months old. The doctor approved.
6 months not before their gut isn’t ready but also check the signs that they are ready for weaning at 6 months
I was told by my sons doctor if he showed interest when we were eating, we could start him on rice cereal.
My doctor told me oatmeal she said rice is to much for my daughter’s belly she said oatmeal and then start food in about 2 weeks
We started baby food at 4 months. Pediatricians said to.
We were told by our doctor for both my kids we can start around 4 months. Not as a meal though. Just small amounts to help them get used to eating my kids are 3 year and 7 months
Talk to your pediatrician most will recommend waiting until 6 months. If he’s not able to wait until feeding time maybe add another ounce of formula. When you do start introducing foods don’t cut back on the number of bottles a day. Formula or breast milk needs to be the main source of nutrition.
Most pediatricians will recommend waiting until 6 months because their gur isn’t ready for food before then. They usually say to wait until the baby is showing interest in food and can sit up on their own. I would say talk to your child’s doctor because it can depend on each child individually. Sometimes it’s ok to start sooner.
We started at 3 months. Mostly because my kids were hungry little babies and a bottle just wasn’t enough by this point. Just once a day for breakfast or before going to bed
The recommendations change so frequently it’s impossible to keep track. My little guy will be 6 months on the 20th (third baby). We got the okay from our pediatrician at his 4 month well check because he is such a big baby (20 lbs) and formula/ breastmilk weren’t cutting it. He gets fruit with oatmeal/quinoa around 11 am and veggies around 6 pm before bath and bedtime. He still drinks the same amount in formula/ breastmilk we just added the extra food into his schedule.
Food before one is just for fun, feed the baby earlier if they are getting fussy. Also rice cereal has no nutritional value, best to skip it all together
I was recommended to start rice cereal around 4months when my babies were little. The youngest is now 7. Go with your gut instinct. I would also recommend talking with your doctor, or if you get WIC, talk with the nutritionist. They will it steer you wrong.
We started early to I only suggest oatmeal over rice and mix with formula or breast milk to make sure baby gets everything they need
Just to much rumor of arconic in rice cereal.
I started my baby on baby food at 4 months between bottles
I started both my boys at 5 months old. If he can sit supported and hold his head up you can give it a try. Try not to put rice in his bottle it’s a choking hazard
My 3 started on baby rice from 3months old average weight 18lbs.they are 28,26,25 and hasn’t done them any harm all 3 around 6ft tall
Ask your doctor. It really depends on baby’s development
Yes, ask your pediatrician. There are studies that show obesity rates increased for early feeding. Personally though, my first I started early on traditional baby foods. (Rice cereal, etc.) My second I did baby led weaning at six months. Starting with Avocado. Their eating Preferences are vastly different. My first will barely eat anything and my second eats everything. Doesn’t turn her nose up at anything. It could be completely anecdotal but that’s been my experience.