When to potty train girls?

I have a two year old ( turned two in December ) and recently she has been taking her pants off , revealing her diaper she just can’t resist pulling down either. Poop or pee, this child does not care and will hand it to you and proceed to pee on the carpet. I haven’t tried introducing a little potty yet, looking to buy one tomorrow and see how that goes.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When to potty train girls?

I usually start when they start to walk sounds like it’s a perfect time to start tomorrow :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck momma!

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Get her some training panties!


When she starts then hurry and get her on potty. Maybe she will be ready and hoping its easy for you😊


the same as boys… whenever they are ready.

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It’s time get her started


Anytime they start showing interest is when to start

She is definitely ready!

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Both of my daughters were completely potty trained by age 2. Buy the little potty take her in to use it often. I took my daughters in with me and put them on the potty and went while they did …they were thrilled to be using the potty at the same time as mommy.

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Sounds like she may be interested. Try and see if she is. If not don’t push it. It will make her not want to.


Guess i was lucky never had to potty train my son, my 4 year old nephew lived with us, n my son who was 1 years old watched Mikey, n started using toilet,too easy n very lucky taking bottle away at 1also, no crying or fuss, believe he looked up to Mikey n trying to be a big boy like his cousin lol, n he walked at 11 mths old, not bragging just a proud mommy, my son will be 46 soon,

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It’s time. She’s ready

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My daughter started to potty train at a year and a half and fully potty trained by 2. I would take her to the bathroom with me and put her on in the potty while I went to show her and when she got that idea I took her diaper off and I would put her on it every 30 min or so until she walked to her potty by her self. She just stopped peeing the bed as well. From there on she’s been fully potty trained. She is now 4 with no accidents. Just make it a constant thing and she’ll learn really fast and get the hang of it :grin:

I trained my boys the day they turned three. I was like oops were out of diapers. I guess you’ll have to wear big boy underwear. It worked. They never had an accident because they were ready. No hurrying them to the bathroom trying to prevent an accident. It. Just. Worked. Hope this helps.

Skip the potty chair, put her on the regular toilet


My daughter turned two on Halloween and is fully potty trained. I would definitely start soon :heart:


My daughter turned 2 in November and is completely potty trained. We worked with her for a bit back in Sept and then moved so decided to wait and give it another go. Within a week she was completely potty trained with the exception of overnight

My daughter was 14 months fully potty trained…

I never used a little potty just gave her a super cute step stool she picked out and had her go on the toilet… she loved being able to do what mom did since we all know whatever mom does is better.

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I brought my girl into the bathroom with me every time. I showed her what I was doing and she just kinda converted. Never used the small potties just the ones that clip to the toilet. She’s been potty trained sense she was 2. I won’t lie some nights she would wet the bed but we don’t allow drinks before bed and that’s stopped it.

the fact that you never introduce her to a potty, of course she is going to pee on the floor !!! Let her watch you pee & tell her she can also be a big girl.

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Defiantly get her the potty and let her walk around the house without a diaper on and put underwear on her. It sounds like she’s ready, just trying to figure it out.

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Each child girl or boy is different! Try putting her on every 2 hours and have patience. Each child learns at their own pace and has to want to go, feeling pressured will not help at all. Encourage her though, she will get there. Good luck!

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If you read to daughter and she likes books, get some about little kids going to potty. It helps set the stage.

She doesn’t like being wet. My daughter was the same and she potty trained in three days. She had been dry at night for a several months.

Sounds like she’s ready. I introduced all three of mine to a little potty at 12 months. Just let them sit on it with clothes still on usually when I was already in restroom. Oldest two were potty trained by 18 months. Youngest was almost three years old before she was potty trained. Each child is different. They’ll let you know when they’re ready.

I say get her the potty and see how it goes. My daughter just turned 2 in Nov and we’re still working on it. If I put underwear on her or let her go pants less she just goes on herself and sometimes tries to play in it. Sometimes she’ll pick at her diaper and sometimes she could care less. For some reason she’s not keen on wearing pull ups so I’ll have to find her some training under wear that feel more like regular underwear.

I still put her on a small potty when I go and first thing in the morning when getting her outta bed. Yesterday I got lucky and she peed on the potty, but I don’t think she got the association. I also let her flush the toilet after I’m done going. Just take your time with it. Don’t let other people pressure you. If you push too hard it may backfire and she may not want to do anything at all with potty training.

All three of my babies were potty trained before 14 months and they did it by their self didn’t like wet pants

whenever they are showing signs they are ready and def sounds like she is showing those signs. my daughter basically started potty training herself at 18mnths (she wasn’t actually fully potty trained for quite awhile but she started on her own at that age)

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When to potty train girls?

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My daughter was 18 months. We tried at a year didn’t want anything to do with it. Tried again each month after then at 18 months she said she had to go potty she went and was potty trained from then on. Except for at night.

I trained my lady in the summer just gone
She’s 2 and now trained
Still in night time nappies

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My 1st daughter was just over 2. Was fully trained day and night by 2.5years old

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I was around 18 months fully trained. I do have a 3.5 year old I’m certain will be in diapers till she’s graduating high school. She’s got some sensory issues etc so dr said it’s normal but LAWD.

I usually start around 13/14 months. Have them in pull ups for awhile after that though.

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All 3 at about 18 months old

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We did check ins off and on after age 1.5.
Officially started at almost 3.5. It’s going well

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Girls are stubborn one day they will just do it and that will be that.

at 3 years and 3 months I told my daughter that there is no more diapers in her size and she needs to pick new cute underwear. went to target and she picked my little pony once :slight_smile: she was potty trained sake day lol never had accident! no mess or stress

Started introducing the potty to all of mine at the age of one (they all was walking by then) all was fully trained by 18 months except my last baby is now 2 as of Aug and just now the last month been fully trained.

About 3yrs we started but showed the potty told what to so got the idea

When they show signs they are ready