Who is in the wrong about this argument?

AITA. Who is wrong me or my boyfriend?And before I start this isn’t a onetime thing. This happens several times a day. And I do mean everyday.Him- do you want me to save this Rice?Me- no you can throw it away.Him- why don’t you want to save it and eat it later?Me- because it didn’t turn out right and I am the only one whoeats it. So it will be wasted anyway.Him- I am going to put it up so you can have it later.Me- Why do you ask me what I want if you are going to do what you want anyway? Him- You are always being a fking bch to me when I try to help you. I don’t know why I bother.So who is wrong?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Who is in the wrong about this argument?

Just let him do whatever. He puts it up then let him. Throw it away later. It’s a petty thing to fight over imho.


You’re man puts food away? :sob:


Just let him save it then throw it away. If he thinks he’s really doing great let him do it


Let him save it then also do the dishes. He saved it so his items to clean lol

There’s bigger fish to fry


Have the same in my house. Can’t have a conversation AT ALL!

I’d just tell him to do what he wants with it and throw it away later. I’m also petty so I’d start showing him what my btch side actually looks like after that….or I would have snapped and told him when he stops asking idiotic questions I’ll stop being btchy🤷🏼‍♀️

You both need to grow up


Him… do u want me to save the rice.
You…Yes please.
Him… Okay.
You… thankyou.
(Throw away later)
Problem solved.


This is honestly so fucking petty seems like both of you should go back to school and learn how to behave like adults

What a silly thing to argue about :joy::joy::joy: no one is in the wrong. Stop being petty.


I wouldn’t say assholes but yall are both definitely petty af lmao

What a waste of time and argument. Just say yes the first time he asks, then throw it away when he’s gone. Why is this even a question


IMO you cus who cares if he puts it away so you can eat it later, to me he’s being thoughtful


Choose your battles…


Sound like an employee of mine who will ask 4-5 mores times if I’m sure. I’m going to start saying nope I’m not changed my mind. You can’t have that.

It’s an exhausting experience. Stop engaging him tell him your answer and then don’t respond. He sounds like a dickhead

Him for daring to speak that way


You for posting a dumb question on here😂


Both of yall. Petty. Choose ypur battles. Life is hard enough dont add to it.


This is satire huh? :laughing:


Him. It’s not about rice, it’s about the next time you tell him what you he can do to be helpful, and he does the opposite, and when you ask him why, he says that hes not going to be helpful if youre going to be a bitch. That’s major gaslighting and totally ignoring what you actually have asked for and then turning around and doing the opposite, and then not getting why you’re not happy with it…

Wasted time of an argument. Y’all are both at fault. He should just throw it away and be done with it. More than likely it’ll sit in the fridge till it grows mold. Jmo


Give him back his freedom please. You won’t last long if you argue about that. I mean this is wow no words … arguing for that??? Just let him save it and throw it away later.


It isn’t about the rice at all - it’s something more serious


Are I home of you adults?

You both need therapy


You are right about why does he bother to ask if he’s going to do what he wants.
On the other hand if this is going longterm. Pick & choose your battles. You could ask him to put it in a Zipp lock bag so you can toss it w/o having any dishes to do…


Are y’all teenagers? Good grief.


You both sound childish arguing for dumb stuff :joy:


Think it’s really disrespectful for him to call you a bitch and be so comfortable about it. Dosnt matter what happened calling you names is low and a person in a relationship shouldn’t be exercising that.

say, ‘idc’ n then walk away cause hes gonna do what he wants anyways lol


So just throw it out yourself? I don’t understand why this is such a big deal to you both.


He’s wrong. It’s unnerving when someone asks a question, makes you explain your answer then does the opposite. He’s looking for a fight. Then he becomes verbally abusive. This guy is an emotional abuser. Leave him it’s already bad. It just gets worse.


Lol to save my energy and emotional :roll_eyes: I would just say sure thank you then throw it away later. Pick ur battles but sounds like there might be more to it for him, I would ask him if something is bothering him or what’s going in especially if it’s happening all the time.


Honestly I’d ask him why it bothers him so much. I personally came from a home that didn’t have a lot of money and so wasting food is a very serious thing to me. It’s probably one of the greatest arguments that I get in with my family, about being wasteful. Maybe he doesn’t even realize that he is putting that out there at you. I mean it sounds kind of silly but in the long run maybe there’s something that’s driving that frustration in him.


With all todays problems, you argue about this and get upset. Get a life


Grow up. He’s trying to be thoughtful. However it not ok for him to speak to u like that.

He’s wrong for talking to you like that and you’re wrong for staying with someone who treats you like that.

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If you’re the only one who eats it and it didn’t turn out right why is he the one taking care of it? Take care of it before he asks. And try to make enough for you. If you’re eating it everyday experiment to see how thr best amount is for you and best ways to cook it. You’ll eventually get it. Also I think fried rice is best with rice made a day before at least. But he’s gaslighting you by reacting like that. I’m sure if it’s not about this it’s about something else little and petty.


Stop arguing with him and leave.

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What a stupid thing to fight about. You 2 sound very immature.

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You’re worrying about who is wrong when he called you a fking bch? After being called a b**ch the relationship would be over for me. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Y’all are toxic af.

Clean up after urself so u don’t have to have the argument on what he should be doing with your rice. If it’s gross then just throw it away. Pack ur bags. Leave.

Toxic all around


If you don’t know how to cook rice then stop cooking rice…


I want to know… are those his words of endearment??

You’re both wrong. He’s trying to be helpful and clean up and put away. But if he asks you he needs to listen. And it’s not okay to talk to you like that. But also if it didn’t turn out and you’re not going to eat it, just bin it instead of letting it sit about.

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He seems alil controlling but I don’t eat left over either so I am on ur side but shouldn’t be who’s wrong or right it’s how can you compromise so you don’t end up continuing to argue over same stuff


“Why do you ask me if your going to do what you want anyways” is where the convo turned bad… if you have this convo everyday don’t save anything your not going to eat and avoid the entire conversation…. Everyday :rofl:


It’s not a big deal ur 2 funny couple

Make the rice yourself how you like it, portion it out beforehand so you only have what you can eat without leftovers. It’s not that difficult. You sound so childish…actually you both do. If it’s put away properly, ie air tight container, or plastic wrap directly on top of the rice while pushing out the air, works in a pinch, you can absolutely reheat it with some butter and seasoning and you’re good to go.

How are they both toxic? He can’t take an answer? She didn’t say yes so now she’s a b*tch? Make it make sense.


You both have issues :woman_shrugging: mostly with communication


Re-heated rice sucks anyway but you should probably solve this rice issue before considering having any rice thrown at you as you walkdown the aisle


He won’t be able to tell you he’s saving it when you don’t want him to if you just go ahead throw it away right when he asks you if you want it saved :woman_shrugging:t3:


You’re both wrong. It’s not what you it’s how you say it. Before you speak say what you want to say in response to him in your head and think of how it sounds to you if it was said to you. Then if it doesn’t sound snarky or rude then say it to him but if it comes across as snarky an rude take a deep breath and rephrase it so it doesn’t come off that way. The same for him. To avoid this kind of argument take care of the things prior to him coming in an offering to care for it bc then you’ll avoid the argument altogether. Otherwise seek counseling so you guys can learn how to communicate with each other better and without upsetting each other so easily. This is honestly a petty argument that you could have resolved by taking care of it yourself knowing full well he will come to put it away or just say the item is bad an needs tossed out therefore there’s no concept of it being good food that potentially could be eaten.

The rice is symbolic lol.

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Sounds like he was raised to not waste things. Just humor him and stick it in the fridge, it won’t hurt to just let him have this one.


In my books he’s being considerate, thinking you may be hungry later. Where can I find one like him??? :joy:


You are wrong… what’s wrong with him saving whatever is left,?

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Also, everyone is always so quick to say “leave the relationship” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: that’s what’s wrong with relationships these days!!! He wasn’t calling her a bitch… he says you’re being one. He’s not wrong……. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Is this……is this foreal?

Both. He doesn’t listen and your petty


You both need to grow up


Both being petty. Both should read these comments and just drop it lmao. Be appreciative he’s helping, and honestly giving a fuck about maybe saving some food later for you lolol. And he needs to shut up and learn to listen to you a bit too and throw away the rice sometimes hahaha. This is like preschool stuff, sometimes ya just gotta laugh with each other and get over whichever scenario hahaha

You for putting up with his foolishness of talking to you like that. Warning sign.


This is the dumbest question I’ve ever seen in the group :skull:


Narcissistic A$$. He is not asking what you want he is asking if what he wants is more important. Pay attention

If you know he won’t eat it and you don’t like how it came out and so you won’t eat it, why don’t you just throw it away immediately? Sheeeeeeeeeesh… not too difficult.


With the prices of things now days, I try to save everything to use in something else later. some has come in handy several times.

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Ok one he shouldn’t have spoken to her like that. She has a point. She is the only person who eats it and rice the next day isn’t at all the greatest. So why keep it if it isn’t going to be ate. Maybe in the future make smaller portions of rice so food isn’t being wasted and no arguing


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It’s called gaslighting.


You are. It didn’t turn out the way you wanted! How does that warrant your fcking btch?Give it to him in a casserole so he can shut up!:woman_shrugging:t2:

He would of been wearing that rice after calling me a b**ch


You’re wrong. What’s wrong in saving leftovers? Even if it’s more than you can eat. Fix a different meal that uses cold rice.

My man is the SAME i let him do his dumb little things that show he just cares about me and i go throw out the leftovers when he aint around, he thinks i ate them and feels like he did the right thing against my judgment. It boosts his ego and now we both win cuz the gross leftovers are gone and he feels like a king who knows his female :rofl::rofl: however his calling u a fucking bitch bcuz u asked him to evaluate the reason he asks for ur opinion if hes gunna do what he feels is best anyway is OUT OF LINE. Verbal abuse over literally nothing… thats how hes in the wrong.

Just put some hot sauce on it or use it to make stuffed peppers.

He is trying to pick a fight and blame you
This is where a whole load of emotional abuse starts
First rice then it will be something else until you do exactly what he says 24/7 x


You’re in the wrong, for snapping over such little things.

You both sound ridiculous. He shouldn’t call you that but you also need to stop wasting food and leaving it out for him to put up. Like yall just sounds bored and are just looking for something to fight about


Your both acting like children. He’s wrong for calling you a bitch but your wrong for acting like one🤷‍♀️ food is expensive and if your throwing it out multiple times a day bc it don’t turn out maybe you need to learn to cook.

Poor communication skills. Repeating what you said doesn’t mean they understood it any more than prior.


You both are.
Just throw it out.

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Does he call you names several times a day?

Both. Just smile and say “sure…thanks”. And him for calling you such horrible names. That is abusive.


Just let him help. Throw it away later. What is the big deal

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Uggghhh both y’all need to grow up :roll_eyes:


Girl it sounds like he just wants some praise from you instead of getting mad say thank you babe that’s so sweet but I don’t think it turned out right. Keep it moving no need to fight about stupid shit.

Why is this even a question?

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Both of you. Your comment skills lack on BOTH parts

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Throw it away yourself and throw him away too for calling you a b*!@h.


Such pettiness to argue over. How about you just clean out your plate before he gets to it?? The name calling is a no no though. My first husband was verbally abusive, not a healthy environment.


strap in it NEVER CHANGES 30 years! HIM do I turn right or left Me right Him im turning left Him Do you need the big bowl Me yes Him heres the small bowl,Him how many peppers do you need from the store Me 5 Him i bouht 10


Well for starters…put your own left over food away and that may lesser your chances of arguing over it. Secondly, he was trying to help you by tidying up after you and you snapped at him for asking if your sure you don’t want it. Just throw the rice away if you didn’t cook it right in the first place. He shouldn’t be calling you names though, even if it was a bit bchey he should be calling mean names. But yeah, grow up and get over yourselves. Arguing over maaafkin rice :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: c’mon now.


It’s RICE! Throw it away when he isn’t looking. He sees it as helping, so let him help. Say thank you and then throw it away later. Good lord, how old are y’all? Choose your battles and maybe try not being so negative towards him :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


He is wrong. He asked with no intention of listening, and then accused you of being a B when you expressed understandable frustration about his “help.”


Just say you ate the damn rice and throw it away :rofl: it’s rice…