Which stroller is better?

Double stroller vs. Wagon stroller which one is the better go to and has better storage and will fit in the back of a chevy suburban and still leave me space. I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old that’ll be using it. I have 4 additional kids to store their life for. We went to Mardi gras over the weekend with a single stroller and the amount of stuff the kids got was not working out for a single stroller and a backpack and of course the “my legs are tired” from my 3 year old. So I need something that can carry 2 toddlers and all the goodies they accumulate when we go places.


I have a 3yr old and a 7 yr old. We decided on a 4 seater wonderfold wagon a few years ago. I love it because I can take my kids and all their stuff places by myself. It is a bit bulky but definitely worth it when my 7yr old’s legs get tired.

We have the keenz xc+ and love it we have 12 kiddos and 4 continues to use it all under 4 has higher weight limits

I have a 2and5 year old last year 1&4 and we bought a fold up wagon from Costco. That baby goes everywhere with us. It is amazing!! Kids can walk kids can ride it stores everything comes with a net to go on top to hold all the stuff in I’ve been debating the graco wagon because I’d like the option to push rather than pull but found you can get a push handle attachment for the fold up wagon and figured I might save money on another stroller and do that instead