The cost should be split, however Your son should not have had it outside.
Why would u let them take it outside? Outside is to play outside games. Ipads tablets inside
Sorry but your kid shouldn’t have brought it outside that’s what happens.
They broke it they should pay for it. But maybe they can’t afford it? Maybe if you can you should. That’s what I would do to avoid it being weird
It wasn’t that kids fault. It was yours and your sons responsibility to keep up his his belongings. Accidents happen.
Your kid took it out your responsibility. If it were my child he just wouldn’t have a tablet for a good long while
It’s a lesson. An expensive one!
Shouldn’t have let him with other kids around
Your at fault for letting your son play with it outside, especially when you knew he was taking it out there, obviously not an outdoor toy.
Im gonna be the odd man out here and ask how old your child is. If they’re old enough to know where its not supposed to be ,let alone in another friends hands, then i personally i wouldn’t replace it thats being irresponsible and i dont reward bad behavior for their choices…
Well you let him take it outside and he allowed the other kiddo to play with it. Why did your child have something so expensive outside in the firstplace?
I honestly don’t know what to say but how old is your kid and there kids
If it insured just replace it call it a day. I wouldn’t have let ‘‘em take electrics outside but that’s me u do what u c is fit!!!
Make him do age appropriate chores around the house to earn it the amount for the screen replacement every time he does his chore or earns some kind of money have him put it in a jar to save up once he has enough then take it to get replaced while also expressing the importance of keeping expensive items in the house where they are safe
You should have to pay since your son took it outside and he let his friend play with it. Unfortunately the other kid cannot be help liable.
It’s your fault. You shouldn’t let your son play with it while his friends are over, or bring it outside. It’s your responsibility to protect your own things from breaking….
Technically it’s your fault should have known better
I wouldn’t expect anyone else to replace it unless they did it on purpose
Maybe split the cost 50/50?
I would probably end up paying. However, that being said, tell her it was a mistake on both sides & ask her to pay 1/2.
Um, you should pay for it! Yes, the other kids broke but you let him take it outside and let his friend play with it.
Your kid took it outside and gave it to him. I think you should take responsibility since you let him. I don’t let electronics outside and their responsible for their own, so if it gets broken they can save for a new one. Also why I only buy cheaper tablets.
Honestly, I think you should pay for it yourself. You can’t really blame the other kid, it’s not like he knows your rules about playing with it. Maybe set some rules after it’s repaired. I’d suggest “it doesn’t go outside” be the first one
Not an outside toy…not even a toy…you shouldn’t have let him take it outside…
It’s your fault. Period.
I would say if anything maybe half but than really not even that because the mother wasn’t there to even know your son let her child play with it outside
Pay for the iPad and learn from your mistakes and don’t blame others for YOU allowing something so expensive to be taken outside.
He’s a child. His parents weren’t there. It was your child’s iPad, your purchase, your money, your job to make rules for it, and your job to ensure it’s cared for. Of COURSE you should pay for it.
Say no more. You replace it and learn from this mistake. Life goes on. Friendship too.
Personally…YOUR son took it out there. If you don’t want accidents shouldn’t have it be an outside toy. I mean you said it was an accident so it’s not like the kid purposely broke it. I wouldn’t want my kids over at your ace anymore either being held reliable for stuff when YOUR the adult suppose to be watching them
Shouldn’t allow ur son to have his iPad with him it’s playing time n not time for him self. No one is responsible for his things but himself! When my grandchildren r playing n ask for their tablets my daughter n I both agree things get a little out of control n them bouncing around running n playing will only lead to them breaking their tablets. So it’s ur responsibility to know children r careless n will break things.
I suggest that you buy a protective case that is available for IPads.
If you allowed your child to take it outside then it’s your fault. If your child took it outside without permission then it’s your child’s fault. Claim on house contents insurance.
We invited my friends son to the pool last summer. They both got all their stuff off and their bags and towels laid out and went to the other side of the pool to get in by the basketball hoop. Right as they were about to jump in my son pushed his friend in. A couple minutes later they come back over to me because my sons friend left his phone in his pocket and jumped in with it. His phone was ruined. My husband and I replaced it the second we left the pool. I mean if my son wouldn’t have pushed him I’m 99 % certain he would have got in with his phone in his pocket anyway and then my son wouldn’t have had any blame as it wasn’t until a few minutes after getting in the water he realized it was in his pocket… but still I can never know for sure that if my son didn’t push him he would have realized he still had it before jumping in. I know I’m making this way more complicated then it needs to be but basically my son had some blame as to why his friends phone got ruined and it never crossed my mind that we wouldn’t replace it. These kids are older though 16 year olds.
So for your situation it was obviously a accident that the I pad got dropped. For my nine your old in your situation I would be putting blame on myself for not getting a case that was durable enough for kid use, my child for taking his i pad outside without asking, and the kid for not being careful and dropping it but the kid is a kid and they drop things so it goes back to making sure it has a good case. The mom ghosting you after saying she’d pay for it is super childish but honestly I would have told her she didn’t need to pay for it as it was a obvious accident. If she was the type that was adamant and wouldn’t take no for a answer (that type of parent would be me. Id be adamant about replacing something my child broke even if it was a accident) I would tell her I’d split the cost with her. Then I’d pay for it myself and only tell her the cost if she’d asked again.
For the future… this is the type of case my 9 year old has. She broke my first I pad before I realized she was just a kid and she’d drop any new ones again, so any I pads in the house that she will use has a case like this.
I never let my kid take his tablet outside. Never.
Lesson learned. Your child should’ve never taken it outside, your child’s fault. The other child’s parent could offer to pay for it out of courtesy but definitely doesn’t have to. My son is not allowed to take his tablet to anyone else’s house or play with it while he has his friends or cousins over and definitely would not let him take it outside or let anyone borrow/use it for this exact reason, so that it doesn’t get broken by anyone else. Also a protective case and screen protector are must haves.
Tablets don’t belong outside. Definitely your fault.
I always have a case for my phone and I make sure to do the same for my sons tablet… that being said he had taken it out of the case despite multiple warnings… tripped down the stairs and it broke… I did not replace it. That being said even if he had given it to a friend to play with and the friend had broken it I would not blame the friend I would still blame my son for removing the case and not even for a second think of having the friend replace it.
You can buy replacement screens on eBay or half the price and they normally come with the screwdrivers required to replace them yourself. I haven’t done an iPad but I have done iPhone screens. Doing it yourself will void the warranty though but it’s waaaay cheaper. There’s tutorials online on how to do it. Basically just the bottom either side of the charger and use a suction thing to lift the screen from the bottom and then undo the screws up that top around near the front camera and a few more steps. It’s really quite easy.
Sorry but I’d have my child take full responsibility… I mean it’s silly that they are mad when they aren’t even forking over the money, but I would talk to them and let them know not to worry about it for the sake of the kiddos but definitely use it as a teaching moment. I teach my kids to treat things that are not theirs with more respect and caution than if it was theirs… but of course not all children are taught that therefore I tell my kids that their things are their responsibility and if they have friends/cousins/neighbors using their things they have ALL the right to tell them how to use / how to respect it or simply put it away. FYI my hubby replaced my sons IPAD screen for a fraction of the cost buying everything on Amazon.
It’s honestly your fault imo, electronica shouldn’t be outside where they can be broken.
Sorry Momma but the other parents weren’t even involved during the shattering and didn’t even know their son had possession of it. I would have it replaced but also set some rules with it. Have your son do some extra chores around the house to buy a shatter proof case and don’t allow him to have the iPad back until his extra chores are completed for his case and it is protected.
He is a child…things happen, either pay for it yoursel or buy a new one…plus how do you know for sure it was the other kid that broke it? Maybe your son is just blaming him because he is scared to tell you the truth
I don’t allow my kids to play outside with their iPads. Indoors or backyard
Never get involved with fighting with other people kids IRAs their parents. You made a mistake suck it up n learn from it
Was their mom there too?
If she was, they have to pay, because they are the first one responsible for their kids behaviour.
If she wasn’t it’s on you, because you were the adult ‘in charge’ at the moment.
But you can always try, to keep the relationship good, if they can give you a contribution.
I’m sure the device wasn’t new anyway, so it wouldn’t be fair to ask for the price of a new one.
Call me old school but y’all should go 1/2 on it n both take responsibility…
I agree with the other parents, your kid shouldn’t have had it outside and the fact that it was and got broken is 100 percent your child’s responsibility/fault and you should be the one to replace it. Any time my kids take anything outside and it gets lost, broken, or stolen I tell them that it’s a life lesson.
collateral damage, kids should have electronics outside
Nope. Should have a case on it and should never be taken out side . Your sons fault. I would take the loss he will learn his lesson.
I feel like when your kids have friends over, YOU are responsible for them and anything that happens while they’re under your supervision. Why would the other kids parents be responsible for it, when they weren’t even there?
Should have never been taken outside to begin with
Shit happens. You did let it go outside. I wouldn’t expect anyone else to replace it.
Your child made a poor choice by taking it out of the house to begin with. His friend didn’t intentionally smash it with a hammer, he accidentally dropped it. It’s unfortunate but it’s not the other child’s fault.
Not only this, but it happened under your supervision. The other family isn’t at fault at all and it’s sad that you’re going to ruin this relationship over finger pointing when the adult taking responsibility for the accident should be the parent that not only allowed the device to be taken outside, but was also supervising the entire interaction.
The neighbor’s dad is right. This is on you. Just bite the bullet and replace it or don’t and let it serve as a lesson to be more careful next time.
IPad screens are not that expensive I fix ipads and iPhones can get a screen and put it in for less than a 100 bucks
You are responsible. IPAD should’ve stayed in the house. Also, ever heard of insurance & screen protectors?
Ur kid accidentally breaks a window u pay for it . Same with ipad it’s parents responsibility, teach ur kid to respect other peoples things and take responsibility for accidents
Split the cost lesson learned no iPad allowed outside
I’m right there with the dad of the other kids. If another parent decided to let their kid bring an expensive item outside , that is on them . I wouldn’t let any of my children take their iPads outside hahahaha
We’re you the adult in charge at the time?
It’s your responsibility.
The kid shouldn’t have had it outside. It should have had a protector on it. The kids were in your care, and supposed to be under your supervision.
Tough lesson for you and ur kid both.
Shouldn’t let him take it outside 2 begin with
Your kid took it out and your kid let the other kid touch it…
I would say you’re responsible for the replacement. Hopefully a lesson was learned here and you won’t let it go outside anymore. That’s super shitty.
Just take the loss and pay for it. It shouldn’t have went outside. There are certain things that my kids are not allowed to have out when friends are over…for that exact reason. Kids will be kids accident happen unfortunately. Learning curve for you as a parent and move on.
While I think it shouldn’t be outside, it’s not your child who broke it. The other kids parents should be responsible. Their kid broke it, regardless of where it was or if he had permission to play with it, he is the one who broke it so they should pay to fix it.
It’s yours and a the child didn’t do it on purpose. You’re costing your child a friendship with your pettiness. Charge it to the game and replace it and let the kids be kids
Your kid brought it out…
You are 100% responsible
Next time buy a screen protector and don’t allow your kid to take his iPad outside. Your child allowed his friend to play with it and you allowed him to take it outside. Accidents happen, but it’s not the mom’s responsibility to pay for it. Lesson learned.
I think it should be split between the two kids. Yours can work his part off in chores or something. But they are both to blame.
Your responsibility! How can u even blame the other child?
This is why electronics are not allowed outside at our house. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but it’s your kids. Kids will be kids and you did allow him to take it outside.
Shouldn’t have let the kid have the iPad outside, sorry you have to pay for a new screen now.
It’s your fault lol I would never allow my kids to play with their electronics outside let alone someone else’s child…didn’t you at least get a warranty
What if u split the bill in half that way it’s not as much for everyone. Guess that’s the one I’d try to look at it. This is the exact reason I do not let my kids play with that crap when friends are over. I do not want to replace when it gets broke.