I’m finally blessed with a son… I’m due in 11 weeks… I’m set on two names Ryker or Zayn… i think… Which one sounds better with the middle name Nicholas? or any other suggestions that go with that middle name?
Ryker Syke is a cool name or the Zayn Nicholas is nice together.
We have a Nicholas Alexander. And a Peyton Zaine.
I like Ryker Nicholas.
I love the name Ryker!
I love them both but i think Zayn sounds better with Nicholas
Ryker. I like the name Zayn but Zayn Nicholas makes me think of santa
Ending a name with n and starting a name with n is a mouth full, I like ryker.
I like Tyler Nicholas
Zany…however, Ryan Nicholas sounds good, too.
We are naming our son Ryker:blue_heart: so I vote Ryker
My son is Mason Nicholas. I like zayn better than ryker
But I also have a Logan Nicholas
I’d go Zayn personally because in a school of 80 kids we have 3 Ryker’s its a super popular name.
Congrats on your sweet baby! I’m due right after you but I will be induced in a little over 11 weeks! I hope all goes well for y’all
Our boy is Elijah
Kia Nicholas Asher Nicholas maxwell Nicholas. I like Zane but I always think of female when I see a y in the middle of a first name.
I personally like Ryker Nicholas better, out of the 2.
zayn! i have a gavin nicholas and i love it so much
Ryker sounds better with Nicholas. Zayn Nicholas has two N’s side by side, which will roll into one word. Try saying both of them out loud in an angry tone (the only real time I use their full names) and see how they sound to your ears.
Have 2 middle names and use the 3 together
Remember to say the names out loud, it really helps. When the second name begins with the same letter as the first name ends, it can sound confusing. Like Zayn Nicholas: unless enunciating perfectly, it sounds like Zay Nicholas or Zayn Icholas.
I think Ryker zayn sounds flippin’ adorable!
Ryker zayn Nicholas sounds adorable
I am naming my baby boy Ryker due in march! i LOVE the name!
Ryan Nicholas
Jayden Nicholas
Jason Nicholas
Skyler Nicholas
Aiden Nicholas
Zayn or Zayden theres so many rykers now lol
All my kiddos have two middle names so I would have done something like: Ryker Zayn Nicholas
Ryker Nicholas sounds better to me. I’m honestly not a huge fan of Zayn… I think of One Direction too much…and it doesn’t really go with anything… But thats my opinion
They both sound nice, but I like Ryker.
My son is Bryton Nicholas, I like both of the names you picked
I think they’re both cute.
Zayn would be my top choice.
I may be bias, my sons name is Riker.
I like Zayn Nicholas. I, also like, Nicholas Ryker (as a middle name) and have him use his middle name to go by.
I like Ryker Nicholas
Why not have Ryker Nicholas Zayn as his name
Zayn is more of a popular name so I would go with Ryker. Someone else mentioned Nicholas Ryker which in my opinion has a better ring to it. But don’t let anyone talk you out of your baby name because I did and I kind of regret it so I’m saving it for baby #2
This time of year, there is only one choice…Saint Nicholas…but Ryker is cool
I like Zayn Nicholas best
But Zayn sound better from the two.
Love it with Zayn. I have a Denzel Nicholas
Ryker makes me think of the prison. So go with Zayn, though neither of those names sound great. But if you like them thats all that matters. Just remember youre giving your kid a name theyre stuck with not an accessory. So make sure its a name that theyll appreciate when theyre older.
Not trying to be rude, but neither. Sorry, I’m just for plain, traditional names. What about Nicholas being the 1st name and Ryker for the middle; so just switch the names and have it be Nicholas Ryker. I think about the day my kids have to apply for a job, or college and I’d rather them not be judged just based on the name that’s on the application. But that’s just me. At the end of the day it’s totally your choice bc it’s your kid.
My cousin named his son Ryker Bobby. I like the name Ryker but think I like Zayn a little better. Just throwing some other names that may be good with Nicholas… hunter, blake, Joshua, Xavier
My nephew is Nicholas Zayn, so I say Zayn.
Nicholas Ryker sounds cute
lol I have a Nicolas Ayn so Id have to say Nicholas Zayn
Zayn. Im biased tho bc I have a Zane
Maybe Nicholas should be his first name then Ryker as the middle name
My sons name is Nicholas Tate
Should make Nicholas the first name and then either name would work for a middle and sound good
I think Zayne the one syllable goes nice with Nicholas being three
Nicholas zander
Nicholas wyatt
Nicholas carter
Nicholas james
I had a friend Name Nicholas Shell
I like Zayne best too.
My son is Nicholas Samuel Jack
got a problem with unconventional names if they want to name their son Nicholas they will but they have chosen Zayne or Ryker so get with it or shut up
Nicholas would work best as the first name with either of those as the middle. Just my opinion
My sons name is Ryker so of course that would be my choice. Don’t let anyone sway you just because it’s non traditional!
I like one syllable middle names with 2+ syllable first names. Easier to say when you’re mad haha
I think Zayn Nicholas flows better, It’s a matter of syllables, If you have more syllables in the first name you go for less in the middle, More in the middle, Go less to start with.
Zayn Nicholas sounds a little too much like Saint Nicholas
Any one I’ve ever met named zayne is super weird lol. So I personally would go with Ryker lol
I think Zayn sounds better with Nicolas as a middle name but I like Ryker the best for a first name otherwise. I really do love both names though. One sounds better with Nicholas and the other I like a little bit more🤷
I think I would pick Nicholas as a first name with Ryker. Either way I love the name Ryker
I like zayn. But both are cute.
I think Zayn Nicholas sounds better
My sons name is Ryker
Like Nicholas Ryker. And just call him by his middle name Congratulations
Zayn (Saint Nick) but ya I’m with you ever said ryker is a prison
Zayne sounds best with Nicholas as the middle name. Also I think its pretty horrible how others are telling her how she should use Nicholas as a first name instead even though it’s clear that’s not what she wanted. Its her child SMH
Never ask advice on naming your children somebody’s always going to have something mean to say and it’s going to affect what you name a child. Choose your name don’t tell anyone until the baby’s born
Teach yourself and your kids not to be judgemental
Win win
To the poster- I vote Ryker and wish I’d thought of it
Love unusual names
And also reminds me of Star Trek
Awe!! My sons name is Ryker! I like that name
Ryker is my vote!
I just came for the comments these rude asses leaving good luck on your baby naming
I like both!! Please disregard all comments that speak about the name being on college or job applications, if they look at your son name as a problem…that job and college not for him. Maybe he is going to have his own business and not go to college “ZAYN, INC” “RYKER COMPUTER AND CONSTRUCTION”…so, I do like ZAYN!!
I like Jacobe, Aster, Zedrick, Sage. I think Ryker is a no go, Zayn is better but not with Nicholas… back to the drawing board I think.
Personally, I don’t like the name Ryker but ZayN Nicholas sounds funny with the two Ns back to back.
I think a single syllable name would go better with the 3-syllable Nicholas.
I think Zayn Nicholas is a beautiful name for a blessed little guy, unique Congratulations on a bundle of joy!
Zayn not Rikers Island
Ryker is the name of a prison
Ryker??? What kind of name is that??
Brady Nickolas is my sons name
Zephyr Nicholas. Zion Nicholas.
I like Zayn Nicholas , it sounds nice , and Zayn is a amazing unique name . Love it ,
Wow so much judgement… Y’all teach your kids to be like that? Ryker Nicolas. Would be my choice but Zayn is also good
I don’t get this?? If this person asks for opinions & gets mad at the responses that don’t agree with them then what’s the purpose in asking? And what’s the point in other people getting mad at other responses when it’s not even their kid? Either way: unpopular opinion but neither. And not cause “they’re not traditional”
Ryker instantly makes me think of Rikers Island & Zayne sounds like they’re gonna spend half their life saying “No not Wayne, it’s Zayne” I do like Nicholas as the first name, it’ll also transition well as an adult.
Y not Nicholas ryker