When were your boys potty trained?

My son is a lil over 2 years old and I’m also facing this. He hates his diaper to be changed but he refuses all but once to actually pee or poop in the potty. I have absorbent underwear for him bc I can’t just let him pee all over the place lmao but I think they’re too close to diaper and he knows it. I can’t let him go commando because he has a 4 year old sister and it’s just not appropriate especially since she’s in the “explore yourself” phase of life. I’m due october 11 so I’m not excited to have 2 in diapers :sob:. I offer him potty everyday but he’d rather have a shower

My son turned 3 in March and I got him potty trained last week.

My older son was about 3.5. My little one is 2.5 and only wears a diaper for sleep.

All kids are different!!

My son was fully potty trained by 2 1/2. More because he took to it very well and less because we did “the right thing”. But it was summer and we live in a place with some privacy and spent a lot of time at camp so we let him pee outside on trees whenever he felt the need to go and then tried on the potty after a few weeks

Until he can wipe his own butt suffently he’s going with someone

Got my Lb done start of lockdown at 2 and a half, day and night. He takes him self for a wee on his own at home but needs assistance for a number 2. He doesn’t go on his own in public, tbh don’t let my daughter go alone in public and she’s almost six. Like to keep my kids where I can see them.

My son was like 2.5 months. We noticed he didn’t want to use nappies. He take it off even if it’s not wet. We don’t push him, we only show how to do it. Yes, he sees me p*ing and my hubby peing. I guess it’s okay. Until he doesn’t want to use nappies, now he calls me whenever he wants to drop bombs and he can pee on his own. And yes, we bought a potty trainer which has never been used because he doesn’t want to use it.

My son was trained by 2 1/2, my daughter about 2.

Every kid learns on their own time. And yes you take him into the ladies room with you

Mine is 5 and his lil butt comes right in the stall with me. In this day and age idk if he’ll ever go to the public potty alone :disappointed:

Yes children go with you not by themselves. My three were trained by 18 months

Mine is completely potty trained but I walk into the bathroom with them and they go into the stall by themselves.

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My son was 2 maybe 2 1/2 and potty trained hes almost 7 and I still don’t let him go in the men’s bathroom alone he goes to the women’s with me or men’s with dad


My sons 3 and been out of nappies throughout the day since about 2years old. He comes into women’s bathrooms with me etc I’d never send him alone into a bathroom at 3 even my 8 year old still comes into ladies bathroom with me.

Potty training has NOTHING to do with being smart or not. Your bladder is a LITERAL muscle that needs training.
Going into a public bathroom by themselves is something that you decide.


My first son got the hang of it right before his 3rd birthday, and I take him into the women’s restroom :toilet:. My little one is 2.5 and I’m having a harder time with him…

I had girls and they were potty trained fully by their 3rd birthday, from what I have heard boys train later. My grandson was 3 in April and has no interest, watch for signs and cooperation for that.
As for him going in to a public restroom by himself, that would depend on a lot of variables, his maturity and the location are very important. I for one have no problems at all with a young boy up to even 8 or 9 years old going into a public restroom with his mother, aunt, grandmother you can not be too careful with your child. My husband would take my girls into the men’s room(using the handicapped stall until they were 5 or 6, after that he would stand outside the door and wait for them).

My son is almost 2 (21 months) and is potty trained.

My son was 3. We did the bottomless method and hes fine he potties until bed time then wears a nappy at night and some nights is dry over night others he has accidents

They learn at different times. My daughter was 15 months old and completely out of diapers before 2, my son was 2 months after his 3rd birthday.

Your friends need to mind their business. Every child is different. Don’t compare your LO to anyone. He will show you when he is ready.


Every child is different …
I have 3 boys… My first was just over 2 when he was fully potty trained on big boy toilet. My 2 youngest show zero desire to even try…they will be 2&3 in February (irish twins)…I figure I’ll try again then and hopefully they’ll just do it together. :slight_smile: fingers crossed :slight_smile:

My son was potty trained for sure by 2… can’t remember exact age.
And I took him into the women’s with me till he was able to say no I’m going to the boys and I’d wait right outside the mens to listen for a yell :rofl:… he was about 5 I think.

With the going to the toilet in public i definitely wouldn’t at that age my son will be 6 in October and i still go with him. As for the toileting well they’re all different unfortunately my son wouldn’t go to the toilet till last Christmas so he had already turned 5 but he is diagnosed with an intellectual disability so maybe why. I was just glad he practically taught himself before he started school. Don’t stress too much about it i learnt they do it when ready :slight_smile:

My 1st son was pooping on the toilet by 1 year, but not fully potty trained (daytime) until 3-1/2. My 2nd son will be 4 in November and just wears a diaper at night, but can’t hold it very long at all during the day. Just a tip I figured out recently…take a disposable cup along if you have to drive for any distance, just pull over and let your son pee in the cup, then dump it and trash the cup when you can…this has saved me SO many trips inside nasty public bathrooms!

Tell ur friend to mind her own business ! When he’s ready he will do it ! All children are different ! There’s no set time some take longer that others

My eldest was in pants during the day from 3years old he was scared of the potty so went straight to the toilet but he wouldn’t poop unless in a nappy… lockdown has helped us and 3 weeks after his 4th birthday he’s dry even at nighttime and no accidents… each child is different everyone I knew told me he should have been dry and out of nappies at 2years old but they will tell you when they’re ready… my youngest is 2 in October but not ready yet either… don’t feel pressured hun when the times right he will do it… I still take my boy in public and in women’s… when they are with dad at the weekends he takes them into men’s… as long as they are dry during the day at primary school age then you are fine xx

My son was bladder trained at just after two but for bowels it took another 6 months. He was completely trained by two and a half. This was in the late 1980s and it was normal then. If you had a child that was not trained by their third birthday you were considered to be failing. The general rule was that the first Spring/Summer after their second birthday you put them in “big boy/girl underwear” and put them on the potty. This was a parent’s decision not a child’s. You put the child on the potty or toilet and that was it. They understood that potty training was happening. Of course some were easier to train than others. Two of my daughters trained in a couple of weeks while two other daughters took a couple of months same as my son. I work in Early Childhood and get very frustrated at potty training being delayed (Special Needs children exempted).

Do not let ANYONE determine when your child should be potty trained. He will figure it out soon so tell everyone to mind their own business! I made my son go in the women’s restroom with me until he was taller than me which was age 10. I always stood right by the men’s room door until he was about 12.

My son will be 5 in December and still isnt… hes autistic, he understand what he has to do. He pulls his pull up down, sits on the potty but won’t do anything. We’ve been potty training since he was 3… ugh…

I have 4 kids, each one potty trained at different ages. One was ready before 2 while another was almost 4. Every child is different, if you don’t feel he’s ready then dont stress and force it and dont listen to what others say. Your his parent and know hime best. Also my kids range from 9-5yrs and i never let them go to a public bathroom alone


My kids were all different ages. They go at their own pace. My son liked to hit targets when learning put a few Cheerios or fruit loops we made potty training a game. He just turned 10 and I just now let him go in the mens room in public and if my husband isn’t with me. I stay out side the door where I can hear. Yes men look at me like I’m creepin hangout by the mens room but really I’m staying where my son and I can hear each other. When my girls are with me we all go in my daughter is 8 and isn’t allowed to unlock the stall until I’m standing outside of it.


I have potty trained my 5 kids and 3 grandchildren. Everyone is different and trained at different rates. The younger girls trained early just because they wanted to be like their sister. My boys were a challenge. They just didn’t want to stop playing long enough to go. As far as the public restrooms go, do what makes you comfortable and him as well.


My son was around 2. They will have accidents for a while. You still got time to get them trained. As long as it’s done before kindergarten your fine. My sons 5 now and I make him wipe himself. He’s been potty trained awhile but he’s learning to clean himself. I don’t expect him to be perfect. I know there with be days there will be skid marks when he comes home from school.

My 2 girls practically self potty trained at 2 years old but my son wouldn’t have anything to with it and so I kept retrying every six months or so and he potty trained just before 4 years old. I agree with Jess Marie. Boys learn latter. Once he is ready we also did sticker chart, Cheerios in the toilet for aim and big boy underwear. I was also told a lot of boys train sitting down then learn to stand to pee a bit later and this was the case with my son. Good luck!! You’ll be great!!

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Tell your friends that you aren’t worried - he will be out of diapers by college. In other words, relax. He will do it when he is ready.

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Ugh. My struggle started when my daughter was you g. She started waking up around 18 months old, at night, Togo potty and them go back to sleep. Her doctor, at the time, said I was forcing her or pushing her. SHE WAS WRONG AND FIRED. Since that was my first child I listened and encouraged sleep instead of night time potty training. Now, she s almost 6 and STILL in night time pull ups🤦‍♀️

My second born, a boy, he is 4 now, but trained faster than my daughter.

To each child their own. I do t stress about it anymore.

I know my kids won’t be 15 and still being in the same situation. (Ho esrly though, you never know whT tomorrow holds)

Just take things day by day and try not to stress out.

My boy was 3 before he was potty trained. All it took was telling him he could pee on things. Like cheerios in the toilet. When he’s ready he’ll just do it & it’ll be all at once. Don’t sweat it. Like someone once told me, Have you ever seen an un-potty trained adult? Relax, it’s not a race or competition. Parent in your own style & way.

My boys were different at potty training use pull ups and every time you put on the potty praise him you can also run the water sometimes that helps too. Be patient some boys take longer

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I still take my 7 year old in with me. My first potty trained late, my second early. It just depends on the kiddo. He’ll get there when he’s ready.

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I have 3 boys and 2 girls. My oldest son was potty trained by 3. My middle son was 3 and a half before he even attempted using the potty. My youngest is 2.5 and almost potty trained. My oldest daughter is 11 and I just let her use the restroom in public without me and I wait right outside the door in the last year or so. My oldest son is 9.5 and I let him use the men’s room as long as I’m waiting right outside there door. I have no qualms opening the door and checking in him though.

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when he’s ready…same as pacifiers, bottles and special stuffed animals… not like he will wear them in college

It is ok you take your son in the bathroom with you not to go alone in a public bathroom …I don’t care what they say … do what makes you safe!

My son was 3 and my pediatrician told me not to stress if he was not fully trained. He also said the brain controls the kidneys so when he is mature it will happen

My son turned 3 a couple of months ago and we have just now had some real progress with it this week with a sticker chart! They all do it in their own timing

I have 6 boys and I started all of them at 3 and they were potty trained by 3 1/2. Boys just want to play and I don’t want to have a lot of accidents and drama because they aren’t ready.

Ignore them. Boys learn later. My pediatrician said boys typically on average don’t fully potty train till 4-5. Yes some people get their boys train sooner but the average is 4-5. Don’t push him but also take him when you go and do like a sticker chart. Don’t stress!


I potty trained my son and daughter right when they turned two- diapers are too expensive- and nasty

My son was potty trained at 2 , he was 7 or 8 before he ever used the men’s public bathrooms and then only with his dad.

Don’t rush him. Boys are slower to potty train than girls.

We started our boys at 18 months, only took a couple months for then to get the hang of it

My daughter was 2 my son 3 and my youngest son 3. All fully potty. But all kids are different

My son was 3 yrs old when he was fully potty trained (night/day)
My daughter was 20months old when she was fully potty trained (night/day)

Every child is different.

Going in alone, my son was 7

Our son learned at 2 but our daughters were closer to 3

My boy was 3. He corporated when he was ready.

When they are ready to.

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My boys were 18 months

I have potty trained girls and boys started all around 1 1/2 was usually potty trained by 2 but I didn’t try to start potty training until they started waking up dry😊

My ‘baby’ is about to turn 30… Both my children were potty trained by 2 years old. At about 18 months, each got some new unders, and neither wanted to mess them up, so training was pretty straightforward…

Finally got my son
Potty trained at 3 because I had no help from his dead beat dad. I even had to teach my son how to shave his face.

My son is 2 1/2 he will be 3 in January. We haven’t been pushing the potty. If he asks to go then we go. He tells us sometimes before he does anything but at the moment usually afterwards… Lol he does pretty well at daycare but he sees everyone else do it at the same time so he follows. Doctor told me not to worry he will do when he’s ready. I know one day he will flip the switch and say no more pullups and just like that he will be trained (so waiting for that day… Lol) but until then I am letting him go at his own pace and not push him but encourage him to go and praise him if he does go.

A little after a ur old

My son is 4 fully potty trained other then needing his butt wiped after pooping but we still go in the bathroom with him when out in public… Also every child is different dont let others compare their kids 2 yours cuz we all do things differently… I tell my son and myself this alot keep trying, dont give up, never give up…

Don’t make a big thing about, it won’t happen till their brain has developed more. When indoors let them runaround in ordinary pants, easy to get down when the urge comes.

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My son is 4 and still wears pull ups at night only. I take him into the woman’s bathroom with me everywhere I go that is needed unless my bf is with me. I have 2 girls also, so I think it’s easier that way. He goes alone at home but we are currently still working on the pooping and whiping part… that’s a little hard for them when it’s messy

Take them with you until they feel uncomfortable.
I always made mine & grands, sit on the toilet before leaving the house, they were told “you don’t have to pee but you must sit on the toilet”, they peed every time!
Pull ups are diapers, if they feel the pee they are more likely to use the toilet…
They need to learn how to wipe their own poopy butts, if not don’t send them to kindergarten or preschool, not the teacher’s job.

Boys typically take longer than girls. My kiddo is 3 and still working on potty training. Our ped said not to rush it, he’ll do it when he’s ready so I’ve stopped panicking about it.

My boys didn’t potty train until 3 years old, of course my girl was potty trained by 2 years boys seem to take a little longer just because they want to control like when they are grown LOL

My boys were fully potty trained by 3, including night time. They’re 5 and 8. I don’t let them go to the bathroom in public without my husband or me with them.

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I have two boys one who is 15 and one who is 11 both boys was potty trained by 3 however until they was fully able to wipe there own bottoms I took them in the womens room with me so I could help

My boy is 3 weeks into his toilet training, pull ups at night & must say this is our 3rd round, he turns 3 September, going well, every child is special, he will get there.

Mine trained at 2 most kids are around 3 and I always take them to the women’s and didnt let my teen go to mens without his dad till 10

I have 5 kids and all mine were trained by 3 or before 3 cause I dont like dealing with Pampers lol my 3 boys were born 1 right after another so my 2 year old has been trained since 3 months after his second birthday. I think sibling training is so much easier! It’s like my boys trained each other I just encourage him.

Have Dad take them to the bathroom when he goes.

Never let them go alone in public…there are creeps just waiting for this

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Family bathrooms are almost everywhere, a capped soda bottle will work for boys in a pinch.

Literally on his 3birthday… completely fine with diapers…all his decision too

Mine were two put in pant and out of diapers. And yes I took him in the ladies room with me

3 is good. Do it now or he will resist later. No bathroom alone.

I let all my kids try to use pamper as long as they could but they all stop using pamper at age 2 :roll_eyes:

Still took them to bathroom with me, when I went out very little

My first son was 18 months my second son was 2.5 years

All 3 of mine were 4 when they were fully

I potty trained both my boys at 2.5. Also the world is scary my 8 year old still comes to the ladies room with me.

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It’s different for all children, doesn’t matter boy or girl. My 1st son was potty trained at 2yrs old, my 2nd son at 3, almost 4yrs old. There is no right or wrong. Also when out at stores, I always brought my boys into the restroom with me. Never on their own in the men’s room, to unsafe.

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My son is 3 and a half and pees outside but not on the potty :grimacing::rofl:

My son was nearly 4. Boys take their time. The more you push them the less they want to do it. But by letting him do it when he was ready, he never wet the bed or his clothes afterwards. We tried everything. It took him being at a babysitter’s with older kids that convinced him he wasn’t a big boy as long as he was wearing a pull up.

They all have their own calendar. He is certainly old enough to be working on it. You can’t force them into happening. You can do or say things that will only make it worse. Be patient but attempt to have him out of diapers before going to school They may not be allowed in kindergarten in diapers.
Considering the evils of today on children, I would not allow my child to use a public bathroom alone. Taking a boy aged 5 or 6 to go with me into a women’s bathroom would not bother me unless his dad can take him. And even after then, I would announce as he goes in that I was waiting outside
And I hope you tell them and keep reminding them that sometimes there might be men who like to hurt children, so he should only go to a stall and do what he must and wash hands without wasting any time. Try not to frighten him, but he should know to be careful.

I’ve potty trained all 8 of my kids there all different first off when you go to the bathroom so does he until he knows what to do all completely on his own including buttons and zippers. My kids stopped themselves coming to the bathroom with me at all around 6 or 7 years of age. And yes they make night depends for children with inconsistent issues but they are strictly for nighttime only. If your child hasn’t caught on to potty training by the time he’s ready for kindergarten then by all means make sure you contact his doctor to discuss the issue. God bless and ps make sure you get him his own potty seat for the bathroom so he sits on his and you sit on the toilet

Let your friend potty train him. Boys are active creatures and usually stubborn individuals…potty training means sitting and being bored…not for 3 yr old boys…i trained 3 sons and 1 daughter. My first son was 3 exactly my second son was almost 4 and my 3rd son was 2 1/2…my daughter was 2. Every child is unique. Does he listen and follow directions for other things like putting toys away, getting dressed. You dont learn things as easily or the same way your husband or sister or friends do and you’re an adult. He’s 3 let him have his way for a bit longer. I promise he wont go to kindergarten in diapers.

All three of my boys were not fully potty trained until they were 3.

Boys physically develop the part that tells them they need to pee later than girls. Usually girls get it at about 2 and boys get it a little later. If he sleeps through the night and is dry, is usually the sign that the physical part has developed. (If he hasn’t been dry through the night I suggest a visit to a chiropractor. If their back is out of alignment it can pinch nerves that tell him he needs to go and make him not wake up to go potty or even not let him know soon enough during the day). Personally I would start using pull ups and putting him in clothes that are easy to push down himself. Maybe let daddy take him to the bathroom a few times so he sees how the boys do it. And as for public restrooms, I will let my 6 year old go in alone while I stand at the door and listen. But we live in a very rural area. In more populated areas I make him use the women’s and I stand outside the stall door. My 3 year old still goes in a stall with me. Some of those toilets are tall and hard to get up on.

He won’t go to school in them. One of my boys was almost 3 and one was 4.

1 and 7 months my 3 kids were with out diapers and night pullups before 2.

He ll do it himself when he s ready, just pŕaise him when he asks for the bathroom. Never let him in a public toilet by himself for a few years yet, you never know who s lurking in there.

My son potty trained HIMSELF at 17 months old. He took his diaper off, and he was NOT letting me put another one on him. No accidents EVER, not even at night.