When to have another baby?

Just wanting some advice :blush: my partner and i are 32 have been together 12 years and have an amazing 7 year old who we love so much and is our absolute world!!! But i am getting to the stage where im wanting another baby!! But my partner isnโ€™t too sure ( for many reasons) which i totally get but i dont want to get to 40 - 45 and regret not having anymore!!! We have had afew conversations but i feel like he doesnt understand where im coming from :disappointed:

Tia :blush:

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communication is key. You also have to fully understand where HE sits. I know itโ€™s frustrating when you donโ€™t feel heard. sounds like you guys need to talk some more. keep in mind tho, you cannot force him into having another child. itโ€™s equally unfair. same as if he were forcing you into a decision like that. keep talking it out with him. I hope yโ€™all can come to an understanding with each other.

I donโ€™t really have any specific advice other than communication. What I can say with certainty is that you still have time. I had my first at 37, and my second a week shy of 40. Keep your chin up and hopefully the 2 of you can come to a mutual agreement.