What age to start potty training a boy? My son just turned 1 on February 27th and I’m trying to remember when is a good time to start potty training. My last round with this was almost 11 years ago and I can’t remember when I started with him.
When they start showing signs of readiness, telling you when their nappy isn’t clean. Usually around the age of 2 x
I have 3 boys and every single one of them started when THEY were ready. There’s no point forcing it. Trust me I tried. Introduce it to him and show him how it works. He will start when he’s ready xxxxx
When they start showing signs of readiness
Potty chair with Cheerios in it/water to float pee and shoot the Cheerios
I introduced the potty to all my kids at 18 months and if they seemed interested in potty training we started then but if they seemed to have no interest I waited til they where two and then began potty training. My first boy was potty trained for the day by two and night by three, my daughter was potty trained for night and day before she turned two, my second son was more difficult to train for the day but never had an accident at night but was still potty trained for both by three. My youngest son is 18 months now and will tell me if his diaper is soiled and he’s only moderately interested in his potty and only if his daddy is involved because he’s a daddy’s boy so I’m probably going to wait a little while longer for him to seriously start training. The biggest thing is making sure they are ready and on board and that you allow them to take as much time learning as they need and you have a lot of patience because if they feel rushed or pressured or think you’re upset with their accidents it can cause serious bathroom anxiety later on. Trust me that is not fun for anyone when they start school lol good luck!
When he’s ready. My son’s 3 1/2. Still In pullups.
I have four kids. I had all mine potty trained by age 2. 3 at the latest with neighbors boy because they started late.
Remember if they cannot wipe themselves they are not potty trained. Don’t tell me your kid was potty trained at three and you still wiped their butts. That’s not potty trained. A 2 yr old can be taught (let me say that again for those in the back . CAN BE TAUGHT) How to wipe themselves.
I’ve potty trained my four kids over a weekend. I trained kids I baby sat for. And kids on my day care class.
I started all 4 of my boys at age 2, they all showed signs of interest by that time. I introduced the potty to them earlier though so they could get an idea of what it was but 2 was when we actively tried.
When he is ready. He will let you know.
Whenever you are ready. Readiness is a myth spread by disposable diaper companies. Personally i think it’s easier when they are younger because they get more defiant as they get older which can make it harder. This is a great group to join for great potty training advice no matter when you start… Potty Learning Support (from birth to independence)
My son let me know, he was 2 years and 9 months, he trained in 2 days, “oh crap” method
We started at 2 1/2 when he started showing interest in the potty/bathroom but he didn’t become full potty trained until a little after 3.
Depends on the kid and their readiness. I tired at 2 with my boy and he wasn’t ready. Tried a couple more times but he was finally ready at 3.5 and it only took a few days.
When he’s ready. Pushing it to soon may have you struggling for years.
I started with my son on his first birthday. I’d bring him to the bathroom with me and put him on his potty while I went on the big potty. Soon he started running to the bathroom when he had to go. He won’t be 2 until April, and he’s wearing underwear most of the day with very few to no accidents. Kids are super smart. I’ve even heard of communication elimination, which is a form of potty training for literal infants. I wanna try that with my next one
I started when mine when he started walking. Was completely potty trained by 18 months.
I started at age 2, my son was stubborn and didn’t potty train till he was 3.5. I’ve potty trained other boys and age 2 and they did fantastic!!!
As soon as he turn two
I started my son just after his 2nd bday. He will be 3 in July and it’s an ongoing process. He has days with no accidents and days when he pees all over my house
Leave him till he’s showing signs of being ready. Less stressful and frustrating for both of you. Every child is different
Mine werent ready till 2 yrs. Its too hard/frustrating if they arent ready tho
Not till he shows interest. Boys are harder than girls. 2- 2 1/2 they have a better understanding. I put Cheerios in the toilet for target practice. It helps with aim. It goes flying when they don’t have something to aim at
Boys usually potty-train later.
All 3 of my older boys were between 3 & 4 my oldest was the latest my daughter was right around her 3rd birthday but idk if it was before or after or not my youngest he will be 3 in April and shows no interest
I potty trained my son at 2
Both mine were trained when they were 1. We started off putting them on the toilet during nappy changes & before baths. By then time they were 2, both were completely trained.
We started around 2 1/2 and he’s done good so far… still not doing good with #2 but he’s getting there! Melanie Tettleton since you going to see it anyway!
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We waited until they were ready. Usually between 2 & 3.
I never potty trained my son. His doctor said to let him pick his way. We put a child sized potty in the bathroom he would bring a child’s book and would call in our son. Husband would read the book to him and then they would talk about it. My son learned by watching his father, no stress. Then one day he yelled out, Mommy come see what I did. He had taken off his diaper and used the potty. He went to little boy under pants that day. It was very uncilmatic. Oh, he was just under 3. The only problem was that my husband said he did all the work and I got to congratulate our son. After that the only accident we had was after he had gone to bed with a fever. He could be forgiven for that.
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My doc said they are not mentally ready until at least 18 months.
Whenever he’s ready DON’T force it
Whenever they start walking honestly, my little brother was out of diapers by 19 months
Get a potty now and have him get used to it. Both my boys were potty trained by 16 months
Seriously you’ve had kids an don’t know
I know a mother that started potty training 7 children at 1 1/2 all out of diapers by 2. I followed her lead
6 boys here. I waited till they were ready. I knew when when they would tell me they were wet or come to me before they were wet. Potty training age range for my boys was 3 to 4. A couple barely had an accident. Some never had an accident. They were night trained quickly after being day trained.
16 month start introducing them to the potty
We started slowly at 15 months, he’s doing well hes 17 months now… will wee on the potty if naked and will tell us when he needs a poop, really slowly with no pressure when they start to show interest
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I have 6 children now. My oldest is 22 and my twins are 1. All my 4 oldest kids were potty trained shortly after they turned 1. My mom also potty trained me right when I turned one. Tbh the sooner you start, the better. What alot of these people tend to forget is babies are smart and catch on quick BUT they also get stuck with being “comfortable” with doing things a certain way. Though adaptable, they do struggle with change. If you let them get use to going in their diaper, they’ll want to continue that. Same with the bottle. There’s a window and it’s usually from 1 to 18 months that you should start trying. If not you’ll be waiting on him to “be ready ” and it won’t be til he’s almost 3. But it’s ultimately up to you.
When they’re ready? I’ve got two kids (both boys) …and here’s what I’ve found:
My youngest started showing some “signs” of readiness around 18 months. We tried to potty train him…and ended up with a lot of messes on the floor and furniture. Shelved trying. Tried again at two. Same issue. Two-and-a-half. Same issue. Then a few months after he turned 3 something just “clicked” and he just started going. Just like that. Very few accidents and almost all of them were because we were in the car and couldn’t get to a potty in time. I believe that had I just kept “pushing” he still wouldn’t have been potty trained until three…and we probably would have just created resentment and anxiety around going potty.
My oldest was very similar. He was potty trained a bit earlier but in all fairness the youngest had some stuff going on that sort of set him behind.
My advice would be to not focus on an age, but rather look for signs of interest, readiness, and foreknowledge (meaning that he shows signs of knowing he needs to potty before he actually goes potty). Then give it a try but don’t force it (forcing it will create more problems than it solved.
When my oldest was waking up from his naps dry and less wet in the mornings I put him in real underwear to see where it would go. There were a few accidents where we were running to the potty but it seemed to help make things click to feel the wetness in real underwear. Lots of praise and lot of it’s ok you are doing so good. He was trained in a week two and a half months after turning 2. We used pull ups at night and I always took a diaper bag with fresh clothes to change if there were accidents. Pulls up at night till he was almost 3. With the second boy he was dry after a long car trip, put him on a potty at the restaurant and he went like his brother and was so happy and proud! That day he was dry all day and went potty three times, we put him in real underwear and used the same method. He was harder to get to poop on the potty but still they were both trained just after turning 2 because I followed their signs, put them in underwear they could feel the wetness in, and used lots of praise and no shame.
every child is different. my guys were 10 months. my husband helped alot