When to stop worrying about SIDS?

hiya, i was wondering if you could post a question for me, it doesnt have to be anonymous unless all of the posts are.

i was just wondering at what age do you mamas stop worrying about your child suffocating while sleeping? my son is 8 months, crawls, flips both ways, and pulls up on things really well. realistically i know he will be fine, but lately hes been sleeping on his belly and it just freaks me out to see him sleeping face down into the mattress. thanks for any responses in advance!


if he flips himself on his stomach then he will be perfectly fine.

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my daughter is 16 months old and i still worry lol :sob:

My boys are one and a half, and two and a half and I still worry lol

Somehow I don’t think the worry ever goes away.


Oh god my baby is 3 months and I am obsessively anxious and paranoid about it.

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I have a 1 1/2 & 2 1/2 yr old and I still worry

I would think your safe from that concern by now you might ask your baby dr

My son is 3 and sleeps with me and I still worry lol…as a mother I dont think worry ever goes away lol

worrying is what mama’s do best

Girl, you’re a momma. You’re going to worry about them no matter how old they are. That’s just what mommas do.


Thanks for all the comments! I was the one who messaged in. I feel a bit better :rofl: ive been trying to work on it but when he’s face down in the mattress its just freaky lol

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I still worry but just watch the blankets and pillows don’t let him have any of those until he’s at least a year and a half they really don’t need it especially if I’m a good onesie reduces the risk highly. Besides that there’s not much you can do the worry will be there for awhile my sons almost 3 and I still look in his room throughout the night :rofl:

Unfortunately I don’t think you’ll ever stop worrying ( as a mom)… it could happen at any age! But the worry lessons as yes go by. I would say your ok…

My daughter will be two this year and I still worry. I believe it’s a mom thing, we will always worry.

My son is 8 and I still worry when he sleeps with blankets over his head

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Baby girl you’re always gonna worry. Just check in on them once in a while everything will be fine

If he can roll over he’s fine.

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Yeah mine are tweens and I still worry about it. Especially after I came in to my daughter’s room to find her sleeping in her giant inflatable flamingo float recently :joy:

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Mine has put a blanket near his head even in the nicu.

My worry went down a tiny tiny bit qhen my daughter turned 1 but she 2 years 3 months and i still check on her everynight and i cosleep. I asked my mom when she stopped and she said she still hasnt stopped lol

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My daughter is about to be 8 months old and started sleeping on her stomach, face down, butt up at around 6 months old. I was terrified at first and barley slept the first few nights but now I see that she was and will be perfectly fine. I also called my doctor at the time she started because I’m crazy since she’s my first baby and he laughed and said to leave her alone if that’s how’s she’s comfortable since she’s old enough already to do that. Hope that helps!!

You dont my kids are 31, 26,25 and i still worry, its just about different things

I still worry and mine is the same age as yours.
My son sleeps on his tummy, which is fine as long as they’re able to roll over without struggling.

My oldest is 13 and if he sleeps for too long I still go and check on him.

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my son is 9 and I still listen in my sleep to hear him roll over. I wake up and check if I feel like it’s been a while since I heard movement.

I feel like all mom’s never stop worrying. My daughter is almost 2 and I still freak out sometimes. Shoot I was like 16 or 17 and woke up to my mom like 2inches from my face cause she couldn’t tell if I was breathing by looking at me from my door lol so she got up in my face to feel my breath :joy: