When should kids start going to the dentist?

at what age do yoy start taking your little ones to the dentist? my son is almost 10 months old …


You can take them when they get their first teeth, I waited until my little one had all of them xx

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Whenever they get their first tooth. Or your doctor will say around 1.

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My pediatrician told us about 3 is a good age.


I waited until 12 months

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My dentist said typically it’s when they have all of their teeth or 2 years old which ever comes first. Unless you have concerns.

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I took my baby at 10 months. She had 8 teeth at that time.


As soon as they have teeth


My daughter didn’t go till she was 5.


As soon as they get a tooth. The dentist checks the gums also!

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As soon as he got his first tooth.

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When they get teeth is what the dentist told me. At least 4 tho

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As soon as they have teeth

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my son is 2 i haven’t done that yet :expressionless::woman_facepalming:t2:


From 2, every 6 months to get them used to the process

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5 minimum. Unless there’s a concern. My oldest is 9 and never been. Her teeth are fine, no concerns at all.


As soon as they have teeth


Dentists in pa say 3 yrs old


We arent taking him until 3 years old. We brush twice a day and he only has 6 teeth.

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Our dentist doesn’t see them til they are 3.

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I went firstly around 5-6 years old.

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I think about 2 or 3 years old then they get use to the dentist and then they not scared to go

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In idaho they told me 3 but when i got to montana they said no they start at 6 months just call the local dentist and tell them your insurance and they should be able to tell you when you can start.

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In NC its 6 months. We started taking them at this age.

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When they start getting teeth.

I was just at the dentist for myself and he told me around 3 years old, but brush those teeth as soon as they start coming in :blush:

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I took both of mine around 3 years. Milk and bottles can do a number on their teeth, and cavities can be hard to notice. As early as possible in my opinion.

We started at 2, and they see her every 6 months (no issues with her teeth so it’s just check ups)

2 and I should have taken him sooner. I’ve been brushing and flossing his teeth for him since he’s had them and he has still gotten cavities :sob:

My 15 month old has her first appointment in 2 weeks

In NC its after the first tooth like around 6 months

I’m a dental assistant, we suggest as soon as their first tooth comes through. We’ve found that younger kids are having more cavities. So the earlier, the better


There’s no correct age. Take them as soon as they get teeth whenever that age may be. The younger the better to get them used to the dentist so they won’t freak out as much

My son was 15 months when he first went… they say to take them once they get teeth… he is 3 never had cavities, strong healthy teeth and he lets them do whatever they need to do

I called my local children’s dentist and set up an appointment for my almost 2 year old and asked them about my 8 month old and they said to bring them as soon as they start getting teeth.

18 months ish, with all 6 kids.

I did with the first teeth. Thdn its a few years - 2 or 3, you go back.

I wanna say she was less that a year but she just got used to it and they counted teeth. Now she’s almost 3 and opens right up and helps them count

Once they get their first tooth

6 months or first tooth

Around where I live they won’t see a kid til they are 3


Mine were all around 1 year. My last two had 4 teeth by 3 mos so I wasn’t going that early lol. They are almost 3 and 18 mo now and have perfect teeth

When they get some teeth cut. It’s never too early …making it routine is a good thing. My 3 all like going to the dentist. My first was a little under 2 yrs. My second was probably 10 months and my 3rd was about the same.

I think it’s crazy that alot of people don’t Know this.

Ask the pedi, because every child is different depending on when their teeth come in, so there isnt a “correct” age.

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My dentist said not until 2. Because before that there’s not much to look at or that they can do.

Our family dentist won’t take them until they are 4 years old, unless they have a family history of weakness or enamel issue, or have a referral from their pediatrician. Our pediatrician checks for signs of decay and applies varnish at yearly well visits.


My pediatrician says 1 year

I went to the dentist office that in the community health clinic(children clinic,dentist clinic,women’s clinic and few doctors offices in one building) when I was getting some WIC papers for both of my kids and they accept children at one year old and up.

I’m a hygienist and we see children as soon as they have their first couple teeth.

My pediatric dentist told me as soon as they get they’re first tooth. Or even sooner. Most others always told me there was no point in bringing them until the loose their baby teeth. I didn’t know they would see them that early and my youngest living was 2 for her first visit.

Our pediatric dentist says age 2 unless there are issues.

I think it depends on the dentist. Some will see them sooner than others. My kids dentist didn’t see them until age 3. They said not unless I believe there’s an issue or are having tooth pain or something.
None have had cavities yet (thankfully) my daughter (3) has yet to go. But has had no issues. Her pediatrician looks at her teeth at each check up as well and I’ve made it a habit for all 3 of mine to brush 2x a day.
If you’re concerned, call around and see if you can find a dentist that will see your child. My daughter will have her first dental check up soon since she’s now the age they recommend.

I’ve taken my son since he was 3 weeks old.