Who was allowed in the delivery room with you? I am struggling between my husbands mom and my best friend…who would you choose? I have been friends with this girtl for 10 years and she is my rock but my husbands mom wants to be there too and both of them cannot be…
With all 3 kids just my husband was in the room. It was a special moment we wanted shared between the two of us only.
It’s your day mother in law will have to get over it and respect your wishes
Only my husband. Those moments were for us and no one else
Only my partner was there. It stopped a lot of drama over who wanted to be with me and leaving anyone out. It’s a very intimate and raw experience that I didn’t want to share with anyone else.
Who will offer you the most support? Who will be the person when your struggling to help you smile… who is going to rub your back and who are you comfortable showing everything to? That is the person you should have!
My mom taught me that there are only two times in a woman’s life when it is all about her wants and needs. When she gets married and when she has a baby. If you feel you need your best friend more than your mother in law then choose your best friend. You need to do what you are most comfortable with because you are the one that is pushing out the baby. And if others dont understand then that’s their problem not yours. Maybe it’s selfish but this is one time in your life where you get to be selfish.
I just had my fiancé both times. He’s the only one I trusted to be with me in my most vulnerable state.
I had my child’s father, my mother, and my cousin. It is your decision.
But I was allowed a lot of visitors, they had to cycle between 3 though. Two people would walk out and two different people would walk in to visit. They only stop rotation once you practice pushing until you and baby are cleaned up, then they can start rotating visitors again.
I’d chose my MIL only because it’s her grandchild, and sometimes nanas take presidence.
Husband only…problem solved
I had ex husband with all 5
It’s his time to bond too.
Never considered no one else.
You pick who YOU want to be in there, not who wants to be in there.
Neither just you and your husband problem solved
I’d choose MIL honestly, but the decision is yours to make.
i would allow my husband and my best friend or just my husband.
Personally i wouldn’t want my mother in law in the room while pushing, maybe during the labor part.
You’re gonna be ass out vagina out pretty much, so really it’s who’s gonna be the most supportive, makes sure your wishes are followed and who you are comfortable with seeing you in the most vulnerable position you’ll probably ever be in.
Some people think being in the room is just so they can see the baby come into this world they forget that they are actually there to support you through the labor not just see the baby arrive.
Only your husband. No other people apart from qualified staff. You are vulnerable and will mostly likely end up covered in blood, sweat, tears and poop. A friend of ten years hasn’t known you long enough for such an intimate time.
Who is gonna have YOUR best interest in mind? Not baby or daddy but mommy and what mommy needs/wants?
Best friend but only if shes had kids herself
If you weren’t there for conception, you aren’t there for the birth. <3
I dont know about you, but I don’t want to shit in front of my mil or really anyone. Ever.
It’s not a spectator sport, it is a very emotional and private medical procedure. You choose who is going to be your best support and advocate.
I had just my husband. I would not want my inlaws in that extremely vulnerable private moment. I can see you choosing your best friend, but personally I’d only want my husband bc that’s a critical bonding moment and this baby is only yours and your husband’s. But it’s your Decision. Whoever you’re most comfortable with.
I would absolutely choose my best friend over my MIL. She’s been my rock for 10+ years. She’s the only person besides my fiancé who knows what I need without me even asking. And anyone who had an issue with it would have to simply get over it. It’s your time. Not theirs.
As a retired OB nurse, my philosophy was that the only people in the room should be the ones that were there when the baby was conceived (plus the nurse and Dr). Had one delivery where both sets of parents, brothers and sisters were in the room. What a zoo! Hardly had room to work!
Whoever is going to bring you the most comfort and not stress you out! It’s about YOU, not them.
I will tell you this. I have birthed 8 kids. 4 I was alone with. You want supportive people with you who won’t stress you out. Labor is hard and made harder by stress. Based on that, choose who is best for YOU. MIL can wait in the waiting room and see baby after if you so choose or she doesn’t have to be there at all, if you choose your best friend. It is up to YOU not your husband, not your MIL. YOU. Pick who will best support you.
Okay so the truth is this is the time YOU NEED FOR YOU! This needs to be the person you need there! You are going to go through hell to bring a precious beautiful baby into the world and you need the person who is going to support you, speak up for you and push you to do all the things you are going to think at the time you can’t do. Typically that’s a best friend not mil. Tell her she can be the 1st to visit after baby is here.
This is an intimate moment between you and your husband. He is your rock and support. You don’t need an audience. When my DIL gave birth, us 2 grandma’s and one great grandma waited and were invited into the birthing room immediately after the birth. The nurses hadn’t even finished cleaning up baby E. He was literally just born. Do you really need to see the baby coming out to experience the joy of a new baby?
Is this a serious question because in all honesty, if your mom in law or your best friend made that baby with you then OK other than that it should be You and your husband in there because both y’all made that baby! PS having another grown woman in the room with your private part hanging out that isn’t a doctor or a nurse is just plain weird to me, ISWTFISAIDGAFIYLION!!! 
I only had my kids’ dad in the OR with me during csections. My first was an emergency csection, the other two scheduled. Prior to that, it was gonna be him, my mom, and my grandma. They don’t get to make those choices for you. YOU’RE the one giving birth not him. During that time it’s whatever support you need. He’s not the one pushing a kid out of him.
You ask who will support you most. I had my kids father with me during my last 2 births. He made me tense, nervous & angry. My anxiety was way up with him there. So much so that with my last I had to have an emergency C-section.y body shut down. We almost died. I believe if he wasn’t there I would’ve had a successful vaginal birth. If MIL is going to cause you anxiety don’t even inform her you’re in labor. Tell her when baby is born. Giving birth isn’t a spectator sport.
First kid, baby daddy, my mom and his mom
Second kid, husband, his mom, my step mom (my mom was on a cruise and couldn’t be there)
Third kid, just my husband.
Having it just my husband was the best imo. We got to share those first moments just the 3 of us and it was just really intimate and allowed us to both bond with our new baby privately. And since we both had been through it before, we knew what to expect as far as labor was concerned.
It was just me and my husband and I needed it that way. I could not be worried with others needs or my embarrassment at what they would see.
That’s just me
I had husband, his mum and his sister in the room for baby 1. They were so much more supportive than he was. For baby 2 and 3 mum babysit the elder ones and again his sister was invited. I would always choose someone who has gone though labour and delivery themselves.
Absolutely your friend!! It’s about YOU being comfortable, no one else!!!
I’d pick my Mil over any best friend
For me personally it’s husband number#1 then my best friend. If I had a mom she’d be there over mil or BFF But, I don’t have a mom so best friend it was!! So it was an easy choice !! Then all family came later to say hi!!
Whoever makes you the most comfortable. My mil wanted to be there too. I only wanted my husband. Only my husband was there. It’s about what you want.
I’d chose mil… an involved, loving gma is priceless.
Just my husband.
I don’t want anyone else there
Labor is personal and intense; you need YOUR support in there with you. I gave last year and could only have one person with me (and only that same person was allowed to stay at the hospital with me, too).
If for some reason my husband couldn’t have been there, I would have chosen my best friend. Your comfort is super important in that situation; you’re going to be incredibly vulnerable, both physically and emotionally. You need the person who’s going to support you and advocate for you. Don’t choose because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
With my son I had just my boyfriend/the father, with my second I had my fiance and my third my fiance and my mom. Choose who you’re comfortable with and who will be the biggest supports
Husband…the others will see the baby afterwards but having a bunch of eyes on my who-who during such a intimate occasion is not necessary as far as I am concerned. It’s a special moment between mommy and daddy
Choose whoever you want in there and take no ones feelings into consideration other than your own, you are the one having the baby
I had my husband all3 times, first one I also had both mine and his mom in room, second one my sister in law was in there too and 3rd one nobody else mostly due to COVID restrictions.
Both of my girls my ex husband was in the room,
With my son only my mom was in the room.
I had emergency c-sections with all 3
Why do you need plus 1? Why not share this special moment with the father only? Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should…
Whomever you feel most comfortable with. That is the most important consideration for you and your baby
Whoever your most comfortable with. But why isn’t husband going to be in there with you
I was allowed 2 ppl with all my labours I have my partner and my mum x
Husband for sure,it’s his baby
All of my babies were born via c-section, so I was only allowed to have one person in the OR with me. If I had delivered naturally and was able to have more than one person, it would have been my partner, my mom and if a 3rd person was allowed, my best friend. But that’s because my relationship with my (ex) MIL wasn’t the best.
Ultimately, you have to choose who is going to be the biggest support for YOU.
My best friend was in w me during one of my c-sections . I have never had a mIL. In any of mine.
If I had my way no one, I only had my husband with me the six times I delivered.
I say whoever will comfort you the most. When I delivered(precovid) my husband,my mom, and his mom. My husband and mom had my legs and my mil helped me push by supporting my back .
Why would you want anyone but your husband there?