When should I start feeding my daughter more?

I have a 4 day old daughter…… formula fed 90% of the time. She’s been doing great so far on the formula I have although we’re doing 1OZ feeds at a time (every 2-3 hours day and night) (nurse at hospital recommended this at first bc of tummy size and I agreed- pedi also agrees) but last night she was fussy and I felt maybe she’s still hungry after each bottle…. When did you all bump up to 2OZ of milk if you started with 1 Oz feeds like me? Any tips advice greatly appreciated!


The hospital always started mine off on 2-3 oz, I’ve never heard of doing 1 oz at a time.


None of my babies started at 1oz. Was your daughter a preemie baby?

Mine started at between 2oz and 3oz. But I started cereal and baby food real early.

She was eating 2oz. before we left the hospital. She ate the entire 53mL bottle with her very first feeding. :sweat_smile: She’s 3 weeks old now, and she’ll eat anywhere from 3oz. to 5oz.

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IT could be wind trapped in her gut after her feedings. Try infacol for colic. She’s 4 days old its too soon to up her feed amount. She may throw up because of her tiny stomach.im not a doctor or nurse but im a mom for over 26 years have three kids and lots of nieces and nephews

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I have always offered more and let them eat until they were full… no reason to have such a small amount. Within 4 days their stomach has stretched by now. Definitely offer more and let them fill up

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Put an extra half ounce to an ounce in so that way if she wants to eat more she has the option. If she repeatedly eats that extra ounce then you know she is ready for that amount.

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Babies will generally tell you when they are full. If she’s still fussy be sure to get all of the burps out then try feeding her a little bit more. I could have this a bit mixed up, however I think they metabolize breast milk faster than formula or it’s the other way around. I can’t remember I was in the hospital when they told me this llm

Starting off at 1oz is totally fine and pretty expected to fill them without overfilling their belly and expanding it too much, their tummies are the size of a large-ish bead when born. If she’s starting to act fussy or showing hunger signs after a bottle it’s fine to increase her amounts.

I started with 2oz then 4 and 6 and 8. 4 Oz after about a week. Bump to 2 Oz for sure

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They say up a ounce when theyre finishing the entire bottle. And fussy listen to her. You’ll know if she nedds more. None of mine started on 1oz always 3 xx

my kids were good size and never ate less than 6 oz every bottle. some days 8 oz… oh and they slept from 10 pm to 5 a.m. from the day they came home

My son from the get go ate 6oz at a time every 2-3 hrs. By the time he was a month he was at 12-15oz per feeding every 3-4 hrs. And he was still hungry. So Dr had us adding a little rice cereal to add filler to the formula by the time he was 2-3 months old. Formula and stage one baby food by 6-7 months because he was trying to eat everything and was so crabby. Doctors told me to feed him as much as he wants to eat.

We started with 2oz premade for both babies. And almost always are the whole bottle

Go by the 2 count 2 oz,4 oz and so on if still hungry after 2 go 4-6 oz.

If you bump it up the baby will eat what it wants. Off baby is eating all of it now and acting hungry bump it. Worst that can happen is you have to dump it out

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Always listen to your baby. They know when they’re full.

I never heard of feeding 1oz bottles. How do you even make 1oz bottles? My kids started with 2oz. I fed on demand. If the bottle didn’t seem to be enough, fussy after feeding, hungry again soon after etc) Id add 2oz. Baby knows better how much she can eat than drs, nurses or you.

A go up. If it’s too much you’ll know cause baby will spit up. But 2-3 is what my kids did from birth

You’ll know when to go up. Do a half ounce more if you feel it’s not enough. Go with your gut. 

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Dear God I read that as 10 Oz feedings at 4 days old, and she wants to feed her more?! … I need more coffee. :woman_facepalming:t3:


Both of mine started at about 4oz. My son was a few wks early. Was she a preemie? Is there a reason the Dr told you to do an Oz? When I was born the Dr recommended 3ozs every feeding. It took be about a month to get to 4-6ozs.
Momma, she’ll tell you when she’s hungry and when she’s full. An Oz is an awful small amount unless there’s a medical need. Try with 2 or 3 and see how she does. If she eats it, after a day, try 4. She may stay around 4ozs for a week or 2 while her body figures things out.
Contact your Dr if she’s throwing up after each feeding or isn’t burping. :sparkling_heart:

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I was told with both of mine 2 oz at a time. Never heard of 1oz. And I never followed a schedule.

I fed my babies until they were full :woman_shrugging:and did not follow a schedule. I probably made it harder on myself but they were content. I have 3 kids.

I had my baby 5 weeks ago and he was combi fed at first but breast milk wasn’t touching the sides, so we strictly did formula. He was a bit baby when he was born, and around a week we had to up his 4oz because he was feeding every 1/2 hours or before every midwife was fine with it as long as the baby was happy

I always fed my kids till they were full but i’d always stop ever 2-4oz n burp them

I fed when they were hungey till full lol no set amount and everynow and them they go through a growth spurt anf want more feeding and more quantity then settles again but i will feed until full and you will roughly know the maximum amount they will eat