That would make me nuts lol he’s being inconsiderate if you’ve asked him to get up with the first alarm. I understand needing more than one alarm to wake yourself up but if he gets up to get it anyway he could easily move to the couch to wait for the next two alarms.
Well i would say you are in the wrong. Its hos pattern to get himself up and awake. Leave him alone and dont interfear. Your lucky you have a working man who wants to go to work and suport his family the least you can do is not whine about ut
My wife and I both do this her softwakeup time is 30 minutes while mine is only 10. Her schedule changes so it’s her getting up earlier than me 4 to 5 days out of the week then the opposite the remaining days. Neither of us have ever been upset by it so I think you are being selfish by getting mad over 30 minutes.
When he goes to sleep change it to only go off one more time…
Mine doesnt even set his alarm he just expects me to wake him up for work but hes also super hard to wake up lol
Inconsiderate. My husband is the same. Expect his alarm goes off from 4am to 430 every few minutes.
My husband is a 1 alarm kind of guy. I am not. Mine goes off every 10 minutes between 6:30 & 7am or I do not get up.
He’s definitely being inconsiderate! When his alarm goes off he should get up and leave the bedroom.
I wish mine would… lol then maybe I’d see him before he goes to work…
You get one alarm … anymore while I’m sleeping I’m breaking it.
If his working and your home all day your inconsiderate by far why would wanna make a fight over something small and petty if the Love is strong then something small and petty like that shouldn’t bother you when you truly love your partner some people usually find the smallest reason to fight then use that to leave the relationship so maybe take into consideration if you truly love him that this small thing really interferes with everything right and good that he does for his family
Maybe he need 30 minutes to wake up before getting out of bed.
I have to get up an hour before my husband to take care of the dogs and start house crap. We own a business together so go to work together. He just hangs out in bed for awhile and naps, but understands Im doingstuffforbothofus. . I’m better with waking up then him too.
Yes I may sound inconsiderate but to him, it’s not. It’s how he wakes himself up. Some people are good with only one alarm. Others need those multiple alarms. I do it. It’s a way to help wake yourself up.
My alarm goes off every 9 minutes for an hour. It’s how I wake up
My husband has 3 alarms set. But I set mine for the first one so I can get up and fix his lunch and coffee. He works 12 hours a day sometimes 14. Sometimes he will get up on the first one. I also have to get up with the children and get them ready for school. I also have animals I have to take care of and I have to cook. I never complain. I’m a very thankful my husband has a job. All that can change in a day.
I have to be up by 6:30. I start my alarms at 5:45 cause if I set it for like 6:20-6:30 I won’t get up in time. Some people need extra time to wake up and lay down half asleep while they’re trying to wake up fully. I don’t think he’s being inconsiderate I think that is just how he wakes up.
My husband has alarms from 5:30-6:30 they go off every 10 minutes. It’s always been like this…does it drive me crazy sometimes? Absolutely but I also appreciate he works his ass off so I’m able to stay home with the kids. I’m a one alarm person I don’t snooze it as soon as it does off I’m up. We just wake up differently.
Mine and my husband’s alarms go off at the same time during the week, but on weekends, I turn mine off and he keeps his on as he works Saturdays.
Goes off at 645, and it will go off until 740 or so. Smfh
Have you ever considered that he has to do this? I have to set alarms like this so when my alarm goes off letting me know that it is officially time to get up, I don’t snooze it or shut it off and go back to sleep. Some people are heavy sleepers and/or struggle with other things that make this a bit more difficult. Undiagnosed mental disorders and sleep disorders included. My alarms start at 5:45, then 6, then 6:30 because of this.
I set like 5 alarms every morning from 4am to 4:45 because if I don’t, I won’t wake up. I will sleep right through them and be late for work. I’m a heavy sleeper and it takes a lot for me to get out of bed.
One alarm doesn’t work for me I have to have a couple to slowly wake me up like that. Some people just operate that way. It isn’t selfishness.
Lol my guy sets alarm for 4am does the same thing urs does and then gets up at 530am turns on the light and proceeds to make enough racket to wake the entire block. I have major back issues and don’t sleep well on top of it. So I wake up exhausted.
I used to get so mad like you. I’d start my day off in such a bad mood every day because I hated it. Because like you I felt it was so rude and inconsiderate. And I was so b!+@#y every day to him because of it.
Then one day I decided I wasn’t going to let it bother me anymore. So now when his alarm goes off I roll over and tell him I love him and snuggle. The second time it goes off I get up make coffee for us. Bring him a cup and pack his lunch then sit and enjoy a cup of coffee myself.
After a week of this I was feeling better. My days were going my even my honey was having better days.
That was 2 yrs ago now. And the change in our life is incredible. We are closer now. He now sits with me in the quiet hours of the early morning and we talk. We are closer then ever before. And we are happy. All because I decided not to be bothered by a little inconvenience.
We cannot effect how other people behave. We can however effect how we react. And that can make a world of difference in how we feel.
At first I thought it was inconsiderate but then I wonder what exactly about his way of waking is bothering you? Is it the getting out of bed and coming back? The alarm? Is he being unnecessarily rough getting in and out of bed? Is he loud? Is he purposefully waking you? If it was on purpose waking you up and being unnecessarily loud, rough, and obnoxious I’d say he’s inconsiderate and needs to try to be quieter and softer. But otherwise reading this, I think he just needs that time to wake up better to start his day.
Set your alarm for 4:30 am for the week. Then have ur go off 3-4 times before his alarm is set to go off. He might understand the issue at that point.
Do you work? If not after the kids are gone grab a few more Zzzzz’s before you clean or do whatever you do. We all have our routines. Most people don’t jump out of bed whistling all the way to work. It’s a gradual shock of a new day. If he lingers in bed get in some kid free nookie time. There’s always a solution if you work together on issues.
I’ve turned off my husband’s early alarms. He does the same thing. He literally didn’t even notice when I turned off 4 of them from the 2 hours before he ever wake up
When he gets up to snooze the alarm hurry up and roll yourself up in all the blankets, take his pillow, and sprawl out like a giant starfish on the bed so he has no room to get back in bed lol
Some ppl need to wake up slowly I used to be like that because of pain so try and be considerate
You sound grumpy. You should probably get more rest. Go to bed early and stop fighting with your husband about stupid stuff.
Welcome to marriage, love. It’s freaking awesome, am I right?
I understand. When it’s my partners turn to take our kid to school the alarm will go off, she’ll go back to sleep. I have to keep waking her up which defeats the purpose of letting me sleep in. You’re not in the wrong.
my husband has an alarm at 4 410 415 420 and 430 AM because if not he wont wake up lol.
Separate bedrooms. White noise. Ear plugs. Get a smart watch. My watch pulses & I have my phone’s volume the lowest it can go so I don’t wake my husband or possibly kids that crawled in my bed.
My husband sets his alarm for 2:20, 2:30, 2:40, 2:50 and still doesn’t get up. I have to wake him up. Lol it’s not that big of a deal.
I’m laughing bc this is exactly what I do. My alarm starts at 5:20/5:30 bc I have the intention of getting up by 5:45 to exercise but I know I have the leeway of getting up as late as 6:15 if I don’t exercise. Yes it’s inconsiderate. I’m guilty. Now I feel bad
You sound inconsiderate lol
I do what your husband does and if I don’t neither of us will get up till later. Plus taking that extra hour you can clean or take a shower before getting the kids up and ready.
Girl… Stop. Lol
Not even can just get up. I also need to snooze my alarms. It is what it is. You’re married.
So if you aint workin and he is then i dont see the problem…you can always take a nap later
It’s not that big of a deal. My husband has several alarms to get up for work. There are several people like this.
If you don’t work then you can go back to sleep after you drop the kids off at school. But I think you need to be considerate of your husband. This isn’t worth fighting over.
My husband does the same thing even on days he doesn’t have to be up!!! Finally told him to knock it off and how rude it is!
I think you’re being an asshole. Lol
I work 80+ hours a week. I set my alarm for 3am but continue to snooze it until 3:45.
I can’t just pop up out of bed the second the first alarm goes off.
I need time to “get the 5 extra minutes”, aka, 45 minutes. Lol.
If my boyfriend bitched about it, I’d tell him to stop acting like a spoiled little princess.
Yeah I don’t get that. I can understand 5-10 minutes so you have time to wake up and then the second go off and know you gotta get up. But a half hour is weird
Sounds like my husband!!! He’s probably laying there doing math in his head. Ok, if I skip my shower I can lay here 10 more minutes. If I don’t get my coffee I can stay 5 more minutes. Dang it!!! I got to get up now.
He is definitely being inconsiderate! Why can’t he shut off the alarm and go to the living room or something?
Sounds like mine eventually I just get up and go to the bathroom or get a drink and he follows and gets yo lol and than I go back to bed once’s he’s up.
My alarm starts going off at 5 with 15 minutes between snoozes. I get up finally at 6. My boyfriend gets home from work about 10 pm. He NEVER complains about my alarm. Quit complaining! Life is too short to complain about petty things!
My man wakes up
The whole damn house lol. He sets his alarm every 10 min for 45 minutes. NOW THATS ANNOYING but I get up to make him lunch anyway now then get back up 2 hours later to work and take care of our toddler bc I work remotely. It’s annoying yeah but it is what it is Caz when I have to wake up early I do it too. I think everyone does lol. I do get mad he makes so much noise he wakes the baby up though but I pick my battles.
2 times? I snooze my shit at least 6 7 times.
Thank goodness I am not married. If you can sleep in another room. That is so inconsiderate.
I am a light sleeper so I understand. My husband finally reduced the alarms.
Be thankful you don’t have to be.
My husband did this when we were first together. He believed me when I told him that it will fly across the room if it goes off more than once in the morning. Not a problem since.
Look im going to be really honest if i tell my old man once and he dont listen hes getting locked out of the bedroom !! And the alarm is getting smashed against the wall im not playing !
I’m confused about the “wakes me up” part. Does he wake you up on purpose or does the alarm and him getting in and out of bed wake you up? If he purposely wakes you up, he is an inconsiderate jerk and needs to stop that part. If it’s the alarm, you guys need to compromise. Start sleeping in separate rooms during work days or something.
My Boyfriend does samething…I dont think its a big deal
My husband’s alarm goes off at 5:45, has me snooze it a few times. He gets up at 6:20, I grumble inside because I’m tired. I don’t mind, we’ve been together 24 years & it’s only 3 months, his shifts switch every 3 months. Day shift, 4-12a & overnight. I don’t mind
I have several alarms that wake us both up multiple times. Hubby works nights so it does bother him especially when he just went to sleep. But he understands why I need that many alarms.
My husband sleeps on the couch as he always falls asleep watching TV.
Omg…same thing with my husband!
Be thankful you have a man with an alarm needing to get up to work. Sounds selfish if you want it to…but there are many that would love this problem/concern.
My fiancé did the same thing. Set his alarm for 515…would snooze it until 6 and then get up…guess which one of us was able to fall back asleep after the first time it went off? Not me . I told him to turn his alarm off, mine is already set for 6…and if I heard it go off one more time I was gonna throw his phone out of the window
Atleast he’s working
I do this same stuff and so does my man. At least you get to stay in bed for another hour after he cannot. Some peoples brain works differently and the need to be jump started. Personally if I were the one who still had the opportunity it to go back to sleep I’d take the times woken up with his alarm to idk cuddle back up to him show him some positivity and love in the morning.
Me n the Mr works early I start at 6am he starts at 530am we both have quite a few alarms on both phones every morning for our work / or other person work this is so we can wake but stil lay in bed or go bk sleep (I terriable for this n a bad thing also for me ) his starts at 330 and finished at 415 when he leaves
Mine is from 4 til 6 but stops at 5.25 latest I can leave it then one for 6 to start to work
It jst unfortantly one of those things when u or other half works or both Hun … It irrates me when I’m not workin but that life n no it has to be done … He wakes me n I sometime wake him if one is runnin late or to say bye to each other x I feel for my babygirl at thoose times but gotta be done n she carnt have her own room only in 1 bedroom house unfortantly xx
I’d say you’d have a problem (I am bad but stopped loads n hardly do it if at all now) if u wake and try wake other and then when eventually do wake in bad mood n be a Mardy bitch n shit cuz got woke to go work before I late x
Omg mine does the same thing, except his alarm is right on his side if the bed & he will shake his butt dancing like it’s a joke & we fight every dam day cuz of it. Or he wakes up every single night for hours playing the game & somehow has to wake me up too. Why? Idk I ask him why every day. It is inconsiderate of them. I’m tired of it
My husbands alarm starts going off at 5:30 and hits snooze a few times. He needs his “wake-up” time just like I do… I either get up with him to start my day or go back to sleep for a few mins. It doesn’t bother me….
I get up at 6:30 usually. So I set my watch alarm for 6:00 and then my phone alarm for 6:30. I’ve always done that but its always taken me awhile to fully wake up has since I was younger. I used to snooze it every 5 minutes for like a half hour but not anymore.
That would be annoying. Maybe consider sleeping in another room.
I think it’s pretty rude he knows you have to deal with the kids all day.
My fiance does the same thing and it drives me crazy
This is why mine has a Fitbit now. So it vibrates on his wrist and I don’t know about it lol
If it bothers you then it does. And y’all need to figure out something that works for both of you. Like possibly just his one at 5:30 and then one at 6.
My boyfriends starts off between 5:30 and 6 MANY times but he doesn’t get up until around 7:30 for work lol I have to be up at 6:30 to get my son to school and get to work so yeah it use to really bug me when I didn’t have to get up earlier than him because of how it went off every 5 minutes for almost 2 hours yeah it made me mad it’s like why set it that early and have it go off that many times.
You think he does it to piss you off? He does it because that what he needs to get up in the morning. He does it to make sure he goes to work on time and keeps his job. I bet it is irritating. But what is also irritating is having a partner in life that is unsupportive.
Reset his alarm to 7 and don’t tell his ignorant self . Keep doing it daily if you have to .
I would be pissed, you are not over reacting
My Husband calls me 5 alarm bandit, says I rob him of his sleep. LOL, but we never fight about it. He gets it. He wakes up before I do anyway, my alarms just keeps going until the very last second. Then I run around like a chicken w no head.
I find that rather inconsiderate. I mean, we all love our beauty sleep. You should speak to him about it. Otherwise, somebody needs to be sleeping in the couch.
I would be frustrated if hubby kept.waking me up when I don’t need to be up. talk to him.
My husband does this for 2 hours
It’s so aggravating but I get it. It’s just how he needs to be able to wake up. I usually just roll put of bed after 30 minutes and hop in the shower.
Yup mine does the same CRAP
My husband can wake up to a single alarm. Myself I set 3 every morning and end up snoozing them. I need more time to get up and function so I always set multiple alarms. My husband hasn’t complain in all the years we have been together. We just function differently. I am not a morning person on any level.
Yeah he is definitely is the wrong. My husband used to do this and I put a stop to it. I think he is being very rude to you by doing this to you every morning.
Yeah so I do what your husband does. I’m not a morning person so this method helps me get up.
My alarm does that at least 4 times every morning cause I ain’t a morning person and need it to finally make me get up. My husband never gets mad about it
Have some stronger coffee yall
My EX husband used to do same thing…not saying you should divorce him but I understand it makes every single day start out annoyed and exhausted! You need to get 4 of you out the door while he just needs to worry about himself. He is being inconsiderate
Why not just get up with him? Give yourself free time in the morning.
Your wrong , now one thing my husband does or did in the morning is spray a ton of cologne I couldn’t breath first thing in morning he doesn’t do it anymore though
Get over it that shit is petty at least he gets up everyday and works🤯
My husband gets up for work at 230-300 in the morning. So, I wouldn’t get too bent out of shape over something petty
Get up at 5:30… go make coffee, make sure he’s in the shower, make him BE up at 5:30. If he doesn’t like it, have him set his alarm for 6 like a big boy.
My bf does the exact same thing except he doesn’t wake me up just to be up. But usually his alarms do wake me up
Go sleep somewhere else then. I always sleep through my alarm… you can too lol
I’d be annoyed too! If he wants to sleep past the first alarm I would suggest telling him to take his phone to the couch outside of the bedroom.
This is straight up disrespect for you…Respect is key to everything in my life it is something I WILL NOT TOLERATE PERIOD…Ergo will remain single FOR LIFE…
That’s tricky. Can he set an alarm he’s sensitive to but you’re not? Otherwise I kind of agree, get up and make coffee use the extra hour and a half to be YOUR time
He is being inconsiderate, but I have no room to talk because I do it too. I set one alarm 30 min before I have to wake up because I’m such a heavy sleeper that the first alarm pulls me out of a deep sleep and the second is to actually wake up. BUT…my alarm is within arms reach and I turn them off quickly. And my husband snores thru all of it so its a win win for us, but not for you. I’m sorry girl.