What age do you start talking to your kids about the birds & the bees?I have a 13 year old & I’m lost on how to begin the conversation or what to say to her.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When should you talk about the birds and the bees with teens? - Mamas Uncut
My daughter is 4½ and she already knows most of it. I decided to just be honest from the beginning & avoid having a big awkward talk. I answer questions as they come up.
My daughter and I started talking about that around 8-9ish a little before her period came. She’s almost 13 now and still has questions here and there so thankfully she’s communicating openly
In the world today if you’ve left it till 13 I’m sure she would already know
Now. She likely knows all about it… sit her down and ask her what she knows and go from there. Give her as much info as she wants, correct any misinformation she has, and try to make her feel comfortable about talking to you about it. I really hope you’ve already discussed periods, a large percentage of girls start theirs by 13.
Better start soon - I’m sure she and her friends are already whispering together!!
Years ago… This world I’m sure a 13 yr knows from other kid’s, online,movies etc. I would be doing it asap to make sure they know the correct information. I have always answered any questions correctly so they always knew more and more as they aged.
My daughter is 13 next year. We have already had that conversation as we discussed it when we spoke about periods when she was 10/11yrs. No doubt she will already be discussing it with her friends. Go slow, follow her lead. Discussion needs to be had. No need to be awkward. It’s a natural normal necessary topic to discuss. If you need assistance do some googling. There is plenty of advice on the subject. Don’t stress it will be all good. The big topic at the moment is consent. Teaching her what consent is a big part of teaching sex education to children. Giving her the tools to control her own body and who touches her with her permission. There’s some great books out there for teens. Although my daughter knows everything and hasn’t read her one that much
When they start asking… better to get the right info from an adult instead of the older kids on the back of the bus. They make books specifically for that. They are even filled with content on an age basis.
Now mama, especially if she has started her cycle. You don’t wont to be a grandmama early do you?
She probably already knows some things. I started when my girls were like 9 or 10, my 6 year old knows a little tiny bit- only because she’s asked some questions
You should have done it already. I’m sure she knows. Our school already had it in 4th grade.
Honestly, you should speak to them when they’re old enough to understand what’s being said to them with all the risks and consequences involved. Take it from me, my husband and his ex didn’t talk to their kids and his 15 year old is just out there being careless and not understanding what he’s gotten into.
Honestly my daughter is six and we just had that talk. She asked me how babies were made. So I told her.
I waited till my daughter had her 1st period at 12. I then told her about reproduction and asked if she had any questions. She looked me straight in the face and said,”I already knew all that.” Lol
My daughter is 11 and I’ve already talked to her about it. Her doctor recommended it start the conversation at 10.
I was pregnant with a five year old so she got a brief talk about how it happened
Long time ago! At 13…she probably knows more than you think! I did at around 8…when they start asking is a good time!
13 is late for the basics, though kids learn a lot of inaccurate information from friends. Planned Parenthood has some good resources on having this discussion.
When were you told. Was it to soon ? or to late ?
You should’ve started around 8 or 9
Even if she didn’t start puberty that you young I can assure you some of her friends did and she had to learn things from them
I would just ask if she has any questions for you about it. She’s had health/sex Ed by now. Have you not ever spoken to her about your period and the significance of it? Not being crass, but she knows about it but may have questions. Good luck
Since you’ve left it so late to start id save you and your daughter some embarrassment and get her some books. Tbh she probably knows it all by now lol. They get sex Ed from 5yo in school now
Personally I introduced it around 7/8 yrs old, age appropriately
If she’s 13 There’s a big possibility she has already been exposed to said subject. Just educate her and don’t sugar coat anything. I’m talking safety, stds and unplanned pregnancy