This almost sounds like my kids minus the cussing.
You should both realize the blessings around you and be grateful for the little things. Seems to me you both are looking for a excuse to argue
Both . Just get rid of it later
Sound like my kids
Just let him put the rice away. The next day your can either reheat it, add it to something else or toss it in the garbage. This will put an end to the argument and he will feel like you approve of his help instead of quarreling over an inescenuall item.
Save the rice and throw him away!
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Chk This—>>
Sounds like you all are fighting over petty crap. You both need to mature.
YOU for asking !!!do what the #$%& you want your a grown woman iam assuming
Both. Stop fighting over petty stuff. If you guys argue over minor things like this multiple times a day then y’all shouldn’t be together cause if minor issues can’t be resolved without arguing then how will you guys handle big issues . Like cmon both need to grow up
So this doesn’t seem to even be about the rice but about a lack of communication and comprehension. He clearly isn’t comprehending what you are communicating and getting defensive. Maybe try therapy. There is usually a deeper reason behind these small disagreements that escalate so quickly.
Not worth fighting over !
Him, he’s a narcissistic
Nobody is right or wrong…
Most guys are weird about throwing food away in my experience.
Although it is ok to toss some rice.
It’s wrong to make a big issue out of something so small.
Say thanks babe, save it for me. When he walks away toss it. Lol
I’m assuming you’re both quite young …. Just let him do what he wants with the rice then throw it away later. Really not a big deal.
My ex used to do this to me all the time. I finally started turning the question back around on him. Him: do you want me to save this rice? Me: do you think we should? Him: yeah we can save it and you can eat it later. Me: cool. End of argument.
Anybody who calls you a bitch isn’t a good partner. Wouldn’t be in a relationship I’m not valued and treated well in
Both of you. A better answer would be, “Thanks for helping out. If you want to eat it, otherwise it’s just going to go to waste.”
It sounds like y’all both young and dumb. Fighting over petty shit.
Stop making the damn rice …stop asking …just throw it out or save it
Make fried rice, shut him up and don’t give him any.
If this little thing is causing strife in your relationship, You Will Never be able to handle anything important together that causes stress. So you both should definitely go your separate ways and grow up, because this sounds ridiculous
Pick and choose your battles. Is “fighting” over rice really that big of a deal? Take a step back and look at the economic situation of yourselves. One of the biggest wastes of money is tossing out uneaten food or food that has gone bad. Instead of focusing on the fight about the rice, look at the bigger picture. This is an opportunity to learn how to not be wasteful and cook smaller portioned meals. You make smaller portioned meals and there wont be anything left over to even have an argument about.
If he is not hearing you now what says he will later???
Yeah. Find REAL PROBLEMS. HAHAHA JK BUT seriously. Y’all are being petty
Next time just put it up yourself and see if he asks you why you did that. Lol
Ummm js but I refuse to be with anyone who calls me out my name when they get mad yes he’s in the wrong and you deserve better!!!
Haven’t you learned… Yes Dear !!! Let him do what he’s going to do anyway… then fix it later !
If this is happening daily, learn to cook rice better…
Him calling you a fing bitch is way outta line he’s being verbally abusive so yeah he’s in the wrong, over rice too really… ridiculous.
Are u both 14???
He is wrong. You stated your opinion and reasons and he chose to ignore that and did what he wanted. However if you didn’t want the leftover rice you could have disposed of it before he got to it.
My husband does the same shit! Except he has never called me a fucking bitch in the 23 yrs. Yesterday he asked me how many min do you cook an egg to mk hard boiled eggs m: once the water starts to boil 7min then he comes back with well when i googled it it says 6 min then WHY ARE YOU ASKING? boil it for 6 min then or ill mk dinner n bring him a plate n he will say whats this? Like really its a damn taco! Lol drives me NUTS! he does that kinda stuff all the time
IT’s petty just tell him yes and then throw it out the next day…But he is wrong for calling you names…That is all
I kinda felt like it was nice that he was even helping put away food…but if he asks and you say don’t keep it then there was his answer
It’s too f*(k!ng hot…
No one is the ass hole. Sounds like you both need a little space, or maybe some sex.
He calls you a FB because of that? You’re wrong for putting up with that.
I think you and I are married to the same person lol
You’re both wrong.
You should just let him save it and you can throw it away later and he should be listening to you since he asked your opinion and not saying you “b” every time he tries to help.
You’re both wrong.
Split up now if this is a huge cause of argument in the relationship
I think the bigger issue is why you’re allowing him to talk to you like that.
Just say “YES PLEASE” then dispose of it later if you don’t want it, you obviously enjoy the arguing.
I bet it isn’t just the rice either though, when he asks you a question he already has an answer and it is not the one you give him so you argue about that too, sorry but I know that feeling
Uh yikes. No thanks.
Petty but your partner should not call you a Bitch!! Unacceptable
Id call him out on arguing with you like that. Tf is the point in asking if you’re going to deem my answer(which is MY preference) as incorrect? Ask him if there’s something that he would like to communicate instead of belittling you/calling you names. Sometimes people are reacting to something else they’re feeling that isn’t communicated. Sometimes they’re just a holes. If it’s the latter, I’d suggest finding someone else. There are some people out here that you’ll never be good enough for and honestly, it’s not you that’s the issue with those types of people.
Also to the people saying “save money”, DO YALL KNOW HOW CHEAP RICE IS?? it’s probably about 25 cents. If that. Chill.
Next time he asks, tell him to smother it on himself and eat it off him. Lol. Get some excitement happening.
He is Askhole they are the worst kind. They only take one answer and it’s the answer they approve of. Tell him to respect your decision or stop asking and doing what he wants to do anyway. And then do what you wanted to do in the first place. Although I’d probably pretty shortly and bluntly explained to him that you won’t tolerate the way he is talking to you.
If you wanted to keep the rice but he was insisted on throwing it away, then I would see the issue. But this is an unnecessary argument imo, just let him keep it, he’ll soon learn when he sees it isn’t being ate
Some people are ‘funny’ about food waste, sometimes because they had little as a child. If this is the only problem in your relationship, I’d let it slide.
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Maybe you could tell him that it´s for him, for later.
You… Know what fights to let go. Is him saving the rice worth an argument? Let the little stuff go. Next time just tell him you’ll handle the rice, then just throw it out. He is wrong for the name calling though.
Ugh …why don’t men listen?! I’m with ya here… “pick your battles…” but he’s def in the wrong for name calling.
What in the world? If he speaks to you that way you’re in the wrong relationship. End of story.
You cook rice several times a day and it’s always thrown out becuase it’s not cooked right ? How do you fuck up so much rice maybe your bf is sick of you wasting food …
You pick your battles and you should have just saved it. And thrown it out after you noticed he didn’t eat it. I mean what z it would be in the fridge, what, an extra day? But the name calling is immature and absolutely uncalled for. I don’t care how small the term he things the word bit*h is… does the word bother me being called it, no? But by someone who claims to love you. Absolutely not.
First and last it’s wrong to call ur gf a b*tch??? Leave him
Just gotta know how old are you guys cuz this seems like such an immature argument and he is just trying to be nice
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That sounds like a crazy soap opera !
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Why not mix it up a bit…lol tell him something that will make him laugh or just say thanks and throw it away later lol.
Want to be right or want to be happy.let some things go and throw out the rice yourself before he even asks.