When was birth control invented?

This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.


Sadly it was 1965 in the United States. Birth control had torn apart traditional family life. :cry:


Which one? Every time period and every culture has had their own form or method of birth control. Some worked. Some didn’t.


There is a history of condom use in Egypt in 3000 B.c. and they were made of animal skins. There are condoms found from 1640 made of animal intestines in England. First rubber ones made in US after Goodyear vulcanized rubber in 1844. In 1960 first pill approved by FDA In 1976 first IUD although for centuries women tried to make diaphragms.


Pharaoh had Hebrew boys thrown in the river. (Thus we have the story of Moses!)

Egyptian women would use a piece of copper inserted in their uterus.

Condom was invented in 1855

What kind condoms or pills?

Rhythm method has been around since the start of time

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Nit exactly sure, but I do know for a fact it was when Hillary was born


When you closed your legs​:rofl::fist:t2:

Depends which ones. Animal intestines used to be used as condoms.
And women also would plant a small vinegar soaked sponge up themselves before more traditional methods were used.

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Not soon eñough for some child who never had a chance due to non caring unloved “parents” !!


Technically not preventing conception but murdering children.

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After Nancy Pelosi was born


Condoms have been around for a long time

A Supreme Cout ruling in 1964 made it legal for women to buy birth control pill in the US. Birth control pills and other forms of birth control were only available to married women with the consrnt of their hysband before that ruling.


It’s a lot sadder to have kids you can’t afford to feed and clothe, educate and keep well.


I recall reading about birth control methods in ancient Egypt.

  1. My mother had my sister(my dad was in the army). They offered the pill and she couldn’t take it fast enough. Never missed that daily dose

It’s called google…

Well, speaking about more reliable birth control, the pill was available in the 60’s - and it was used for medical reasons other than just birth control . BUT your father or your husband had to give permission for it to be prescribed. By the 70’s when I was about to get married, I did not need anyone’s permission to get it


A long time ago when David was king in Israel. It’s called abstinence that’s why michal didn’t have any children

Then later Queen Vashti refused to enter the king’s chamber that’s when feminist movement started. No sex has always been the the popular birth control in the non compliant culture.


It was invented when one of the parties said no

There are always negatives to good things…it kept a lot if girls and women from having babies they didn’t want. Unfortunately birth control back then was issued by doctors only…so that made it unavailable to many that really needed it.
Birth control needs to be free and distributed by accessible venues. Telling people not to have sex because they could get pregnant does not work. Birth control is preferred over killing babies in the womb.


The Roman’s used a plant for contraceptive purposes so intensely it went extinct.

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Too bad it is not retro active.


June 23 1960 the pill became available

In 1960 my mom wanted to have her tubes tied after having 6 children and 2 miscarriages. There was no birth control pills. My mom had to beg my dad into signing a permission form to have the surgery . Women were not allowed to make those decisions for herself.


Yeah, go back to 1965! Give up your career, or better yet the opportunity of a career, when only males had credit and no limitations! And women had less options! Get in your time machine pleeze!!!


My mother’s generation (born 1912) even would douche with Lysol. (Yes, I am serious!). How well did it work? Well, I am the youngest of nine, although one was a step-child! :cold_sweat:


Before the pill, natural herbs, animal parts, and other means were used since pre-history. As far back as ancient Egypt they had a whole slew of different things like animal hides and fats, berry and animal fat mixtures, drugs like coca, and copper rings that were kinda like what we use today but more toxic and not as productive. In Europe they would use cloth as opposed to animal hides, however this caused very frequent toxic shock syndrome and it made it significantly more difficult for both parties to enjoy. They would also believe that inserting a coin would work which wasn’t smart. French women would soak a cloth in vinegar, which was supposed to act as a kind of spermicide, which probably burned like hell but we shouldn’t kink shame. Some countries would soak sponges or cloths in cow or sheep urine as well if I remember my history class correctly. In short, birth control has been around since prehistory, however, if you’re thinking of the birth control pill, that was created much MUCH later in the 1900s. I think it was mid 60s. But yeah. Pretty much everyone has wanted the pleasure of sex without the kids. It’s natural


After Politicians were created? :smirk:

Omg so of these questions could easily be answered by google. This site is really becoming lame smh

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The day after. Hahaha!!! No??:thinking::grin:

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That fan could have googled it.

See we I see you mother fuc k what godngot about like some it way feel about you like that mother fuck take that mother

Go to hell who or what ever what it bring fuck you all mother fuck go hella you ran to me bicth ass neg