Who do I go to for a tongue tie? My baby is 3 months old. I brought this up to her pediatrician at her 1 month checkup, he said he didn’t see a tie and not an issue. She’s had bottle latch issues her whole life, milk dribbles out of her mouth most of the time and when I tried to breastfeed her it was excruciating lol. The only bottle she can mostly tolerate is Dr Browns with a premie flow (I know about the lawsuits, it’s from heating plastic bottles and I don’t do that). Anything “breast” shaped she just chokes and can’t latch onto it. She gets gassy and has reflux. Most recently I’ve noticed she can’t stick her tongue out. That’s one of the first faces I remember my other kids mimicking. When she smiles or cries her tongue curls, I’m attaching a pic of that. If pediatrician brushes me off again, is there somewhere else I can go?
Try and ENT or a Dentist a lot dentist can “clip” the tie right in office.
We went to an ENT for my daughter.
ENT and sometimes a dentist will do it, but it also depends on the age they will do it on, my son‘s Dentist said he wouldn’t do it until he was five and I’m like nope. I would recommend an ENT before the dentist.
May have to see a different pediatrician to get the referral if she’s refusing to send it in, my son‘s pediatrician never agreed to either she just told me that it would stretch itself out, but he had all the same problems your kid is having until one day he had a check up and it was a different nurse there and I told her about it and she sent the referral in for me.
If you’re in California…join California Tongue Tie & Lip Tie Support . The group has a list of providers, and everyone is so helpful.
Ear nose and throat doctor. Check with your insurance to see if you need a referral or not though. And if a referral is needed fight back at your doctor’s saying you’d like a second opinion from a specialist.
Insist on the referral any way and then find a new pediatrician. The pediatrician should take all of your concerns seriously.
Kayla Squires Powell can you help her out?
Pediatric dentist ask if they do laser instead of clipping it. An ent will most likely clip it. I’ve done both with two of my kids and I much prefer the healing of the laser
Is your baby growing and gaining weight? That is the first criteria. After that they look at speech development. We have three generations of tongue ties. Some are severe but all grew and thrived. Some did have issues with spitting up but all gained and talked well.
I would do an ear, nose, throat guy. I’d think he’d have more infant experience than a dentist.
My son got his tongue tie clipped last Thursday and he was only 2 weeks old and he’s latched better than he ever did.
ENT or pediatric dentist.
My son had his frenulem cut because he couldn’t latch and was forced to formula feed him his entire infancy and toddler stages. Unfortunately he now has a speech impediment.
Ears, nose and throat doctor (ent). Or change pediatricians! Sooner the better. I worked pediatrics…
Ears nose and throat doctor.my daughter was 1 when she had her surgery.
My pediatrician took care of my daughter’s tongue tie. Or contact ENT.
I had to go to ent they first cut his at like a week old then just again last week, he’s 9 y/o
How about her pediatrician?
Not. Everyone. Can. NUrse. It’s. Ok.
Chelsea Scalzo. Give her some names. Please
Pediatric dentist. Your pediatrician should have referred you if they knew about this.
No one noticed my oldest’s tongue tie till she was 6 and seen by an orthodontist. Pediatricians. Dentists. ENT. all missed it.
We went to our pediatric dentist and they clipped my daughters at 3 weeks old!
Pm me if you like. My daughter had it and was released at 1 year old. I’ll give you all the information if you pm me xx
My son got his done at 5 yrs old he was affecting his speech
we have or the Drs always cut /clip it after birth & before they are D/C’s, And if you are NOT happy with the Pedi Dr, find another one, And please see a Ear, Nose & throat specialist if you think this is a problem, There could be something else going on