I’m 22 weeks pregnant today with my 2nd child 1st child is a teenager. I started feeling him move and kick a lot lately but there will be hours of nothing. It seems today he is less active than normal. Am I suppose to feel him move every hour? How often do other moms feel their little ones at this stage? 2nd part… I got my husband to put up the baby’s crib yesterday in our room and I noticed it stunk awful but I just thought it was because it was new and I’m overly sensitive to smells then I slept in there all night and then my anxiety kicked in and I googled why it smelt and it’s the mattress releasing toxins and chemicals in the air called off gassing… I panicked could I have harmed him by breathing it all in all night? The crib and crib mattress has now been placed in our storage unit to air out for a few weeks to be safe. Thanks and please no rude comments.
Mine usually is in spirts. They sleep a LOT. He will move here and there. But, his bewitching time is between 3 and 6 am. You can do a kick count to make sure you have active movement. But, they sleep the majority of the day. If you suspect something is off- get checked.
I’m also 22 weeks and experience the same thing… But I guess its normal
Your fine! Your very early still, minimal movement is beyond normal. You can’t harm him from that it would be one thing if you were breathing in chemicals all day and all night like acid or bleach.
I was told its common to not have reliable movements before 25 weeks
I didnt feel a whole lot at 22 weeks now im 34 and he never stops moving lol im sure you sleeping in there was perfectly fine
After eating try to see if you can stimulate some movement. If you cant time out how long you don’t and ask your dr if its normal. Is it an old bed? Why is it giving off toxins?
It’s normal! You are early to have to count, it should be random
My doctor said it is normal at 22 weeks to feel your your baby moving and then go a couple hours or so before feeling it again. She said that around 24 to 26 weeks is when you will feel constant movements that you will be able to continuously feel. She said for me not to worry if I go a few hours without feeling them. But I already knew this as I’m currently pregnant with my fist child and I am 30 weeks and 1 day.
Try lieing down on ur left side might feel them moving around slightly more but quite early still at 22 wk and im sure all normal xx
Baby is sleeping. I’ve experienced this
As long as you feel him once a day, you’re good.
As you get along you will feel more of the smaller simple movements instead of just the big ones thats why they dont push a kick count until later on
When I was worried about inconsistent movement at that time my doctor told me to drink something sugary like orange juice, and lay very still in the tub. The baby moving will cause the water to ripple. I wouldn’t worry too much. Easier said than done though!
When I was pregnant with my 11 month old (almost 1 yr) when I drank something cold she would move you can try that but they usually sleep alot if you are worried go to the doctor.
You are only 22 weeks give it time… And no offense but if you are going to freak out about a new mattress smell like this… It’s going to be a long draining pregnancy for you if you are going to worry about every little miscellaneous kind of stupid thing. Relax honey
May just be the barrier of bad news but out of all 4 of my pregnancies. The one who did not reliably move for hours at a time is the one who was still born.
Babies sleep in the womb. Totally normal to not feel much for an hour or two.
22 weeks is really early to start counting kicks. I honestly never kept track with either. Just knew if he (both boys) moved a couple times every few hours, all was well. With my 2nd I did go through about 11 hours around 32 weeks with no movement at all. That was worrisome but we found out he was trying to flip & just stayed where he was the whole day lol . Drinking some cold water, orange juice or eating a sweet snack may prompt baby to move a bit. Its common for them to go through long naps in that comfy belly right now. But if YOU feel worried its better to ask a dr or be seen sooner than latet.
I only felt my baby move at night when I wasn’t moving around. Take a deep breath. You can call a nurses hotline if you’re still worried but try and stay away from harsh chemicals <3
I bought an at home fetal heartbeat monitor and it was the best money I ever spent for easing my worries when he wouldn’t move all day. Sometimes you can find used ones for under $30
I think u start counting baby movements at around 30 weeks but if u feel worried at any point please go and get baby checked to put ur mind at ease xxx
Drink ice cold water… Use a flash light on yr belly… Use music on ph to yr belly… Theses will get thm moving… Or eat fruit or something…
He’s still pretty small. As long as you feel hin a few times a day, you’re fine
He is quite small yet. Dont stress yourself out.
I have a doppler because my placenta is anterior. He is moving up a storm and has been for weeks now. I’m just about 21 weeks and sometimes I don’t feel much. When I feel like I haven’t felt him in a while I just listen to him on the doppler. He is a gymnast.
It’s normal! I am 23 weeks and some days the LO is more active than others. I believe it is 26 weeks when you need to start counting kicks!
Hayden was lazy. She constantly had me scared to death. I had lost 5 babies before being able to carry her to term, so EVERYTHING worried me. I would be at work and go into the kitchen and shake my belly to try to get her to move. Apparently me running all day (urgent care nurse) rocked her to sleep . She didn’t sleep EVER when she came out though. She was almost 3 before she slept through the night.
You should seek out the advice of your OBGYN if you are this concerned, not the advice from Facebook. Better that way if you are concerned otherwise you are going to cause problems by stressing so much.
It just means your baby is really active that much at 22 weeks I felt him more at 30 weeks
Babies sleep, your not that far along eat something sweet I used to lay down on my left side and feel baby kick all the time.
Lay on your left side and concentrate on nothing but feeling movement. It could just be your busy and not noticing them if you still can’t feel any movement I would go get checked. Better safe than sorry
In utero babies rest a lot! If you feel something most days you should be fine. Great you are outgassing the mattress; one day of breathing fumes certainly won’t hurt anything. Cheers to you on your baby-to-be!
I’m 22 weeks with our 4th.
She’s still small, and I don’t worry when I don’t feel her.
When we move around, they might sleep. When we rest, they might be more active.
When you get to be around 28 weeks, they like you feeling the baby more
PlEaSe nO rUDe ComMeNtS
My son did the same thing. If you are worried, don’t feel bad if you want to go get it checked out