My husband is a sweetheart, when he chooses so. Everything is within convenience to him, if it isn’t beneficial to him it won’t happen. I’ve actually started writing down what he says or promises so he will “remember” but still sometimes denies promising to i.e change a light bulb. And I’ll end up doing all the “men’s work” I don’t mind but I hate how he always goes back on his word.
If I do anything nice for him, instead of a thank you babe it’s some kind of passive aggressive comment like “thank you I guess but you could have done blah blah better.”
Never any gestures of love like even a simple hug or kiss.
Trigger warning maybe.
I’ve tried leaving but he will hide my keys, my debit card throw and break things, the other day was a heavy vacuum infront of our 4 year old son who then screamed he was scared of daddy and wanted me. So I stepped infront of the husband to block him for our son and he pushed me, I wouldn’t go as far as saying domestic violence but I wouldn’t rule out future incidents.
He always threatens… to put it in a better phrase… leave this earth forever.
I don’t want my kids growing up with this and thinking this is how to treat a women, but I feel stuck because things change in him so quickly. It’ll go from horrible to great in a few mins. Then the hiding of the keys. I finally got a job and start tomorrow, I just need a plan. I feel it’s a bit more complex than just leaving. Everything is in my name and I have to make sure I can still give my kids a good life.
Would y’all try counseling (he’s refused but maybe if I give him no choice) or call it quits and get out while he’s at work?