I am pregnant have to book a doctors appointment to confirm it but when is a safe time to tell people?
Whenever you feel comfortable
If you’re superstitious, they say to wait until the 3rd trimester
I waited till I was 3 months
There really is no safe time ut risks of MC go down at 12 weeks.
I had a stillbirth at 30 weeks and my rainbow came healthy at 39weeks via elective induction and I told right away with both babies.
I told everyone at 6 weeks hahah
Whenever you’re ready & comfortable. I waited 12wks with my first & 15wks with my second
Whenever you’re ready congrats mama
I waited till 12 weeks but to b sure nothing happened
Wait until 2nd trimester
I waited until about 14 weeks
There is no “safe time”
Chance of losing the baby goes significantly down at 12 weeks so most people wait to announce until then. I told everyone as soon as i found oht i was pregnant with my son (my first pregnancy) then after 3 losses I didn’t tell anyone except immediate family until I was almost 20 weeks with my current pregnancy.
After the first trimester
12 -14 weeks I think is a safe time
The risk of miscarriage goes down significantly at 12 weeks. But pregnancy is risky business. Because of this we told our parents before the 12 week mark, and slowly began telling loved ones after that. We wanted support and love for if we did lose our baby. I think I told my boss before we told anyone outside of our parents.
Whenever you’re comfortable!
We waited till After the gender scan to announce it.
Congratulations Mama I’d wait until you’re 14 weeks they say get passed your first trimester…
Family and close friends right away anyone else I waited till my first ultrasound
When you’re comfortable but would recommend getting through the first trimester first. If you’re going to tell people I would tell immediate family as in your parents and then everybody else after first trimester. Congratulations
Ultimately it is up to you but a lot of people wait until after the first trimester
Don’t tell. Let them figure it out.
I told people immediately. For co-workers it was to let them know why I was tired or had bouts of mirning sickness PLUS by boobs became huge within 8 weeks. My family was told right away. I had been trying and gave up for over 10 years. If I miscarried, I still would need the support
I had miscarried twice before one in my 4th month so I waited till I was 6 months to tell everyone girl it was so hard but when you feel comfortable but they say don’t buy anything until your second month just superstition…
When you see or hear heartbeat.
A lot of people wait until after the first trimester (14 weeks), but we told everyone a week after we found out. It’s basically just whatever you’re comfortable with!
There is no safe time as u can lose the baby at any time. I always tell people after I get a blood test to confirm it even after my loss at 36 weeks.
Whenever you want. I told people before I ever even took a test. It depends on what you’re comfortable with
I always tell early! I love baby from the two positve lines and no matter what happens its my child!!!
We told our immediate family pretty quickly and then waited until the end of the 1st trimester before telling anyone else. Ultimately, it’s up to you though and anytime that you choose is truly acceptable. Congratulations!
Traditionally (in other words, the olden days), we waited until 5 months. If a pregnancy is destined to miscarry, it happens prior to 5 mos. So after THEN, you’re secure in anticipating a live baby! Same time frame for baby shower dates, too.
We wait until the 2nd trimester
We told immediate family after our first ultrasound and everyone else at the end of the first trimester
Whenever you want to, Mama! I think some people want to avoid people knowing if they miscarry but that’s totally up to you. I told the exact moment I peed on the stick.
I told people when I was 13 weeks a.k.a as soon as I got out of the 1st trimester but I knew instantly cus I always knew when my periods came and I was 2 days late and took a test… I found out last year on mothers day! It was so hard not to go around telling people since it Was Mothers day!! But it’s better to wait I’ve seen girls post about being pregnant then miscarrying and… u dont wanna be that girl…
My first I announced when I got the positive test, I lost my baby about a week after I announced…this time I waited until 13/14 weeks. I’m almost 27 now
After 12 weeks, the chances of miscarriage drop after 12 weeks
I told immediate family once I found out. Announced it to everyone else once I hit my 2nd trimester
I told people almost immediately. most people seem to wait til 12 weeks
You’re never really “safe” during pregnancy as anything could happen. But In saying that the usual announcement happens around the 12 week mark.
Whenever you want to announce it you can.
Yes we waited 12 weeks.
After you’ve had it confirmed. Or after the 12 week mark if you prefer. Tell people when ever you want to tell them.
Anything can happen at any time, unfortunately, but after 12 weeks the risks are significantly lower so it’s best to wait until at least 12 weeks.
I never put much thought into it with my first 2 pregnancies and then I had 2 early miscarriages. The best policy is to ask yourself : “If God forbid something happened, who would I be the most comfortable with telling?” Those are the ones you tell before 12 weeks. Congrats!
After the first trimester
I told everyone before the stick was dry…although we had issues and waited 4 longggg years to get pregnant😊congratulations!
Whenever you want. Some people wait until the second trimester or after they find out the gender. I announced it the day after we found out.
After having my loss at 12, 14, 20 weeks and at birth, we waited to tell anyone about Nolan (who is 17mths now) at 18 weeks when all of our test came through safely and we did an advance ultrasound and publicly posted about it at his birth. This time we waited until 16 weeks for work and even family since we’ve lost every girl we’ve got pregnant with. We still haven’t publicly said anything and probably won’t till day of.
I would wait till 2nd trimester if you can. As someone who has had a miscarriage it’s heartbreaking to have to share bad news over and over. I am sure your baby will be fine but I tend to venture on the cautious side.
Totally up to you, I told people kinda early, but kept it off social media until 14 weeks. Whatever you chose someone will dislike it. That’s how it goes. I had people saying I was telling people too early, while others were mad I didn’t tell them sooner. There’s no pleasing everyone, so do as you wish.
I told close family after seeing two lines. I told everyone else around 9-10 weeks or so. But when you feel ready.
Well with daughter I told my mom and a few friends as soon as I found out. I was trying to avoid telling my family at all I was 17 2 months of being 18 Lol my dad didn’t find out until I was 11 weeks he received a lab test showing my test results oops lol!! And then the rest of the family found out about 13 weeks pregnant. If I have any more I honestly probably won’t tell them until I’m like 13 weeks and others won’t know until I’m later into my pregnancy.
Normally people say 12 weeks but I was too excited and spilled the beans at 7-8 weeks as soon as I got the confirming ultrasound
I told my family at 3 weeks others like more distant family at 10 weeks
I waited until I was out of my first trimester. That is normally when the safe zone begins. When I told my family before then with my last pregnancy I ended up having a miscarriage and it was more emotional (to me) having to tell everyone there wouldn’t be another baby.
After first trimester
I told people the day I had a positive test, but I made it clear that it was ONLY a positive test at the time. If you’re going to announce early, you should also keep in mind the importance of keeping those you did tell in the loop. I could’ve hidden my pregnancy until I was about 7 months pregnant to be honest, but my fiancé and I were too excited and couldn’t wait🤷🏻♀️
I found out the gender (ultrasound) before I announced but I also had several miscarriages and with my son I didn’t gain much weight at all. Now a few family members knew ahead including my sister who wanted me to drink with her which normally I would so I had to.
Whenever. For my babies or all pregnancies. It was
-20 weeks
-ectopic found out at 7 weeks emergency surgery at 8 weeks
-12 weeks
-12 weeks
-found out at 4 weeks husband told a few ppl miscarried at 8 weeks
-12 weeks
They say the second trimester, lessens the chance of miscarriage. *I said lessens, don’t take it out of context *
I told family around 8 weeks and announced at 9 because we were so excited
After my miscarriage I was told I’d never conceive naturally. And I didn’t take a test until I was 10 weeks because I had no signs. But with PCOS sometimes it can be a false positive. So I did not have actual proof until I was 14 weeks and had an ultrasound. So we didn’t tell anyone until I was 18 weeks, just to be safe! I’m 29 weeks now and everything is perfect!
Whenever you feel is right. I tried to wait till after 12 weeks but when I lost the pregnancy, it was super painful to announce my pregnancy and my loss in the same breath. So I told them around 8 weeks.
Whenever you want to. I know people that have miscarried so they are cautious about it and won’t tell anyone til they are showing in fear of having to explain the loss of their baby which is understandable but there are no rules that any one has to abide by.
Well U just told people so
That’s a personal decision when you tell people but I myself would wait until 12+ weeks just because until you reach 12 weeks you are at a higher risk of early miscarriage.
I always heard after the first trimester
Honestly, and I’m not trying to sound harsh here, if something were to happen to your baby, waiting to announce your pregnancy will not prevent it. I waited until I was 12 weeks to announce and ended up having a second trimester miscarriage at 18 weeks. So next time, I will share my excitement with everyone as soon as possible, and if something were to happen, I would have all of these people to support me in my loss.