When should someone you are dating meet the kids?

Depends on how committed he is to you. Does he ask about them? Does he want to meet them? Does he talk about the future yet? Theres a lot of questions to ask yourself.


Tbh I feel like your kids are old enough to understand what’s going on. And for the 10 month old it’s not really going to matter. I’d say discuss with him when you think is a good time. I would give the dating at least a few weeks so the two of you get to know each other. Then have the discussion. Bc if he meets them and there’s a negative reaction or he’s not good with them, then you don’t want to have wasted valuable time with him if he’s not good with your kids. That would be a deal breaker for me.


I personally would wait… if things don’t work out, then you’re the only one taking the hit… the kids don’t need to suffer the loss also. In the time you two are waiting to meet them, get to know his thoughts on kids, talk about them, see how he reacts. Feel him out so to speak. Then when you do introduce them, he’ll know some about them. Bring him in slowly… mom’s friend is gonna come for movie night. Mom’s friend is bringing us pizza tonight… Mom’s friend is coming to hang out… if things go well, hang out more often… then, mom’s friend is her boyfriend… etc…

My ex hasn’t introduced our shared child to his girlfriend of almost 3 years. She’s 7 now.
If it was that long, that’d honestly be a red flag to me. A year sure, three is 🤷 but it’s still new, it could wait

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Make sure you’re serious first. I can’t tell you how many guys my mom dated and was so adamant we meet and then they were gone shortly after. I never called them by name. Mostly because they were never around long enough to remember. My mom was convinced though that my brother and I were good at reading people since we were the ones that found out our dad was cheating.

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Someone needs to proofread this post…“15 girls”??? “18 boys”???


I was always wary with my son as a single mom.
I found it best to wait a few months for that “honeymoon” stage to wind down a little.
Plus, I feel that a child will create the “normal” relationship based on what they witness from their parents, so for that reason, I usually waited a few months. I didn’t even have my guy friends around my son as to not confuse him.

A year! I know that sounds like a long time but, from experience recommend waiting as long as possible


My man and I are still waiting and we have been together for a while
One he has crazy BM’s and I dont want to deal with that and we both know children get attached quickly. So we are slowly doin it. He has met my son tho it’s just my personal choice to not engage. Due to the crazy BM’s

Id let them meet n see how they get along. I met my stepson a month after i got with my husband he was 4 months old and weve been together almost 6 years

Your kids are old enough, ask them how they feel.


Nobody meeting my kids unless there is some life changing status. Don’t see the need. Date, have fun, and keep your kids out of it. Just my opinion but my kids aren’t wondering what happened to anyone lol

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Kids are fragile and if you manage the situation with the required tact, they will be OK, chat to them, one step at a time, good luck​:rose::revolving_hearts:

I would wait long enough that you know him well and know he is a good guy. Your first priority should be protecting your children. Make sure it is something that has a good chance of lasting. In the mean time let them know you are dating and feel them out about how they feel about that. Give them time to adjust to the idea of you having a boyfriend before introducing him. I think you take it is one step at a time. Your children’s feelings do matter in this.


I personally would wait until things are more solid or a future looks more certain. Even tho your children are older, kids tend to get attached to people easily so at least if things were to not work out (best wishes that they do if you’re happy) no harm is done. But that’s only my opinion! You do what you feel is best for you & your children. Best of Luck to you! :relaxed:


I started dating a man with 2 little kids (he’s my husband now…10 yrs later). I requested I DIDNT meet the kids. I wanted to get to know him and date him with no children involved! It was GREAT!!! After 1 year we decided it was time! We have 5 kids total now! I would highly highly recommend waiting!!!


At least 6 months. When you know its serious. “Seeing someone” is still juts an infatuation and no nees for any kids of any age to be on an emotional rollercoaster

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Tell him you have kids, but its too early to introduce.

Does he have kids I think you should get to no him well does he have a plase or does he intend to live with u to much to find out it’s like you get Rose’s or a gift here and there get together that most of the time stops so get to no things first

For 1 a month isnt long enough to know someone. I would wait a year possibly to see what he is like.

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I think at your kids ages, you can sit down and talk with them and ask them how they feel.

Let them know you’re dating, and ask if they want to me him or how they feel about it.

I think I was 12 when my mom started dating after my dad. She sat down with me and my younger brother (2 at the time) and told us she’d been dating someone and if we’d like to meet him.


Steve harvey says 90 days lol


This is something that is different for everyone. I was officially with my fiance for 3 weeks before my kids met him. They were 3 and 5. That was almost 5 years ago. I felt it in every inch of my being that he was “my person” so there was zero hesitation for me.

However, it is different for everyone! You’re kids are old enough to have a say. Ask how they feel.


The day I met my now husband, was when he met my kids. He wanted to meet them and hang out with them to see how they would react to him and what not. He did not want a relationship with my unless my kids accepted him as well. So like many in here have said, your kids are old enough to know what they want. Ask your kids’ opinions and see when they want to meet him. Also ask you new bf and see when he wants to meet your kids. Give all parties involved a choice in the matter so they don’t feel pressured one way or the other.

18, 15, and 10 are old enough to understand you are dating. Personally, I wouldn’t wait for introducing them to each other.


Everyone has a different opinion, and a different view. I for one did it right away. Our first outing was with our children. And then we went on our first date without kids. But we wanted to be sure the kids would get along as well as me with his kids and him with mine. We have been together 3 years now, have a child together and got married last year. YOU are their mom. Only YOU can make this decision for YOUR kids. I think they’re old enough. But it’s how you feel. If you’re in doubt, definitely wait :heart::heart:

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I totally read this as she had wayyy more kids than 3… But yes I think a year is acceptable but it really depends on you and how you feel about it

1 year. And when they do interact with him, they should call him by his surname. Ie Mr. Jones until that man has earned the right. Revolving parental relationships are detrimental to developing children.

TBH, I think you’ll know. There will be no questioning. It’ll just feel right.