When will I start showing?

When did you start showing with your second pregnancy?


3 months. I’m very small lol.

About 18 weeks for me. But I don’t think that’s typical

When didn’t I show with my second pregnancy :rofl: 4 months post partum and I’m still showing :woman_shrugging:t2:


6 months lol I blew up like a friggen balloon. One day I was tiny the next I felt like a beached whale

Early… about 8 weeks. I didn’t show with my first until 7 months

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Literally 8weeks with second and third

3 mths with my second… and 8mths with my first :joy:

Second wasn’t until middle of second trimester. This one is showing a little sooner. But he’s sitting higher as well. The last two were really low

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6months or 5months it was a long time ago 49is a long time

Like 6 weeks. But it was IVF and I think the hormones make me look pregnant earlier from bloat. It was the same with my first. Showed around 4 months

I didn’t count bloat as showing; 20 weeks with both pregnancies.

Seriously though they aren’t kidding when they say the second one shows quicker :flushed::flushed::flushed:

About 15 weeks I started showing with this baby. I’m almost 6 months now and getting bigger by the day!!

22 weeks and people still say I’m not showing … I feel huge though

I didn’t show at all because I didn’t know I was pregnant until I went into labor. Im a heavy woman and was just about 11 months pp when I had my second.

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3 months -_- looked like a whale by 6 months. lmao. Didn’t show til 7 months with my first. Currently 4 months with #3 and I just look fat. Lmao.

So early compared to my first! It was easily 11-14 weeks

Immediately. :joy::joy:

I’m 100lbs 5’3”. More leg than torso. My second pregnancy was twins. :scream:

I never stopped showing since my first lol
I took the “eating for two” a little too literal

I’m 13 weeks and have been showing since about 11 weeks. This is my 2nd with a 4 year age gap

I’m already showing and almost 20 weeks :roll_eyes: much bigger than the first time

About 3-4 months… but with my 3rd I was showing at 11 weeks & I’m now pregnant with my 4th (13 weeks) & I’m showing more than my niece who is 26 weeks

Around 13-14 weeks your uterus starts moving up into your stomach at 12 weeks so with my second I started showing a lot sooner

First one not until like 20-25 weeks second one was 11-13 weeks

Seemed like conception but actually around 10-12 weeks. With my first I was closer to 20

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Im overweight, but im 16 weeks and still not showing. With my first pregnancy i started showing at about 20 weeks. Im thinking in the next week or two im going to pop

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I think started showing when I conceived I was 120 when I got pregnant 210 when I delivered but seriously I was around 14 weeks but second and third babies was about the same

I felt like I never lost the weight from the first so it felt like right away

Even when I was stuck skinny I didn’t show until 6 months. I’d “pop”

My daughter i showed right away. My son (my second) not nearly until the end of the pregnancy. My daughter sat in the back but my son in front which was odd that my daughter showed more than my son. My body is weird. I had an easy pregnancy with my daughter but gained alot terrible birth with her it was scary. My son terrible pregnancy sick the whole time my placenta was detatching and left me on bed rest but when it came time to birth it was a breeze and happened quickly. Everyone is different.

Till now that am 8 months pregnant