When should I worry about my contractions?

Hey!!! Im kinda freaking out, I’m 39 weeks and 2 days. I’ve been having a lot of what I think are contractions, Nd all day today I’ve had really bad pain in my back and regular again what I think are contractions. I’ve search google to see what early labour signs are and it’s no help. What should i do?? I don’t want to go to the hospital to be sent home


Better to go and be sent home than have your baby at your house when you weren’t planning to :woman_shrugging:t2:


Go into the hospital or call them.

Call L&D and they will instruct you what to do after getting some more information.

Have you been timing the pains?? Once they are 5 min apart, 1 minute long and this continues for 1 hour you should go to hospital! If they are more irregular could just be the start of things!! Good luck!

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Braxon hicks… google it :slight_smile:

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If it was me I’d go to the hospital, when I had my daughter my contractions were making her heart rate drop, I would want to go in and be monitored if It was me, not worth the risk and not knowing

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Better safe than sorry!! Id go get checked. Ecpecially with how close to term you are!!!

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I had my baby at 39wks n 3 days sounds like your dialating.

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You are in early labor

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Time the pains out and how many minutes in between the cramping and pain. If its between 3 to 5 min apart go to the hospital

I had similar pains with my last pregnancy. I was indeed in labor and 5cm. Best to go. Worst case, you get sent home but your mind will be put to ease.
Good Luck, mama!

Go to hospital if the pain is close together bc it could be contractions I are having

Yeah I’d stay home until they hurt terribly, consistently every 7 mins for hours at a time, or your water breaks.

Call the L&D nurses station and ask them that’s what my doctor told me to do after hours

Goto the hospital to be safe. How bad is the pain and how frequently?

Go to the hospital. Back labor is absolutely real

If they are regular time them; the back pain could absolutely be part of your labor. Is this your first? You are ready ; good luck call your md if the contractions are consistent at five minutes Apart

You can call labor and delivery and explain to a nurse. I did when I was having Braxton hicks and they were really helpful.

How about call your doctor or go to the hospital instead of asking the Internet? :woman_facepalming:


This is how labour started for me three out of four times…they gradually got stronger and lasted longer…time them…i went in 8cm dilated and straight to delivery…get checked if ever in doubt or worried…ring labour unit…

Go get checked anyway.

This happened to me and I was in labor 39 weeks. I had bled a bit prior to going to bed, woke up with mild contractions, took a hot bath, and continued for about 2 hours… went in, delivered 7 hours later

Time them if you think they are contractions. The back pain could be back labor…i would at least call my doctor to see what they say if not get checked at the hospital…best of luck!


If your freaking out go to the hospital… who cares if you get sent home. Peace of mind


My contractions with my first weren’t even that noticeable. I knew my stomach was tightening up here and there but assumed it was Braxton hicks, went to labor and delivery and sure enough I was in labor! Worth checking since you’re not technically going into “early labor” at your stage! Just remember to bring your over night bag and pillow just incase! I didnt bring mine and had to have family grab it! Lol. If you’re 50% effaced you could go at anytime!

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Yep had same thing 3 nights ago only thing is I’m planning to give birth at home so I just copped with it and lucky it went away but if your not planning a home birth I would go in because they can check how dilated you are so at least you can know and be given rough estimate of time you have left

Sounds like early labor to me. I was 39 weeks and having contractions and persistent lower back “cramps” for about 24 hrs and I thought being pregnant for the first time that it was just normal aches and pains but my water broke that evening.

Dont ask facebook, go to the hospital.

Go to the hospital and do not let them send you home. I cannot stress that enough. Do not let them send you home if YOU feel something is not right. I let them send me home at 36 weeks in my 3rd pregnancy in labor. I trusted the hospital nurses (doctor never came in the room) send I wasn’t in labor and sent me home. My son died within the week. Don’t let them send you home if you have even the slightest doubt.


Are you sure you’re ready to have a baby?

Go to the hospital, my first pregnancy it was extremely uncomfortable and the contractions were all in my back. Second pregnancy I didn’t feel a single contraction and didn’t realize I was in labor.

Its your CHILD. Go to the hospital and be sent home its not that deep

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Back labor is real. But also time them. If it’s 7 min or less between go to the hospital. Or if you really are that concerned go in. Also check if there is a nurse line at the hospital and ask them if they say come in go in.

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39 weeks isn’t early labor. You’re probably in labor. They say if your contractions are steady and 3-5 minutes apart for an hour go to the hospital because its active labor.

I had all back labor with my first one. I’d call the doctor, but first time them. See how far apart the pains are. If they’re in a regular pattern or close to one, then you’re in labor. BUT, don’t go to the hospital till they’re fairly close apart, otherwise they’ll send you back home. Good luck. So exciting!

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I had back labor all night bc my baby was sunnyside up went in the next day for an appt and they said I was in labor call your OB asap they will tell you what to do

Uhh go to the hospital before you have a couch baby lol

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Could be Braxton Hicks

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I had severe what I thought were Braxton Hicks and severe lower back pain for 3 days. Being my first pregnancy, I was trying to WALK off the pain. Turns out my daughter was getting ready to make an appearance that next morning. I would go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry.

Go to the hospital to get checked out it’s better then just waiting it out

You’ll know when to go

How close are the back pains and do you have to pee with them? That’s how my labor went with my second child. I didn’t think I was labor until my plug broke then we headed to the hospital they checked me and my water broke so straight to delivery I went.So pay attention the pain not be bad at first but after my water broke all he ll broke loose

Back labor sounds Ike n I’d call dr r hospital n ask be safe? My two were all back labor until dilated five then ouch cramp hurting labor , worth it am yes :wink:

Are the pains (contractions) close together? They’ll usually make you wait until they are 5 to 7 minutes apart regularly. Call labor and delivery and tell them whats going on. They’ll advise you on whether they believe its labor and what to look out for, etc.

I do want to add, though, that I progressed extremely fast with both of my kids. I went from 5 cm dilated to holding my son in less than 30 minutes.

When my started I definitely knew what they were. I could feel my uterus contracting. It was unmistakable. At first it wasn’t painful but hours later it sure as shit was! So just remember that it takes a lot of time to get checked in, to get your room ready and for the anesthesiologist to get ready for you. You gotta go au natural until then💁

My water didn’t break, I didn’t feel my contractions, I had no idea I was in labor until I was hooked up to a monitor and saw the contractions on the screen.:woman_shrugging:t3::joy: I had just came in for my weekly drs. Appointment. They broke my water at about 1 pm and by 5:38 she was born. I don’t think I’m going to have any more children because I doubt, with my luck, that I’ll ever have and easy labor like that again. :joy:

39weeks is full term,with my first baby I only had back labor never felt them in my stomach just my back to where I could not sit. I would go into hospital even if they send you home, better safe to get checked how far you are dialated and if having steady contractions

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Call your doc. Describe your symptoms. Most probably would want you to go to the hospital.
Don’t rely on internet

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Oh and I had my baby at 39 weeks

Always get checked some people’s contractions aren’t as bad as others and the hospital staff understand that every mom would rather know where they stand. I agree with not wanting a couch baby lol.

If contractions don’t stop with change in activity, you should go in to get checked. Maybe even make a call into your OB and see what they have to say. Not everyone has contractions that are distinguishable “that you’ll know when it’s real”. I never felt contractions w my daughter, and thought they were Braxton Hicks with my son. So what if you get sent home, at least you’ll know what’s going on.

You’ll kniw when them real labor contractions hit. They almost knick you off your feet. Probably just braxton hicks. If you start getting some that hurt more on your lower stomach or back, start timing. Call nurse and they’ll help you

Everybody goes to hospital at least twice.

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Labor pains u won t B able to talk through them

I hag those pain n went in and they sent me home bout it could mean he in labor

I didn’t even know I was in labor till my water broke at home, I went from just chill to instant please kill me these contractions are too much. I was thankfully 5 minutes if that from the hospital or I would of had her in the car :joy: I barely had time to make it to the hospital bed. Sooo if you don’t want a car baby or home baby get it checked out!