Who Should Have to Replace the IPAD Screen?

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"Needing some advice. My kids had some friends over that live in the neighborhood and they were all outside playing. My son came in and grabbed his IPAD and let his friend play with it outside…the friend ended up dropping it and shattering the entire screen, he can no longer use it. The kids mom said she would pay for it but when I sent her how much it was going to cost, she has ghosted me. According to my son, her kids are no longer allowed to play with ours because the kids dad is mad that I even let my son have it outside and he is basically blaming me. How do I go about this?"

RELATED: My Sister’s Kids Broke My iPad Pro Over Christmas: Am I a Jerk For Threatening to Sue?


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Your house, your ipad, your bill. You were the adult in charge. Not the neighbors that weren’t there. I would never ask a child’s parent to fix something that was broken at my home. I’d apologize to the neighbors as well."

"I would send her a message and ask her if she would be willing to split it and that you have learned your lesson that your kids electronics don’t go outside"

"I’m sorry it happened. You will need to fix it. Your house and allowed kids to play with it"

"I don’t think it’s the parents fault that that happened. Who knows what there financial situation might be. In my case both my girls got the screens broken from their phones by other kids and it was no one’s fault but theirs for even taking them outside."

"The neighbor broke it, you let it outside… perhaps approaching to split the cost… invest in a case… electronics and outside don’t mix"

"My children are responsible for their own ish. If someone breaks their stuff because they let them play with it, it’s on me."

"Pay for it. It’s your responsibility. He shouldn’t have taken it outside."

"If I allow my son to take his device outside, I should take the punishment if something happens. You should be the parent, not your child or his friends, and also not the mom who wasn’t even there."

"My kid would be going without because they know what happens if it gets broken through their negligence."

"If you allow an electronic outside and others to use it that’s on you. Next time get the proper case and screen cover."

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