Its the mom’s house … sorry. I know it sucks but that is the reason why the deed is in someone’s name, to establish ownership.
Get an attorney asap
Let him keep the house, but buy you out of 50%
The moms house, if the deed is in her name and you guys never changed it over, it is her house. Doesn’t matter if paid rent or fixed it up. Would be the same if you rented and took it upon your self to fix the rental up, without an agreement you would lose that money.
If u get attorney have proof u can at least maybe get money paid to you and half to him I would at least talk to one.
Sounds like his mama was smart incase y’all ever broke up. It’s her house you’ve just been renting it
No consider yourself a renter. Move right along with your life because she is definitely not going to give it to you.
Nope, it’s her house. You can try but it’ll be a waste
It doesn’t matter if she never put it out of her name it’s her house.i would talk to her I mean you have her grandchild
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Worth getting a legal opinion for sure. That might be long enough to be a common law marriage. It was a huge mistake putting your home in her name for a mere $1500.
Hold the phone…$1500 down payment to purchase a house in 2012?!
She can’t just throw you out but you probably should be looking for a new place very quickly
This is why you don’t allow someone else to put their name on your house. If she’s a good person and cares about her grandbaby she’ll let you keep the house if not then you’ll have to find a new place
Depends on what state you live in.
I would say it depends on how the custody is going to work. Whoever has more custody should get the house
The house is his mom’s. You pay rent. You have no more to stand on than any other renter out there and that’s probably why they did it that way.
Sorry to tell you, you were a renter all those years.
Yeah… you’re going to have to look for a new place
It’s under her name she keeps that house you’re out of luck Best start looking for another place
Yeah I got a side with everyone her name’s on the house it’s pretty much her decision as to who’s going to get it and I would assume that she would let her son keep it I don’t know that you have any legal standing at all UNLESS you can maybe prove that you were the one making the payments like if the payments were coming out of your bank account versus his you might have some legal grounds but I seriously doubt you’d be able to get the house with it being in his mother’s name unless she absolutely agrees to give it to you and put it in writing which is unlikely since your now ex is her son
Nope. That’s where they get you when it’s in the parents name and your not married
Check the law concerning squatters rights in your state. It might apply to you. Did you get any kind of payment agreement with the mother? Did you keep copy of the payment agreement and of who paid the mortgage? GET a Lawyer quick.
House is in his mums name …you should have got that changed after you paid her back…im assuming you’ve been paying the mortgage to the lender and not to his mother and have proof of that…you need a lawyer to sort out this mess
If you are married you can ask your lawyer if you are entitled to any of the value of the house, he can TRY but realistically you will need a new place to live and won’t likely get anything. It would be different if it was in his name or u had some sort of contract with the mother but without anything like that it’s her house, you guys rented it.
That’s his mom’s house you were a tenant.
You’re basically just renting it. Sounds like you might be screwed.
His Mom did that on purpose! As a protection for her son !
I don’t think so I mean yea you do have some right to half but it’s in his mom’s name and no way she signing that over to you and courts will say shoulda got married and we can help but that’s not the case walk away make a new story
Have you got anything in writing that u were paying her money to buy it? Bank receipts from your bank paying her money (not under rent, but house payment … take it to a lawyer that’s all you can do. She would have to explain what she was doing with money, taxes etc. maybe come up with a settlement if she doesn’t wanna redo her taxes.
Probably not. She tricked y’all’s ass
As soon as you paid her back you should have changed the deed into you and your bf name. Legally it’s her house and you don’t have a leg to stand on but you might want to just talk about it and see what there thoughts are
As his mom owns the house
Technically you and your ex are only tennants
She has the right to evict one or both of you
Your gonna b SOL. Been there
Did you contribute to paying her off.
But she owns
So she has the right who lives their
Legally, you have no grounds on keeping the house. It is not legally either of your home but your boyfriends moms. This happened to me and I was married. My now ex husband and I moved into his parents house when we were married, when we split, his parents went in and changed the locks and kicked me out. Legally I had no rights to the home and obviously they sided with their son. Move out and start over.
It’s free to ask a lawyer 
Sell and split the profit
His mom gets the house. It’s in her name and she is the legal owner of record. Unless you all signed a document that states otherwise, you are her tenant.
Noooope. Unfortunately.
Sadly the house is in her name so you don’t have a leg to stand on . Even though you did a lot of work on it . That was your choice not hers. Sorry
Should of had your name added on at some point
Depends on the state
She owns the house. Unless you signed a contract stating that you were renting to own, you don’t get to dibs to it unfortunately.
The house was in his Mom’s name. It will go to him. If it was in your Moms name it would go to you. That’s only logical. An attorney will be needed to sort this out as you were not married. Wishing the best for your child.
HER NAME, her house…. You were essentially month to month renting.
I doubt you would win, it6in her name…
went in on a house to somebody you ain’t married to & crazy for being a girlfriend for 10 years, subsequently a babymama now.
depending your state, you don’t have a leg to stand on in court.
Why would you wana stay there lol
I doubt it. You were renting it.
She’s definitely going to let her son stay if anyone
Definitely start looking at alternatives incase x
Yes you do 50/50 after 3 months it is called spouses and you have a child together
It’s his mom house it’s in her name doesn’t matter how many payments u made
Legally I believe the mother owns the house. It could be argued you paid to live there like a rental. Also, you two were never married either but I think that has no relevancy when they name was never taken put of her name. You’d need legal documents that prove otherwise. You could get a free consultation with a lawyer and see what they say.
Ma owns the house. Whom evers name is on title owns the house. If you guys never married don’t think you can even take half from it. I get common law yes but if the house isn’t in your name or his it’s her house.
It doesn’t sound like it honey. It’s his mom’s and most times the mom says her offspring can have it.
It’s his mom house regardless who makes payments. It’s all about the name on the deed