What age did you let your kids sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed? My daughter is 2 almost 3 and climbs on and off things like crazy so I know she’ll try to be up there but I don’t think she’s ready until around 4 maybe 5. Please no bashing just asking for other opinions.
Mine was 5 on the top and youngest was 2 on the bottom… my 5 year old at the time was very responsible for her age and I felt she knew not to goof off more or less up there. So my advice would be when you can trust them for the most part that’s the right age
If the ladder is removable take it down at night so she can’t hurt herself climbing my sister and I had bunk beds and my stepdad removed the ladder so my younger sister (2 at the time) couldn’t climb it
My boys have had a bunk bed since my oldest was 5ish maybe 6 and youngest was 3. My 5yo slept up top but my 3yo was always up there and occasionally slept with his big brother of course. Now my 3yo is 7yo and he’s up top and my then nonexistent
now 3yo is on bottom lol. 5yo now 10yo graduated to his own room lol.
Not until she like 6 or 7
My daughter was my 3rd child she’s now 5 and has been climbing up top with they boys since she could get up there so maybe 18m ish but she’s never had her own bunk bed. But by 4 kids you just calm down I would’ve died with my boys
my youngest is almost 7 and she is on the top from about 6 . only because i trust her up there and not her older sister who is 8 and likes to mess around and wind up getting hurt… but age wise in big bed was about 5 yrs.
My 8 year old is on the top 6 year old on the bottom. Last year my 6 year old was playing and fell off top bunk and had to get stitches on her chin. She won’t be up there for awhile
My 3 and 4yr old have bunk beds
Way too young. My oldest was 6 when she slept on the top bunk
You will know when you are BOTH ready.
They have the small ones now. Look into. Much shorter!
5, girl scout camp. I slept on the bottom. Talk about stress
My sister was 2. She loved it
The bunk set we built has a protection rail on top.
You can find them to add to top bunks to make sure no-one falls off.
Depends on your kid I guess. My 8 yr olds been on a top bunk for a few yrs now but my 10 yr old is a roller so she’s not
My nephew has been sleeping on the top bunk for a little while now and hes almost 6
10 and he still rolled out and fell
My older kids have bunk beds and the 2yr old now can climb up there even b4 turn 2 so i believe if you the mother thank your baby can do it then do it because at the end of the day u gone have to see to him i guess if both of yall are ready and you sure of your baby he will be fine then cool
Its not an age thing so much as a “child awareness” thing. Most toddlers I wouldn’t consider aware enough. When they are exercising caution enough that you trust them.
My girl is 3 and has been on the top bunk since 2. She loves it.
If shes able to get up and down(somewhat safely with supervision and asks for help when needed) id say now? My son’s friend at 3 had one. He was on bottom&older sister on top but the boys played on top. No incidents. Minus asking to jump off lol
My niece is 3 and she does well on the top bunk
I’m nervous letting my 10 year do it, but I do. Some kids roll a lot in their sleep, can easily fall an get hurt. I definitely wouldn’t put a child under 7 on top.
Mine got theirs when they were 3 and 4. We never had any issues and theyre 6 and 7 now
I’m that crazy helicopter mom and bunk beds are a no go in my house. My two girls have a king sized bed with the railing around it and they kick the railings off in their sleep and fall off the bed. It’s maybe a foot off the ground. They are 2 and 4 my two year old cant walk down stairs yet and my 4 year old is smart but does not think things through. They would break their necks on bunk beds. They are restless sleepers though, they move all over their bed all night long
My boys were 2. Only one was allowed to sleep up top cuz the other was a roller. We never once had a problem. Of course during the day they were watched and not alone in their room so they weren’t up on top playing around. They did this until 12.
My girls are 4 and 6 and they have junior loft beds
Mine was around 3-4 it had the bars around the top bunk and I put pillows on the floor just in case for a bit. I had to remove the bean bag in the room though bc my middle daughter was a dare devil and decided she wanted to jump from the top and land on it. Luckily it was during the day!
I was 14 in my bed. Climbing up and down was annoying to. To the bathroom half asleep. I fell a few times. So … Idk maybe my experience is talking for me but anything is possible at any age.
4 or 5 was when i let mine do the top bunk
Psh not til she was 8 and she still is dangerous with it🤦♀️
Little young i think.
My daughter is 2 she wont sleep in the bunk bed but she can get up and down it by herself she is still sleeping with us in our bed but its my sons bed anyway but she plays up there with him everyday
My son just turned 2 he climbs on his sister’s
We had bunk beds when my guys were 2 and 5. Youngest was on the bottom and he would always try to climb to the top. We had to keep taking him down or giving him crap about it or telling him he will break his tiny head. Lol. Took a few months but he understood. He never slept on the top bunk. As long as ur guy isn’t a big roller…it should be fine.
It depends on the child, and how they sleep. If you think itll be a danger, don’t out it up until you are confident are both safe