Who gave birth at 39 weeks?

Who gave birth at 39 weeks and how did the labor process start? So nervous

I had my second at 39 weeks but it was a scheduled cesarean delivery. My first was an urgent c section and I had my son a year later so they couldn’t do a vbac. My second was born 11lbs and the only issue we had was he inhaled amniotic fluid on the way out so he had fluid in his lungs and was on oxygen for 3 days.

I went into labor naturally at 39 weeks, on the dot. However my labor was very long and complicated. 62 hours in labor, 3hrs pushing and loosing a good amount of blood, to later find out she was sunny side up and stuck, I ended up in a c-section at my 72 hour mark, and then I hemorrhaged during and after my procedure.
Labor seemed normal, dilating took the longest for me. I went in at a 5 and fully effaced with contractions 4-5 mins apart. But from that point it still took that 62hrs before I got to a 10 to push. For me, it was awful. It’s not like that for everyone.

I did. I had a scheduled c section, and he came like a bat out of hell a few days before it. All healthy

Water broke on its own. Didn’t have time for medicine. Pushed one time, she was born an hour after my water broke. It was a 30 minute drive there lol!

I had all mine at 38 weeks naturally….1st water broke no pain got epidural no pain till they turned it off and told me to push…2nd was puking for 2 days went in for fluids cause I was puking and prego they checked me just in case turns out I was 6cm check baby he’s breech oh shit emergency C-section…3rd started contraction went in 4cm got epidural right away broke my water 2hrs later baby……4th woke up 230 am to water breaking pain pain pain 10 min drive to hospital run in wheel chair by security guard barley got pants off 2 pushes baby lol………don’t be nervous go with the flow communicate with the birthing staff u and baby will be perfect no matter how u get there

I had my son at 38 weeks and I thought I was leaking pee but my doctor checked and it was amniotic fluid… This was around 1… We drove to the hospital 1 hour away and I got checked out around 4 and my water broke… I gave birth at 10:23… drug free… nothing but my IV… He weighed 7 lbs 3 ozs and was 19 inches long

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Had my baby exactly at 39 weeks (2 weeks ago). Went to the hospital when I was already 5Cm and was in labor for about 4.5 hours :raised_hands:t4: my first baby and my labor/delivery couldn’t have been any better

I did with my 1st I was induced with a pessary as I had cholostsis (the itching thing) just under 12 hours start to finish actually had a good labour she is now 11

I have a few times induced and csection. Only 1 went to nicu . I have 7 living… 2 of those were 37 weekers.

I had both of mine naturally at 39 weeks, 1st one started out with mucus plug breaking then contractions and finally water breaking. Second one I went straight into contractions and they broke my water at the hospital once dilated to 9.5 cm

I did at 39 weeks and a couple days. My water broke and contractions started got closer together and labor was short relatively

I had my last(3rd) at 39+5 I was induced, was in labor for 7-8 hours. It was the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt in my life. Way worse then natural labor and getting an epidural.

Mine started I think at the doctors office. She did a cervical exam and the mucus plug was on her fingers after that. I stayed contracting about 2 hours later, and my water broke but I wasn’t sure it did because it wasn’t a gush or even a trickle really. When my contractions were 2 minutes apart I went to the hospital. I was 6 cm, and it was around 8 at night. I had him at 9:16 am the next morning.
I was stuck at 8 cm forever. I finally decided to have the epidural and it went quickly after that.

I gave birth at 37w6d I started losing my plug

I was induced. Hot mess and we both almost died. But not from induction.
You’ll be good. Keep a focused and positive mind and don’t ask questions like these so you don’t overthink lol. Stand up for yourself and trust your body.

I had an elective section, they said 39week they were doing it. He was 8lb 6oz. All went well. Had my girl at 37+1 through emergency section after being induced and she was in the NICU for 3week4days but she had to have surgery at a few hours old so that was a rollercoaster. I gave birth to my first at 40+6 and she was healthy, weighed 6lb12oz. Went in at 11am, had her at 3:11pm and was at home for 9.30pm same day. That was just beginners luck for me :face_with_peeking_eye:

I’ve given birth four times at 39 weeks (and once at 38 weeks). I was induced once (my favorite labor of my five), and went into labor naturally with all of the rest. My water only broke with my first. I had five easy, fast (but not crazy fast!) deliveries. Best of luck!

1 baby 38w naturally went into labor went in 11p was sent home at 2a went back at 6a delivered at 9a went from 3-8 in a half hr with iv drugs ordered the epidural but delivered too fast. 2nd was induced at 39w baby had no room went in 1p broke my water at 6p was at 6cm from 6-10 delivered at 1030p delivered too fast for the epidural again :sweat_smile:

I did with my 2nd and 3rd kids. 2nd was 2 hours and he was born with 1 push. 3rd was 3.5 hours and 10 min pushing as he was sunnyside up. Both were natural.

It’s the same as 40 weeks…

38w 6d with my first… just started with cramps but fell asleep… woke up at 1:30am to my water breaking… had her at 3:43am.

My 2nd came at 39w 2d but I was in labor for 18 hours for her. Had 3w straight of false labor every night like clockwork but the real deal started at my 39w appt at 39+1 and was in active labor that night like 11pm. She was born 5:42am

3rd came at 38w and his started with contractions around 9pm and he was born at 8:44am next day.