Where should I put my baby?

We are expanding our house but it will not be finished by the time baby gets here. We only have 3 bedrooms so baby will not have a nursery. Where do I put baby? even with a nursery, s/he would be in my room for several months, but after that - what do I do?


it’s recommended to keep newborns in your room until 6 months anyways. this isn’t a big deal at all


Umm your room??? Easier for when baby wakes up in middle of night so you can hear them better and keep an eye on them…… my daughter didn’t have her own room tell she was ready to have her own big girl bed and get out of the crib. Same with my son…. And plan on with my third child who is due in November, but we live in a camper atm tell we find a house. But I’m confused if you have 3 rooms why can’t one of them be the nursery? You need to add a bit more info

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In your room too u have the room to change . Suggestion is in parents room till age of 2.

In your room, you can have the baby sleeping in a bedside bassinet or you can put the baby in a crib somewhere in your room


It’s hard to answer this without more information. Are there other children? How old? Close enough in age to share? The expansion won’t be done within the first year of life? I’d recommend transforming a small space into a room but if you’re already expanding there’s no point. So just keep baby in your room until done?


Not sure where you live but in Canada you can share a room with baby until they’re 2 years old. I always had my kids sleep in a bassinet beside my bed until they outgrew it. They have more compact sized cribs as well that are safe but less bulky you could consider. Once the baby is older you could have the other kids share a room? Or one share a room with the baby? My son was 3 when my daughter was born and they shared a room for a few months before I moved into a bigger house.

If you want the baby to sleep with you then do that. I personally really hate cosleeping even though I did it with my daughter until last week (she’s almost 3 now). She wouldn’t nap or go to sleep at night without me which really made things hard for me as I had zero alone time and zero alone time with my husband. But do whatever you want :heart::heart:

It’s recommended to have baby in your room until 6-12 months and some suggest 3 is a good age for sleep independence. We have a 3 and 6 year old both in our bedroom during winter

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Baby doesn’t care where she sleeps. We had our 2nd in a porta crib in the living room until we could create another room in the basement. We could easily hear her through the vents 2 floors up.

My baby has a nursery she is 9 months and I moved her crib to my room just for the convenience of her sleep regressions not having to leave the room to grab her

I’ve 3 bed but just made my dining my room. I have 3 kids and one on way. Baby will be in next to me crib then when bit bigger share with one child. Mine tend co sleep til bout 1 and half then bottom bunk with guard and gate on door

My daughter was in my room until almost 2. We didn’t cosleep she had her bed and we had ours. We lived in a 2 bedroom condo at the time and my son was in the other room.

You will figure it out. Whatever works best for you and baby

I’m confused. Y’all are going to have a 3 bedroom but the baby won’t have a room? Or the baby will at some point? Are you try to see where to put your little one in your room when the baby arrives?

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