I wouldn’t appreciate being woken at 5:30am every day if I didn’t need to actually get up until 7am! He needs a quieter alarm, or a silent vibrating one on a smart watch maybe? I get the need to snooze and chill in bed for a bit before you actually have to get up though, just difficult when you are on two different schedules I don’t know many people who jump straight out of bed and start their day to be honest lol! You’ll have to look for a compromise where he sets a slightly later or quieter alarm as you need your sleep too and shouldn’t have to get up at that time if you don’t actually need to… Maybe you should do it to him on a weekend and show him how annoying it is?
I find it inconsiderate when you are sharing the space together. I understand the one alarm but then he can move to the couch or I would get apple pods and put them in your ears and listen to some time of meditation.
Feel lucky my first alarm goes off at 3:45 next is 4:00 4:15 4:30 I normally roll out my bed between the 4:15 or 4:30 and yes they make my wife stir but not fully awake and most of the time we get morning cuddles so maybe he just needs to use his time differently
I can relate to your husband….
He’s in the wrong. If someone did this I’d be
He’s being lazy and disrespectful.
Him going to sleep on the couch after his first alarm would be good
Is he a heavy sleeper… my husband alarm goes off at 345 and he’s snoozes it til about 4. He’s like awake but doesn’t want to get out of bed yet lol
If you don’t work what’s the difference?
It’s not about you.
I know I can’t wake up unless I set at least 3 alarms and have them all go off at opposite times so at the 9 minute mark it’s really like 4 minutes in between each one.
He probably would fall back asleep and miss going to work.
What you view as him being inconsiderate is actually responsible. He’s doing whatever he’s gotta do to make it on time.
I’ve missed many school and work days because of insomnia and when I finally got to sleep, I slept too hard and missed all alarms.
Drove my stepdad crazy in high school because I set my alarm an hour early because I’m not a morning person.
I work night shift because I cannot get up at the ass crack of dawn and be successful at my job.
Whatever it takes. You are being inconsiderate.
If he needs to hit the snooze button like that then it’s fine. He’s doing what he needs to do to get up. Plenty of people do this.
It’s for work so he can help provide for his family your being Inconsiderate or his needs. People wake up differently. Yes you can sleep in till 7am he’s has to be up for work.
My ex also use to do this but he would have them going off at 630 and then every 15 minutes til 730 ready for when he would leave at 8.
I use to get angry but I said I will allow the 630 one one more as a warning that it’s nearly time to get up.
I think the first one is to wake them up and then they can lie in bed and enjoy being awake but resting so he can appreciate some time in bed. Which I understand so I’d allow two alarms but in between alarms I would say are inconsiderate and just not necessary.
Just cause she doesn’t work away from home doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the right to sleep until it her time.
My bf wakes up at 3 I hear the alarm he gets up goes to the couch or just gets ready.
I’m a sahm and still need sleep to get through the day
So you’re a stay at home mom
And are mad bc he wakes you up…… ok
How about taking advantage of that hour and snuggle?
My husband goes to work early in the morning. His alarm is set for 4am. Mine is set for 4:10 and 4:25. Why? To make sure we don’t fall back asleep.
When the 4am alarm goes off I roll over to my husband and he rolls to me and we wrap our arms around each other. And we snuggle. When the 4:25 alarm goes off I get up and go make coffee and get his lunch packed and pee the dogs.
He gets dressed and when he comes down he pours our coffee and brings it in the living room.
We sit and chat until 5:04 when he puts his shoes on. I then walk him to the door and get more hugs and kisses and I love you’s. He leaves. I go back to my chair and read for awhile and then start my day. No I do not go back to bed.
Yes I am tired by 7pm. We head to bed at 8:00 or so. I keep the same schedule as him because I really enjoy our morning routine.
And….the snuggles in the morning will make your marriage stronger and more loving.
Even though you have kids it doesn’t hurt everyone to go to bed early. If need be get them up earlier so they are tired by 8.
So…no you aren’t being a jerk. You are just looking at this the wrong way. Choose to love and bond with your husband during that hour.
Eh it’s not worth the argument. I know alot of ppl who have two alarms half hour apart. At least he gets up to turn it off
I do this because I’m fucking exhausted from working but want to make sure I get up but I’m still exhausted and still need that few extra minutes. You getting mad at him every day is weird to me. My gf does this as well for work.
Ya you are being dramatic seriously
Is he waking you on purpose or do you wake up in the process of the alarm & getting out of bed? Some people need the alarm to go off several times before actually waking up. I do this too.
Chuck him into the spare room.
Omg my partner does this to and this drives me insane
My husband does this on weekends and it makes me crazy! Weekdays, I’m up between 4 and 5 am. He snoozes everyday (he hates mornings).
When he snoozes several times on the weekends I get annoyed.
I dated someone who did the same thing . It is inconsiderate for sure
Get up with him at 530 and get freaky for 30 minutes
I use to get up with my husband every day he worked. Packed his lunch and coffee. When he retired I was still working he got up every day with me and in the winter time he would go out and start my bus so it was warm for me and my kids. Did all this till I retired. Was out time to be able to talk about our day. Loved it.
I do this all the time but my fiance sleeps like a rock
Once he wakes up at 5:30, tell him to grab his pillow and go sleep on the couch for the next two times his alarm goes off so it doesn’t disturb you and he can still rest and gradually wake up.
It is inconsiderate. My husband does this (sometimes) as he starts work earlier than me, hits snooze repeatedly which causes me to wake up earlier. No big deal, but I also work full time so he’s just made my day that much more exhausting.
I think maybe you’re being a bit inconsiderate yourself.
Everyone has different ways of waking up and a different morning process.
Some people are up and at it with the first time their alarm goes off…others? Not so much.
Some people set their alarm for before they actually have to get up, because they know themselves well enough to know they need several sleep interruptions before they will actually be able to get up and function.
If he set it for 6 it’s likely that he would not get up and start getting around until 7ish or he would feel super frazzled and be extremely forgetful.
My husband has his alarms set for 445, 545, and 6…but he doesn’t actually get out of bed until 6.
My husband sets him alarm for 5:40 and let’s it go off every ten minutes until my alarm goes off to get up at 6:26. He doesn’t actually get up until my alarm goes off. It drives me crazy because it is rude, but he has a hard time waking up. He says it’s his waking up process lol. Not worth even really getting mad over tbh.
My husband does the same thing and you’re absolutely right it is inconsiderate I cuss him out and tell him to get the hell out the bed.
In my opinion, he’s not the inconsiderate one in this scenario. It’s a half hour of interrupted sleep, and you still get an hour after the final alarm goes off. Find bigger things to be upset about, this is ridiculous especially since you don’t work lol.
Lol I dated someone that did that and I was so out of it one morning and was annoyed and smashed the shit out of his phone because apparently my half conscious self had enough
I don’t blame you! That’s very inconsiderate! You’re a Mom and need that extra 90 minutes of sleep before you start your day! My husband used to get up early and leave the house at 5:30 am and just kiss me good bye at that time! You have every right to your sleep too!
He is inconsiderate. I once had a husband who had to be up at 4, he made sure he never turned the door handle to the bathroom so every time he went in and out it made a loud noise and woke everyone up
You wake at 7am… so what does ur husband eat before work. Who makes him coffee and packs his breakfast and lunch… my husband works for 7 i wake at 4am and prepare his stuff for work… cook lunch… pack his bag and organise kids snacks for school… maybe it’s his way of telling u to wake up and do ur wifely duties… lol wasn’t meant in a rude way eh… i just find it strange u wake at 7 and ur husband works the same time like who feeds him… but all relationships are not the same so
My husband does the same thing I don’t mind it
Another reason I’m single
I don’t sleep well and wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep after hearing his alarm 3 times!
I do the same thing because it takes me a while to get up, I can’t just spring out of bed the second an alarm goes off. I honestly think you’re throwing a fit over nothing, no offense. If this is your only complaint against your husband, it seems like you’re looking for a reason to get upset. Get some ear plugs or sleep elsewhere
I don’t have a job currently but I get up with him at 4, let the dogs out go start and clean off the car and have hot chocolate ready/and or his lunch for him, then the dogs and I jump back in bed until I get back up to workout at 5 sometimes 6. The dogs usually have me up before he does any way. I try to keep them calm so he can sleep until his alarm goes off.
He is inconsiderate like a lot of men. Can’t change them!
It’s not really inconsiderate.
Idk. My husband and I both are terrible at working morning shift jobs, but, it’s what works best for our family. He sets 3 alarms. We have the “you should get up” “no really, get up” and the third is for “no really, you’re gunna be late if you don’t get up now”. I however…. Am a permanently exhausted pigeon by Thursday night and work Friday-Sun. My alarms are…. Well there’s like 10 of them. It’s not that either of us are doing it to be inconsiderate, it’s that it’s the only way we will get up.
I don’t blame you, that’s all ima say
Just tell him to wake you at 6 and stay in bed until then! After doing this for a few days and you not getting up at 5:30, maybe he will realize he’s wasting his time.
This is one of those “pick your battles” things… there are women coming here for advice on their husbands beating them, beating their kids, cheating on them, using them etc… and you’re here for an alarm. Is your husband a good man? Does he hit snooze a few times but then get up and take his ass to work? Does he pay bills? Help with the kids! Treat you right? If you answered yes to all of those questions, then count your blessings, buy some ear plugs and let it goooo. If you happened to answer no to those questions, you’ve got bigger issues. One way or another, your husband hitting snooze on his alarm a few times, isn’t something to hire a divorce lawyer over.
My husband gets up at 3:30am, 5 days a week. He sets an alarm for 3:30, 3:32, 3:34… sometimes he gets up on the first alarm, sometimes he gets up on the third alarm. No matter which alarm he gets up on, it always wakes me up. I don’t complain though, because his alarm going off means he’s getting up to go to work to provide for his family. So if I have to wake up at 3:30 or 3:34, for a few minutes, so be it. I’m going back to sleep for a little bit while he’s leaving for work.
Pick your battles!
He’s not in the wrong, I think you’re just being petty Be grateful that he has a job that he’s getting up for and going to every morning. You still have an hour of sleep after he gets up! Or, just get up when he leaves at 6, and enjoy an hour of peace and quiet before all the kids get up.
My boyfriends alarm starts going off at 530 every morning and he NEVER hears it. Is it annoying, yes. Do I shake him every time it goes off, you bet I do. If I gotta wake up every 10 minutes for the next 30-60 then he is too lol. Omg he’s not even here and I can hear it in the back of my head lol. Girl be glad he gets up and goes to work. Hell maybe use that 30 minutes to really wake him up. It’s better than coffee
Find bigger things to worry about. Im sure you can nap at home,he cant nap at work. Some people need more time to wake up and others spring right up. Get up early with him and have some sexy time…what a great way to start the day🥰
Broken sleep. I get it. Keep talking to him about it.
Some people need to have a few alarms to wake up to. I have an alarm set for 630 but regularly am not awake enough and get out of bed until a bit past 7. I have my 3 alarms and my kids 3 alarms going off at intervals to help wake me up for 7.
If it’s bothering you then try sleeping in separate bedrooms.
Also have you considered he might want to spend some time with you before the kids get up?
Two types of people snoozer and non. I hate the snoozer option and feel the way you do. You won’t change his mind.
Lmao… this is me!!.. I’m single so
I do this, I set my alarm for a certain time and then snooze it. Most people I know do this.
If this is the what your issues are around, feel fortunate, sounds like you have a good marriage, a man that works, and really cares about you guys. Lick your arguments. Not that you should set his you feel aside but I feel like an alarm is not something to be mad about.
He may need to set the alaem like this so he actually gets up, he gets up out of bed and then he needs that time to continue waking up. I set 4 alarms. If I don’t I won’t sleep bc I’m worried I won’t get up so its my comfort I guess.
He’s very inconsiderate!!!
If it upsets you, talk about it. Small issues build up into bigger ones. Nothing is too small to communicate about when you are in a relationship.
You should be getting up with him and getting his lunch packed and coffee ready for him I don’t go to work til 7am but I still get up at 430am with him every morning to make sure he has everything he needs for the day! And if you don’t work then don’t complain you can nap throughout the day while he is WORKING to support you
He is inconsiderate. This pisses me off as well. I told my husband if it doesn’t stop im sleeping in a different room. I get up at 2 am 4 days a week for work. I should get to sleep in on at least one of my off days. He gets to sleep in every day
My husband sets his alarm for 515. He gets up gets our teens up gets coffee ready and then he sweetly when me up. After I’m awake I take care of him, I pack his lunch and get breakfast ready, I also do this for our 4 children. Get up with him geez.
Yep! he is wrong and inconsiderate
It would be annoying yes, but don’t sweat the small stuff. My husband does this too, but I just wait until he gets up and go back to sleep.
My husband does the same thing.
I have no advice because this is me all day every day. My husband can set his alarm and the second it goes off he’s out of bed and going. For me I know my snooze is 9 minutes so I set it for 18 minutes before I have to actually be up.
As someone who really struggles to wake up fully, I understand why he does this.
He secretly hates u and wants the bed all to himself
You could get up with him. What’s an hour earlier to spend time with him before work?
Set yours for 430 l0l and do the same.
Mot me also setting 25 thousands alarms so I can’t give advice maybe get him to sleep on the couch
My husband does that but doesn’t bother me as I sleep through alarms
This is mine, I don’t have to get up until 6. I snooze from 5-6. It takes me A LONG time to wake up. My fiance hates it as well. But I think over time has just adjusted to it🤷🏻♀️ I don’t do it to be inconsiderate, I do it because I am a VERY heavy sleeper. Your husband only snoozing for 30 minutes I feel is a good normal time frame honestly.
Must be a man thing lol
I think it’s a bit inconsiderate. I have issues with sleeping as it is, so I’d probably sleep in another room.
Your husband and I are the same person LOL I’m bad for that too but my husband doesn’t say anything lol
My husband doesn’t have to get up until 6:30ish to get our kids ready for school. My alarm goes off at 4:15. He gets up with me and we have quiet time and alone time just talking while I’m getting ready for work. I have to leave at 5:30 for work everyday. It’s nice.
I do this. One alarm and I would still be so tired. I like being able to snooze my alarm and mentally prepare myself to get up and get ready for the day.
Ask him to relax on the sofa or a recliner.I like getting up then relaxing a bit before the day starts.My husband sleeps an hour or so longer then I do.So I just do it that way because it enables me to make sure I’m not disturbing him unnecessarily.Good luck
I think some people need a period of time to adjust between sleep and awake
It is very annoying for sure. My sister did that as a kid.
Self center hubby… end of story.
Sorry, heavy sleeper or not.
We all have some issues and it’s our choice to force them on others, OR deal with them.
Go see a doctor if it’s so bad. Find answers and solutions
I think its very inconsiderate. Hell even when I was breast feeding I’d quietly sneak out and do what I needed to do and crawl back into bed. If I can manage to get up multiple times a night with a infant without waking my partner he should be able to do the same in the morning. I mean it happens once in a while but not everyday. If he has so much trouble getting up maybe he needs to go to bed earlier.
And there’s 3 more before 8am…the 4s are his the 6s are mine and the rest is timing the kids on morning tasks
My husband often sets his alarm multiple times, and ends up snoozing/sleeping for a good 1-2 hours after lol
I’m one of those people that has to come to terms with waking up in the morning…and I need time to do that. I snooze my alarm quite a bit for that. It sounds like your husband needs that too…Knowing how it feels-I could never be aggravated at my husband for doing that. Getting up early sucks. It’s a 30 minute time span that you’re making a big deal about. At least he works. Choose your battles more wisely.
As someone who has to set alarms every 15min starting an hour before I gotta get up I understand this. Let’s turn it around and ask how you’d feel if he constantly over slept and was late for work and kept getting fired because he never gets to work on time.
Let’s buy some ear plugs and try to understand and appreciate the process
When he goes to sleep. Reset his alarm for 6am only. Lol
This is my alarms and my husband doesn’t mind. You’re overreacting.
I have multiple set every one is different and it takes some awhile to wake up
Sounds like a routine to help him wake up before he actually gets up. I don’t think he’s trying to be inconsiderate.
It is very inconsiderate and my husband did the same thing for a long time! It drives me crazy!
So inconsiderate! I get up before him and try to be as quiet as I can to not disturb him. He even uses the spare bathroom when he needs a bath at night, just not to disturb me.
He knows what time you get up this man is an a$$!
My bf does this it dont even wake him up n goes 2 hours before he needs to be up just wakes me n tje babies up when im uo all night with them pisses me right off especially when i could do with a little extra sleep
Get him a smart watch. Some of them have silent alarms that just buzz on your wrist. It’s the perfect alarm for not waking your partner.
My hubby does the same and it is pointless to get mad because they don’t know how it feels. Nothing wakes him when he sleeps. But he knows not to touch me or ask me anything in the morning.
I need multiple alarms to get up. One does not work. Some people can get up and ready with just one and some can’t. It’s not inconsiderate. It’s just how some people have to start their day. I used to only have the one but kept almost having my son miss the buss because I wouldn’t remember my alarm going off or anything. I’d wake up to my phone wiring from my boyfriend calling from work because he knows I have trouble waking up. I’m sure he finds it irritating when he’s home, but he also knows that I found a solution to make sure our son was catching the bus.
This is my alarm if not like this then I won’t wake up lop my husband understand and just makes fun of me lol
He is being inconsiderate and if you did the same he would be mad.
Mine does the same thing. Has an alarm set for every 10 minutes starting at 5:30a. I wake up at 6:15a to get my daughter to school. When I asked him why he does it, he says it gives him false hope of sleeping longer when he doesn’t want to get up. Lol it’s normal. If need be, sleep in another room on the days he goes to work so you don’t have to hear it.
Set yours for 4 and keep letting the alarm go off until he gets the message xx
I’d have to start sleeping in a separate room.
I do the same to my husband. I don’t mean to but I don’t even realize I have turned off an alarm. I set probably 12 to make sure I get up.