I got a question and was wondering if anyone could help me? So my daughter was born premature due to complications with my pregnancy. She was born 1 pound 0.02oz 11.5in long… Well, fast forward, she is now 18 months and ready to be potty trained, but i can’t find any panties or pull-ups in her size. She’s in size 6-9 months and size two diaper. Im at a loss cuz i don’t wanna keep her in diapers, but I can’t find anything in her size… If anyone can help please let me know
The size 2 pull ups dont fit?
Try Huggies Diaper Pants. They are a combination of diapers and pull ups. They should work
I’ve had friends use doll clothes that work.
Doll clothes work if you can’t find anything else that works
Maybe something like these?
Amazon has the tiny undies for toddlers which start at 6 months and up
Try Cloth diaper covers? the ones with the snaps on each side
Good luck potty training an 18mo. Hopefully it goes ok.
Maybe a cloth diaper?
This might not be the same, but one of the girls from Little Women LA advertised the Wonder Nation brand that’s at Walmart and they fit her child who is also a LP as well (I think it was Terra or Brianna the brunette)
I had twins and they wear the Pampers 360 and they are just like pull ups but they hold like diapers
order them online they have tiny underwear and stuff like that especially for kids that are small and preemies and stuff like that otherwise I would just say maybe let her run around the house naked
Gerber has training undies (they are just a bit thinker than regular) that come in size 2. Wash them and they’ll shrink some.
Could try diaper covers that they sell with the little summer dresses. I’ll see if I can find a photo.
Get someone that sews to make her some panties
All I ever seen was 2t to 3t
Try pampers 360. They’re very similar to pampers easy ups. I think they might have a size 2.
I had the same problem. Oshkosh always had underwear small enough.
Wonder nation size 2 they shrank to point they didnt fit my daughter
can you sew? Buy smallest size underwear and pull sides in and put few stiches in!!
Teach her how to take the diapers off
We did cloth diapers, when it came to potty training he was still to small for any undies. The china cheapy cloth diapers worked perfectly for potty training
Kohls, or jcpenny both are great places if not in store order online
Start looking at doll clothes in the the toy section. They should be about the right size! My mom did this when I was a baby because she couldn’t find them to fit me and my twin when we were newborns. Worth a shot.
18 months wow. Maybe a special order
Baby doll clothes maybe?
Cloth diapers without the liners!
Could you buy the smallest size that they make and take them in to fit? Or find someone who’s good at sewing that can take them in for you? Not sure about little girl panties, I’m a boy mom. Good luck with the potty training!
Have you tried the pampers cruisers, they are made like underwear and may come in the small sizes since they are technically still diapers
Find someone who sews!
I let my daughter run around the house in a big t shirt no panties or anything so she could just run and go but then at night we did diapers. Maybe give that a try?
What about bloomers that come with dresses? I had to do that with my little for a few months until she could fit in 2T’s, and my niece wears them as undies too.
I had that same issue with my son! He was just tiny! I ended up finding some on amazon that were like cloth diaper pull ups until he could fit into 2t undies.
my son was the same way I found some on amazon
Get the smallest size, If you havent at already and try them. They are pretty tiny. And as long as they stay up, it won’t matter is they are baggie everywhere else. She’ll have clothing to hide that they are a little big. OR, get the smallest size, and wash in hot water and dry on highest heat you can to shrink them.
My daughter doesn’t wear a diaper when we’re at home and she uses the potty every time. If she has her diaper on she will go in it.
Maybe buy a pattern and fabric? We had such a hard time finding them for my daughter that wore 12 month when she started training.
Premi mom here…try the little diaper covers in a smaller size or baby-doll size britches
Maybe someone who makes cloth diapers? Have the panties made to size?
Take 6-9 month leggings and cut the legs off to make underwear or let her go commando.
I have a micro preemie as well. When she potty trained we used to diaper covers from dresses and underwear until she fit into 18 months which you can order on Amazon. You can usually find diaper covers cheap at thrift stores
Huggies little movers slip on. Size up to 6
I was 2 months early in 81’ I was a whopping 4 lbs which is huge compared to your little miracle, but my mom had a hard time with clothing for me right away so she used cabbage patch doll clothes (and cloth diapers) for a while until I grew, so possibly doll clothes?
For me, my mom got the smallest and took them in at the side seams.
I’d just take old pants and cut them into shortie shorts!
Doll undies is what my parents had to do. Or buy the smallest you can find and sew the sides of the top together to make them tighter then you can cut the stitching you added as she grows
Id look aroubd for someone who can sew you some little ones.
the size 2T underwear at winners or marshalls would work
Grovia One diapers work great and fit 10 pounds up. Please note these are cloth diapers.
Would nappy covers work?
I dont even know how to begin potty training my 20 month old. Kudos to you for jump starting!! Any advice???
My preemie is almost 2 and just fitting into a 12M. Diaper covers or cloth diapers are the closet I’ve found that work for us
Pampers makes a 360 diaper that goes on like a pull-up!
I have had 4 preemies. My only son was a micro preemie so I know exactly what you’re talking about girl. He was born at 20 weeks. Weighing in at 1 pound 1 oz. He dropped down 2 days later to just 12 and 3/4 oz! I look at him today at age 25 and cannot actually believe he survived! Miracle of life for real. Anyway im sorry I rambled on but I had to hand sew his Lil underwear to stay up and fit right. Never found anything that would fit him for years. Need thread??? Lol
What about the little diaper covers that go under dresses? Do they not make those any more?
I used tights and leggings with the legs cut off for my little one she was 2lbs at birth and by 18mths was still wearing 3 to 6mths clothes but she hit a major growth spurt by age 3 caught up and passed up everyone else she is now 14yrs old tall as Mom and healthy
Etsy for some hand made ones ?
Just use 6 to 9 month shorts with nothing under them.
The training underwear at Walmart fit small.
You could always get regular underwear and find a diaper insert for them. My stepson used to pee thru his diapers at night and we had to get some for a few months. They’re like pads but for kids and the ones we had were meant for overnight so I’m sure they would provide enough protection.
2t training panties should work Thats what my daughter wore one the wash and shrink they were perfect they have them at walmart or do the little biker shorts in her size
Look up tiny undies. They make them for 6 months and older. They’re regular underwear, but tiny because some parents are able to potty train from birth (elimination communication).