He’s being inconsiderate
I had marbles in the freezer for my kids when they refused to get up. It was so hard to get them up. Even awake they would just lie in bed until 7:30. I only did I once. After that I’d just tell them I’m getting them and they would jump up.
Do it. Even when he roll away they are still next to him. You can’t get away from them except to get up and get them out. If he dies this and crawls back in bed. Take his alarm and phone. Then don’t wake him. That’s so childish and immature. Plus your kids will learn the same. You are not respected.
Make him respect you. Don’t back down. If you want your marriage to last 50 yr’s. Demand respect now before the kids learn his disrespect.
My bf does the same thing and it doesn’t bother me at all. Not trying to be rude. But grow up a little its 2 alarms my boyfriend has like 10 and I have a 1 year old son and 3 year old son and I still get up in the morning oh and his alarms start at 3 a.m. and I don’t lay down til 2 because my 1 year old wakes up at least once or twice. And I do all household chores. Just saying grow up a bit. At least he works its 3 alarms.
I feel you this is so annoying and very inconsiderate
No no! Is he doing it for his demands? If so then it will be a chore and that does no good for anyone!!
I get mad when my own alarm goes off and I have to get up lol I’d definitely be annoyed. Set the alarm for when you’re gunna get up…not for every 15 minutes until you finally actually get up lol. I need one alarm.
I personally do this. The point of it (as least my reasoning) is to prepare myself for having to get up because I just don’t want to lol. He could at least keep it under his pillow to begin with, that’s what I do.
I tune mines out now.
My finance does the same thing dam thing. He sets his alarm it goes off for 15 20 mins and when he does get up to shut if off I’m pissed off. I work midnight shifts I get home around 630 am and he gets up anywhere between 8 and 9 but he snoozes him alarm so every five mins it goes off. I know where your coming from
My husband has 4 that go off everyday and he lets them go off for freaking ever before he is awake enough to turn them off. 99% of the time it’s not an issue because I’m a teacher and have to be up before him. His don’t start going off until I’m already up and getting ready. Then summer hits and then yes, it makes me want to lose my . He does try to be considerate and get around quietly and not wake me up so I don’t say much. He just truly can’t get up without an hour to start easing into it. He is not a morning person whatsoever.
When my husband worked in the mornings I would set an alarm at 5/5:30 and make his breakfast and lunch then he would have one set for 6 that way he has enough time to get dressed and do his hair and brush his teeth then I would just go back to bed but he hates having an alarm going off multiple times and so do I lol
yep he’s inconsiderate lol
Ah the dreaded alarm battle It is ridiculous and annoying and it will never change.
My feet hit the floor before my alarm gets started good. My husband is totally opposite and since I was the light sleeper I could never go back to sleep. It drove me insane as I was just as busy as him. I used to get aggravated but now after all this time you learn when to wave the white
flag. I’ve gotten used to it and have now learned to ignore it. To the point I tune it out all together. And besides there are a lot more other things he does that irritate me now.
And that is why my husband and I have separate bedroom…different sleep habits
It’s either he sets the alarms how he needs to set them to get up or he loses his job your being inconsiderate toward him u should support him in anyway so he can get up and go to work on time just like he should for you. I do the same thing Mike starts at 5 am every 15 mins if I’m able to get out of bed and start getting ready I cancel then rest until my 6 am one to remind me I need to go right now or if I say fall back asleep.
I’m like this. I need several before I’ll wake up
Its a half hour a day you have to be annoyed . I understand as I am not a morning person but u get to continue sleeping hes off to work to help support your family. At least hes being responsible and making sure hes awake for work! Pick and choose your battles , I couldn’t imagine getting separate bedrooms just for a half an hour a day of annoyance but it’s what you decide you can live with!
I don’t see an issue. I’m up with my boyfriend at 5:30 or 6 every morning, along with getting up however many times our baby wakes up. I wake my oldest and middle kids up around 7:45 to get ready for school.
I think if this is the only worry u have in ur marriage then ur winning. In saying that. Could you not compromise and wake at 6am with him. Seems to me he’s just trying to spend that extra 1hr close to u? I know how it gets I have 4 kids. Sometimes I wake up and spend that extra hr with my darling bcos he has a big day a head of him but we’re all different. I value that extra hr with him bcos we don’t get a lot of us time with the kids
Okay so I’ve been in both positions. As a working mom and a stay at home mom. When I was working I still did 100% of the house work and had to get up with the kids at night and wake up an hour earlier than him and everyone else to get everyone ready and do drop offs before I went to work. He would literally set 10 alarms starting at 5 am and not wake up till he had 10 minutes to leave for work. Suck it up if all you have to do is get the kids ready for school.
My husband sets his alarm for 5:00 but will only snooze it till 6:00. I set mine for 5:30 and 6:00 just Incase the first one doesn’t wake me. Usually his at 5:00 wakes me and I go through and turn them all off. The difference is I have to get up then too. I get his lunch ready, take the dogs out then have a cup of coffee before I get the kids up for school. I don’t wake them till 7:30 because we homeschool.
I am guilty of this.
We all have different methods to getting up in the morning. Some of us hit snooze other’s don’t. A part of marriage is accepting our differences right.
Sleep in the other room🤣
Lol, ear plug? The experts say it’s all about compromise, right!
I’ve got zero advice for you. My husband & 2 teens set alarms that could wake the dead… but not them. I hear all their alarms go off at 5am & then I get up to wake them
Both. I am one of those gotta set the alarm an hour before because I couldn’t wake up the second of… but I’d isolate myself from being the “butt” of the group.
go back to sleep or take an hour nap while kids are at school. I set multiple alarms too if I’m that tired I’ll fall back asleep.
My husband does this too it used to irritate me but the past year or so I’ve stopped hearing his alarm completely and just sleep through it. Maybe that will happen. I love my sleep though so it was hard. Good luck!
Have to say
I agree with your hubby on this one
Tbh you actually need to get over it
And thank your lucky stars that he has a job to get up for
I hear you. I’m a night owl. When I was still with my ex and he was working (that whole month), he’d set the alarm for 5A and fall back asleep. I usually went to bed 4:00-4:30A. It woke me up. And, I had to stay awake because he’d snooze, fall back asleep, repeat. Eventually I’d have to get him out of bed so he wouldn’t miss his ride.
The same story when his son would stay over. I’d be the one making breakfast and everything until ex felt like getting up (long story, but yeah, I did develop a lot of resentment surrounding his kiddo - it wasn’t the kiddo’s fault and I hope I never made him feel it was. It was the ex’s inability to parent and then bitch he never got time with him.)
All the feels.
Honestly, if you have a more flexible schedule, it doesn’t hurt to compromise a bit. Same for him.
But, damn, I feel that frustration! And, it is real!
I have to set 3 alarms or I won’t wake up
Separate bedrooms can do wonders for a marriage it’s the best decision my husband and I made cuz he snores like no other and he’s always the one that falls asleep first
I agree worst invention in the world imo is that damn snooze button
You could get up with him, get yourself together, make him some breakfast have some time with just him then once he’s off start with your kids? As long as you sleep in the same room you will be woke up by his alarm and have to deal with his routine.
Well we both do it to each other🤷♀️ I think this is being peety
Yeah my husband has 3 alarms, deal with it, thank your husband he has a job to go to
My man does this same thing except its 4 am and he wakes the whole freaking house including the littles at 4 flipping am then gets mad that we are all up interrupting his personnel time. I also think he is being inconsiderate and rude
No, I understand this very well because I’m in the same boat and the shits annoying!
Except mine doesn’t even get up with his alarm it would go off for hours without me, he can’t get up for work so I have to get him up way before I even have to be as well. He has to be at work already by the time I even leave home. I came here to tell you that you’re not alone. Although, I wish I knew how to fix that as well
We go through same thing!! But I’m one snoozing…. Some ppl can’t just get right up, we need warning…
This used to be me & now I’ve adapted to his sleep habits i now need 3 alarms in the morning to get up. It just took 12 years to adapt to his schedule
My husbands alarm goes off he snoozes it twice but he never wakes me. The waking you part is what would make me mad
Earplugs. And be thankful he gets up and goes to work. A hardworking partner is rare.
There are much worse things to deal with! Consider a time when he wasn’t there any longer, you would give anything to hear that alarm just one more time! Life is way too short to be mad everyday over something so petty! I’m thankful for the little things , try to find joy in the fact that you have a husband, he has a job, and you have ears that can hear! Things could be so much worse! You are being petty and irrational, you have a choice in how your day begins, choose joy over anger, make the alarm a joyful noise to be aware of your husband in that moment and thank the Lord for your blessings!
I set my first alarm at 545 but don’t get up til 615…. I need time to wake up before actually getting up…. If he’s not going back to sleep perhaps he can turn off the extra alarms so you can go back to sleep?!
You’ll live. If thats the worst thing he does, I promise you are a lucky woman.
I would not tolerate that lol I’d be mad…. I get up first in our house with that being said I have one alarm set I get to it right away do it doesn’t wake baby and I get up and go
I totally agree I can’t stand when my husband used to do this… used to I mean still does drives me crazy
My husband and i both do this and work diff shifts on top of 4 kids. 1 homeschooled. 2 in school and one not in school yet. I used to get mad. But honestly… I have been super guilty of it lately too. We have multiple alarms for back ups. Some days we are up before our alarm. Some days on time. Other days we are lacking a little motivation n need that extra 20 to 30mins. How about seeing it as he may need more sleep to nurture what his body is lacking. Or maybe be more nurturing since it sounds like you dont have to physically go to work. Sometimes our spouses need a diff love language than us and we dont see it so clearly til years later. N that change in you may help be the change in him. Not my husband. Lmao. But maybe yours. Lmao. Not me either. I like my sleep. Lol
Mine does the same thing only every 15 min but I don’t have to get up I’m retired burn me up
Me and my hubby have about i alarms for our mornings, first one goes off at 5am, sometimes we get up sometimes we go back to bed and alarms go off every 10ish minutes until 630am than we have one at 715am for the time we need to leave the house, we have 4kids to get ready and organise our equipment for work. Doesn’t bother me a million alarms being snoozed in the morning
Shit I suck at getting up and I have to get up at 3:30/4a so I set like 7-10 alarms like every 10 mins and I snooze half of them
My partner does this! But he is even worse he sets it for about 5h30 and it goes off non stop until about 7am sometimes - we don’t share a bedroom but I’m a light sleeper so hear it and it wakes everyone up in the house and half the time I end up getting up going downstairs and waking him up anyway I do find it very annoying and inconsiderate
I set 6 alarms… getting out of bed is not my thing… my poor husband sets 1 and gets up so easy, I’m so jealous of it… it take me 6 alarms and 30 snoozer and I still get up grumpy… than I go wake our children who are carbon copies of me and hate getting out of bed just as much as I do… I feel bad for my husband… he has to go through all of my alarms, I’m sure he wished it was only 3
He’s being inconsiderate does he like to sleep in on the weekends if so do it to him lol
The bar for men is so low it’s a tavern in hades
He’s inconsiderate. If the first alarm wakes him, there is no reason he should go get the alarm and sit on his phone in bed while it goes off twice more.
I do the exact same thing. I have 3-5 alarms set. If you don’t like it, I would sleep separately.
Inconsiderate especially when every minute of sleep is precious for mummas. He can get up with the first alarm and go sit on the couch with himself till he’s ready to go. Or how about you call his bluff and leap out of bed on the first alarm and switch on the light and hand him his clothes. If you go to bed a bit earlier then you can get up with him and hurry him out the door then put yourself back to bed.
Wow… all these whiny comments.
Be grateful your man works, get on with it. Don’t like it, buy ear plugs. Simple
It’s inconsiderate. If roles were reversed I doubt he would be happy about you waking him up.
Mine used to do that, I got him a versa lite fitbit and he has the alarms set as Vibrations on it and Voilaaa, I am not getting woken up anymore.
My husband needs to leave for work at 530 everyday and does this 430 and 5 am again
So I just get up make him breakfast and coffee and pack his lunch everyday then he leaves at 530 I go back down to sleep and wake up at 7 to get my kids ready. I’m super grateful to be able to stay home with my kids for now doesn’t bother me at all
Yes, …he is being inconsiderate. He could go lay on the couch.
Leave him lmao it’s why I won’t let a man stay with me. Pay him back. No sex, sleep on the couch. Stop doing for him until he can be respectful☺️
Mine does the same except it’s states at 4:45 til about 5:45. And it’s just become a normal for me. I think they do it so when they finally got to get up, they aren’t in a deep sleep. Which I’m okay with cause I know he’s wide awake for his commute to work.
Honestly I do it. I put like 3 alarms one to wake me up from my deep sleep. Then I stay in bed trying to mentally prepare my self for work my second alarm eventually goes off again in case I dose off. Then the third one means it’s time to finally get up and get going. Everyone has a system that works for them. I can’t put one alarm and just get up and going it will make me grumpy through out the day. I need time to process in order to be fully functional. That might just be his thing. No one can be perfect. We all have our little kinks
Mmmm.a it could be that he’s pushing himself to the absolute last minute he can to stay in bed and cuddle you. I use to do this all the time. I’d wake up get dressed then crawl back in bed so I could cuddle with my baby until the last absolute minute until I had to absolutely leave. I had to set multiple alarms because my baby is my happy place and the only time I can actually sleep is when he’s around.
My husband and I both set multiple alarms and snooze them. It is annoying when I’m not getting up but I do the same thing he does
I have 3 alarms…. My husband has 5, some the same times as mine some are in between my time. Going from 5am-7am being the latest
Who gets up when their first alarm goes off? I know I don’t. I think you’re being a tad dramatic. I understand how it’s annoying but that’s marriage. Compromise. Maybe tell him if he’s not gonna get up when the first alarm goes off to grab his phone and go snooze on the couch til he does get up so you’re able to sleep as long as u can in order to have lots of energy for your 3 children you have to get ready for school.
I guess I’m thankful my husband has a job to set an alarm for. he sets his for 3am. Snoozes once or twice every morning. But knows he has to be walking out the door by 4 or he will be late. I feel bad for him, usually. I HATE waking up. I’m a SAHM & wife, with two homeschooled kids. Waking up is not my thing. I could never get mad at my husband for wanting those few extra minutes. And I could never sleep in a separate room.
My ex did that, only it was me who had to turn it off and he’d tell me what time to reset it to it was sooo annoying and inconsiderate… I’m a light sleeper and it takes forever to get back to sleep…
He’s inconsiderate why make you wake up before you need to
My husband and I both do a few alarms for getting up. I can’t just jump out the bed and up on my first alarm, I need time to prepare myself, especially if it’s cold lol. Or we lay together snuggled up not wanting to move.
It can be frustrating if one of us doesn’t have to get up, but If it wakes me up, I just get up with him and start my day and jobs earlier. If I wake him, he just watches TV in bed… No dramas xxx
My partner and myself both do it in the morning with our alarms, at least he is getting up to go to work to provide for his family… I think its a little but inconsiderate of you.
I went through this for years. Now I set his alarm but on my Apple Watch so that it only vibrates, wakes me, I wake him and he gets the f up. This became the best option for us. I have a really hard time getting to sleep and staying there where as he can sleep anywhere, anytime. This created a way for things to stay quiet and calm even if I do snooze it once… I can usually go back to sleep or at least rest a little longer and he can get up and get going when he needs to.
Screw him. My husband tried to set 3alarms every morning before he has to actually get up, and I told I’m tired of being woke up, because then I have to wake him up to turn his alarms off. He’s a heavy sleeper yes,but I’ve got two small kids that wake up sometimes as he’s leaving or shortly after and I’d like to enjoy my sleep little longer. We’ve gotten down to 2 alarms,but set further apart than the 3 he had every 15mins. Your husband is an ass who need to compromise.
My husband wakes up at 2 every morning to leave for work at 3, to get there at 4. I work at 8 and from home and have to get two kids around as well for school. Not top mention he usually keeps me up from snoring, or just being loud when he’s getting ready. Idk it just kinda sounds like he wants to just be next to you for that extra 30 minutes?
My other half does this (and snores) but I just sleep with earplugs in, he snoozes as much as he wants to and just lets me know when he is leaving with a kiss goodbye and I take the earplugs out and doze till my alarm goes off
I sleep in our guest room. Oops lol
I do this if I have to be up early husband just goes back to sleep or sleeps through it altogether
Is there a way to compromise? Maybe use a fit bit or Apple Watch so that it vibrates? Maybe move the phone closer to the bed? Use a different ring tone one that is quieter and less disturbing?
I literally jump at the sound of my alarm, I guess others need multiple to wake them up. If its really affecting your sleep try sleeping separately.
He is absolutely inconsiderate. Set it and get up. Either that, once the first alarm goes off, turn it off quickly, use your phone with headphones/earbuds in you’re ears and snooze it as many times as you want.
He’s inconsiderate my husband does the same thing. I throw a fit.
You can try to go to bed earlier, so that when he wakes you, you get up and do some stuff around the house or something for yourself untill everyone wakes up. That way you have had enough sleep
Sleep in separate bedrooms
I have multiple alarms as well. I cant just get up and be up. I have to have time to wake up. Lol
I think u are honestly
I don’t have to be “up” and moving until an hour after my alarm. But I set it an hour early so I can start waking myself up, get my coffee, that kind of thing. I don’t want to have to leap out of bed and get ready for work that exact minute. Your husband is likely the same way.
My husband used to do this. I’d wait until he’d fall asleep then turn all the alarms off except the last one. After a week he realized there was no difference and now only sets one😂I agree it’s so annoying. ESPECIALLY when you have kids that sleep with you that don’t need to wake up for 2 more hours lol.
It’s rude and inconsiderate.
Wow. An alarm is an issue nowadays? Sleep on the couch? I think you are hugely overreactng.
I need to set 4 alarms to get up in the morning, it’s a common ADHD thing. Maybe he’s like me?
Perhaps instead of getting cranky, use the extra time to snuggle?
This is so my hubby lol
That drives me nuts. My husband stopped this when I stopped letting him fall back asleep. If you wake me up - we are all awake.
Maybe secretly set his alarm for 6am when he is asleep.
My alarm is set to wake before my husband. I get up and get moving before he has to wake and then 30 mins later his goes off. I turn his off and bring his coffee to his bedside. Wake him and silent his alarm. He dozes back off and I remind him in a few minute increments to wake up… because he has to work. I work as well, and I have to be to work before him, but, he’s not a morning person and I am. I knew this when I married him. I think we all know our person pretty well by the time we get married. Some cases not so much, but most do. This should’ve been considered prior to marriage. There’s more pressing issues than a dang alarm in life. But, that’s my opinion and we all have them. They all seem to stink to someone else.
Oh wow your good!! I think I would of thrown his phone out the window…I hate being woken up when I don’t need to be woken up…I think he should get up at half 5…and go down stairs and snooze on the sofa until 6 oclock.give you your rest…it’s not fair on you.
Seriously, if you enjoyed your relationship you would get up when he or she does…that hour and a half waking and spending quality time with your other half can be just what one needs to get out of the shitty mood