Who should keep the house?

Talk to a lawyer not all the know it alls on f/b. Each state is different!! And do u have proof of payments? Who payed the taxes and insurance? It ALL comes into play!!! Most attorneys will give u a free consultation. Don’t waste time it is very crucial and your situation!

Nope. You’re SOL. She can evict you with a 30day notice.

House legally belongs to his Mom bcz its in her name. Bu5 def get a consult with a Lawyer ya never know now adays seems like people can sue for all kinda dumb stuff. This is why my job doesn’t allow ppl to buy cars in someone elses name if its for a diff person. We call it a straw purchase.Because then stuff like this happens. Best of luck.

Lawyer up! Do u have all the receipts of anything and everything u have done? Do u have a written agreement with ur signature on it? I mean there’s a lot unanswered questions. I would definitely call n go see a lawyer that would be ur best bet.

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Unless your name is on documents, you don’t get the house. It belongs to his mom legally, she gets to decide who lives there. I would consult a family lawyer in your state and see what the actual options are though, there may be some type of something written because of the amount of time spent there.

It’s the mom’s house discuss it with her . Can you afford it alone ? tho paying the bills . And if you have children I’m sure the mother will choose you if they are her grands . Or if y’all get on her nerves she’ll put you both out .
also I don’t think his mother wants her son in the streets or living with her after what she did for the both of you .
How many bdrms? Separate bdrms and keep sharing the bills

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The house isn’t in either of your names, so technically you were renters.

Guessing your all American from the amount of y’all’s I just read lol.

Don’t know if it’s different there, but unless your name is on the mortgage you have no ownership unless you take her to court and prove that was the deal.

Why did you not have a contract written up saying she was lending deposit, once paid back ownership would be transferred into your names & why didn’t you do that?

As it stands she owns the house, you’ve been renting it for 10 years.

By law the house is in his Moms name (therefore it is HER house) regardless of who makes the payments.

It’s considered a “rental”

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Neither of you owns it

His mother owns that home and no one else. Period.

This is our situation. My credit was not good enough to buy a home so my mom used hers and were renting to own… if my boyfriend and I split it’s completely her house not his. He would have claim on his possessions in the house obviously but the property and actual shell of the house would not be anything. Just like if we were renting of a landlord that was a complete stranger.

His mother keeps the house.

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Whoooo has the kids?

Since his Mom owns the house she can decide who stays and who goes. She could evict you.

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Y’all are not married and it’s in her name. The payments made will look like rent to a court room

If she’s a real woman she would make the right choice!

I would just talk to a local lawyer. There are tons of variables with the situation

Mom technically owns the house and you’ve been paying the mortgage lol. Should have pit the house in your own name. Talk with a lawyer and hopefully there’s a loophole

Mom holds title/deed…
You’ve been renting by law I think in every state rule…
Ask lawyer

As her daughter in law, I’d make my son figure out what he’s going to do :kissing_heart:

Unfortunately it’s her. Her name is on it.

It’s his mom house she can say you paid rent :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

You should get paid back a portion of what you contributed.

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His mother owns the house. Up to her

If it’s in her name it hers , had a friend just went through that

YOU wasted 10 years with someone AND you have a child?

Let this one go.
You have 2 strikes against you.
When you took over house payments, house should have gone into you guys name.
Who paid the house payments?
Whose money?
If you paid payments, and you have proof,
could be different story.
If he paid house payments, honey, you are on your own.

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It’s his mom’s house. That’s a sad situation.

Unless there is legal documentation stating otherwise, his mother owns the house.
You could sit together and see what she decides. She may end up giving it to her son regardless.
You were paying rent.
Unless she decides to sell it to one of you, it’s still her house.

Before we bought our house, we were paying rent to live here.
We did not own the house then, our landlords owned the house.
We bought our house from our landlords.
Now my husband and own the house we were paying rent on.
Our home is in both of our names, but the mortgage is only in my husband’s name. I asked if my name could be on it too for legal purposes.
Just to be safe. We have legal documents that were notarized for all of that stuff.

Without a legal written agreement, you have no rights. All mom has to do I file an eviction.

The house legally belongs to his mum, so it’ll be up to her who stays in it

Better hope she didn’t put him on the deed. This is definitely a lawyer type question. I’m just curious why you all never got a mortgage in your name, if you simply needed the down payment.

You’ve been together long enough to be common law married in some states. Check into that.

It’s his mum’s house. It’s in her name.

I get that you paid the mortgage but she could just turn around and say no you paid rent.

I don’t think you have a leg to stand on BUT it depends a lot on the laws of where you live.


:grimacing: Save the lawyer money for a new house.

It’s his mothers house. Doesn’t matter what you’ve paid out or what you’ve put into it. You and him were both renters. All documentation states that it’s her house. So I’m gonna go ahead and say that he’s probably keeping the house.

Probably not. The house is in the mother’s name. You basically paid rent. If you have something in writing stating the house was yours you may have a case

If the deed is in her name then its her house. Everything else should have been put in writing a long time ago.

Sell it and split the money between you and your ex boyfriend.

Mine it’s technically her house since it’s in her name she would get the house neither one of u would

Speak to a lawyer hun.

I’m curious who you think gets it

Nope. This is why everything should be in your name

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Legally it’s moms house. This should have been taken care of years ago. I’d just walk

I sincerely doubt it. Which is probably why his mother kept it in her name.

Pretty sure it would be property of the relationship you might have to fight like hell for it but I would think you have some type of rights to the house

Well, his mom is a smart woman. Lol

Nope, you don’t get the house, he does because it’s his mom’s house not yours, you just paid her rent for 10 years. My parents did it for me too so that no man could take my homes from me.


Technically, it’s hers.

Ur done girl… that’s ur mother in law’s home. LEGALLY

She likely used her credit score as well to get the house. Hopefully everything ends amicably.

Lawyer. I saw a case like this on judge Judy the other day

House is in her name, so unless it was switched over, its his. Someone also asked about your state with verbal agreements, that plays a roll. Who put more money into the house, and if there’s proof. But at the end of the day, if its in her name, its her house regardless of who made the monthly payments.

Yikes. No, you don’t. You aren’t married and it’s in his mom’s name, not even his name. You need a lawyer but honestly you probably wouldn’t get far with a case.

Not enough info…is it a verbal or written agreement? Do you have receipts for your payments the last ten years? So many factors…

No neither of you have his mom does in which she will keep it for him no proof you paid anything as its on her name lesson should be learned from this always make sure your name is down also

His mom keeps the house…it is hers

Stand your ground go to court

His mom u been paying her mortgage all these yrs

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Thats his moms house! It doesnt belong to either of u.

Deed is in her name? Her house.

If you want the house you’ll probably have to buy from her. I’m sure she can let her son live in it no problem. Sounds like she is your landlord if the house is in her name. Seems like it would be up to her who she wants livings there

Did you have anything written out contractually?
The house is in her name, so its hers. Point blank. Doesn’t matter what you paid because she could state it was rent or what not if there was no agreement in place for an eventual rent-to-buy (where you pay increments and eventually purchase the property/item).

Overall, it’s not looking good for you. Speak to law, only thing we can recommend. Otherwise you’re SOL and will have to eat that loss.

You got nothing if it’s in her name you have no foot to stand on best to find somewhere else to live and consider this a lesson learned.

his mom gets the house bc it’s her house

Nope you have no grounds it’s his moms house so I’d say he has more rights then you maybe consult with her work something out with her

Offer to buy her out if you can ?

Who has the kids ? Whos keeping them more of the time?
Usually the one with the children stay in a family home, but also depends on the mother if she willing to kee it in her name or if shes willing to sign it over!


If it’s in (her) name only… NO!!!

It depends on what state you live in

My bf’s kids mom tries to go after his house. It’s in his moms name so she got nothing.

I’ve dealt with a lawyer in this situation. You do have rights. It’s considered a matrimonial home and you’re entitled to a portion once you prove you’ve put some moolah in! Lawyer up!

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It’s legally hers. Even if the 2 of you were married the house isn’t marital property. You are renters. If the end goal was to put the house in your names that should’ve been put in writing. The way it was done you bought his mom a house & fixed it up for her.

Ohhhh no, take this as a lesson learned and move forward. I put A LOT of money in to a down payment for a house I was going to be living in with my boyfriend at the time (as an extremely naive college student) we split and of course because we weren’t married and my name wasn’t on the paperwork I was screwed. I’d essentially paid a hell of a lot of rent. I’m sorry love :heart:

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I believe that the parent with the higher paying job should be the parent that moves. But there are a lot of personal decisions that need to be made as well. Like for instance, the person keeping the home would need to be 100% sure that they will be able to pay all of the bills (unless there is a written and LEGAL agreement that the other parent is going to continue to pay the mortgage or utilities.) just my opinion.

You paid rent for ten years

It’s his moms house. Even if you went to court they would probably see it as you paying rent. Unless you had something signed and notarized WHEN the house was purchased. You have no food to stand on in this situation.


None of you do technically,

It’s your mother in laws house. And if anything the son would get to stay :woman_shrugging:t2:

:woman_facepalming: why would you go that long without getting anything in writing at least? Unfortunately I’m the eyes of the law you have no rights to the house

It’s his mom’s house. Her name is on deed and Noone can change that.

She could just say she let y’all live there to help you out but it’s her house. I’d start looking for somewhere else to live.

“Mom helped us GET A HOUSE” and “mom helped us BUY a house”
Two different things.
If it has a mortgage you’re screwed. Pack your bags and save some face.
If you’ve been renting and can prove it’s been coming from your account you can take it to court but you really need to ask yourself if it’s even worth it.
If you ask me, which you are :joy:, id pack my shit and leave and get my own house with my own things that no one will ever take away from me.
I’ve been in your place. The best thing to learn from this is “never put all your eggs in one basket”

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No legal ground for you or him. It’s her home. What she chooses to do with it is on her.

You rented her house for 10 years, end of story.

So she owns it? Then she has say unfortunately. If shes nice she will let you guys sell it & split or one of you buy the other out. I would go ask lawyer still just since you said you guys have been paying to fix it up. You might have something by that. As well if you guys are renters then she needs to be claiming it as that. So you could see if she has been

Uh that’s their house.

Don’t go trying to take something that isn’t yours

Yeah you paid her back but it’s theirs.
Leave it alone.

Go work hard, raise your kids to love and provide them a loving home
Even if it’s an apartment in the West Part of town it’s still a home.

That’s her house end of story. Your payments are a gift or rent.

Her name, her house. Should’ve had the title transferred over to you and your ex

It’s the mom’s house. Why would you be entitled to it or any part of it? It’s like you paid rent somewhere for 10 years, do think you would own the house when you moved?

I think unless anything was placed in writing it’s his mom’s house as it’s in her name. Dorry

Have a conversation with him about the house record it then you will have proof

Did you and the bf pay the mortgage to the bank?

What Aimee said. Sorry hun

Unless there was some form of written a agreement or if y’all shared a bank account or you show where money came from Yesterday OUR account then maybe but… it’s STILL HER HOUSE! You all just lived there paid rent and fixed it up for her. Sorry this has happened but lesson learned! You might could find a dirty lawyer that knows loopholes but be prepared to spend money, if it’s worth it to you then go for it!

Since it’s in his mothers name, it’s up to her…

From experience, he stays in the house.

NOT you do not!!! Is her house and not attorney will tell you different. So , he has rights as her son .
If he wants to stay living in the house there’s nothing you can do, if he doesn’t you can stay payment RENT to her

Nope, if it’s not in your name it’s not your house no matter how much money you put into it or or how many house payments you made. That’s why I always say don’t tell people it’s yours unless it’s in your name and you make the payments

Sorry to say but u have no grounds to keeping the house its in his mom’s name technically u guys are renters doesn’t matter if the utilities or other bills are in ur name my grandmother is trying to pull this fast stunt with my cousin’s she signed the family cottage over to my cousin’s now she’s trying to play the victim card and wants the cottage back once the deed or title is in someone else’s name it’s pretty hard to fight for what’s not urs