When should you pack your hospital bag?

When is the best time to back your hospital bag and car seat for baby I’m not worried about it right now because I’m only 7 months right now but just curious


start packing it now, make a list of everything you might need and a few extra " comfort items" such as your own pillow or blanket.

Had mine with all 3 packed at or around 36 weeks.

I did mine in labour… :laughing::laughing: but I came home less than 12 hours later so didn’t need much :laughing:

Umm, pack now. I thought I had plenty of time at 32 weeks.


I’m 36 weeks, and packed mine last week

Start packing it now. That way you can add or take stuff from it as you go. I have been getting mine ready since 28 weeks. I’m now 36 weeks and I’m just finalising everything in there.

I gave birth at 7 months, honestly never too early to pack one lol

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Had mine packed at 30 weeks baby came at 34 weeks .

Anytime in the last 6 weeks xx

I packed mine and car seat in at 28-30 weeks 4 out of 5 of my babies were premature so I always made sure I was ready just never know when you will need it

Now. Also, don’t forget chapstick

Unpopular opinion: 34 weeks

I’ve seen women need emergency induction a month early or went into spontaneous labor a month early. Better to have a bag that someone else can run and grab easily for you

Pack hair ties and your favorite chapstick. Glasses/contact supplies.

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I would say a week before your due date at the LEAST

I went in for my 34 week check up and they sent me to labor and delivery. I panicked because I had nothing with me. Thankfully they ended up sending me home. I packed a bag and got the car seat ready that day. I had her 3 days later, at almost 35 weeks.

Right now…not all babies wait until their due date, better to be prepared early and not need it than to need it and not be prepared

If you’re having any complications whatsoever such as high blood pressure, go ahead and pack it now. They put me on bed rest at 27 weeks, and I stayed on bed rest from then until 34 weeks when they did an emergency csection and my blood pressure still escalated to stroke levels being on straight bed rest. It never hurts to have it in your car just in case.

I’m doing it at 30 weeks (so in two weeks) my last baby came at 35 weeks so I’d rather be prepared lol

My first, I packed once I got an induction date at 41 weeks. My second I never did, I had nothing but my charger. My third, when started nesting around 36 weeks (I had a c-section scheduled for 37+4).

Packing mine at 35 weeks this weekend.