Who has drank raspberry leaf tea to induce labor?

Who has drank the raspberry leaf tea to help induce labor? At what week did you start and was it just the tea or did you add things into it…?

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Didn’t work at all for me

It doesn’t induce labour. I don’t understand why people think it does

It’s a myth… It does not help with inducing labor.

It might help strengthen and tone the uterus but it physically won’t induce labour. It’s not a bad tea to drink towards the end of your pregnancy, it won’t do any harm but it won’t put u into labour. Although in saying that I started drinking it at 34 weeks just for preparation and my wee man appeared at 36 weeks with a very quick arrival lol… hope your labour goes well xx

I’ve drank it with all 3 of my pregnancies from 32 weeks . I hate the taste but you do get used to it :joy: