When should you not send a sick kid to school?

What’s the rule of thumb when your kiddo is sick and they go to school? He’s 5 and goes to school for 4 hrs.

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If they are sick you shouldn’t send them at all


Puking or fever (also diarrhea) no kids wants to accidentally shit there pants at school

(Now I will say if my kids are complaining of body aches or stomach or headache for a couple days straight i will let them stay home and watch how their behaving at home and if there playing then obviously they can be at school 95% of the time the are in room in bed sleeping whatever Is the matter off)

If they’re feeling unwell. That’s it.


never sent my son to school when he wasn’t feeling well. Luckily it wasn’t often


Has fever
Throwing up

Also depends on your child school policy. If it a little cough, most school will let you send the child.


Stays home if there is a fever, they are throwing up, or have diarrhea… If it is just a cold, they are going…


I used to keep mine home if he was sick but since there are so many other selfish parents sending their sick kids an getting everyone sick, I just do it too unless he’s throwing up or has a bad fever.

stay home if a fever for sure


School rules are generally vomit- fever-, and medicine-free for 24 hours before returning.


Why would you send a sick kid to school?


So I send my kids to school if they have a runny nose (they have that pretty much until school ends in the summer) same with a small cough. I’ll send them if they have a single diarrhea episode. Sometimes they’ll have diarrhea especially if my son had dairy. They stay some if they have a fever, throwing up, or are obviously sick.

No fever for 24 hr has always been the rule

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If they’re feeling unwell

All the schools /nurseries by me say

Do not return until child has been fever. Vomit and diarrhea free for 48hrs


He’s five keep him home he’s not missing anything… Why infect anyone else


It was fever, migraine, stomach bug for my kids. Although, as they got older if they needed a mental health day, they took that too.

If there is a fever, rash, or body fluids leaving the body that shouldn’t be.

Fever, diarrhea/vomiting, lethargic stay home or when Mom feels it’s necessary

If he has a fever, vomiting or diarrhea don’t send him. He would need to be fever and symptom free(no vomiting or diarrhea) for 24 hours before he can return. If it’s a cold or little bit of cough then you can send him.

Don’t send them sick. That’s it. Think of the immune-compromised kids who can get seriously ill from catching a cold. It’s never worth the risk.

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