Why am I still leaking breastmilk?

I have a question for other moms. I breastfed two sons, with my youngest being 14 now. My issue, my nipples are still very tender, and if I squeeze them at all, I get what looks like milk out of them. How is this still happening? I’ve gone months without touching them, and I still have the same results. If I wear a bra, my nipples ache. I just don’t know what to do. I’m almost 40 and just wondering if this will ever go away. I nursed each of my children for one year each. Thank you for your help.


I’m going to assume you mean 14 months and not actually 14… and if that is the case then this is actually pretty normal. It could be some time before you dry up fully. I’ve met women at lactation clinics who have had occasional leaking up to a year or so after stopping breastfeeding and/or pumping.

If your youngest is actually 14, then you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why am I still leaking breastmilk?

It can be this way. I’ve been told it’s normal

I’ve read that nipple discharge and discomfort can be a sign of breast cancer. Talk to your doctor please!


I haven’t had a baby in 5 years and I still leak sometimes, and idk if it’s psychological or not but sometimes I feel milk let down. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::flushed:

I had this issue. Only that my breast milk came back after 3 years no bf. My gynecologist told me it’s due to hormonal alterations or unleveled hormones. She gave me a treatment for it to stop bc mine came along with heavy pain. No matter how normal it is, doesn’t hurt to get checked out by a professional. Good luck🤞🏻


You need to see a physician for a breast exam & possibly a diagnostic mammogram.


My youngest is 12 and I have this too. Was told it was normal by OB.

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Same, told it was normal but got a mammogram to be sure. Take something lol because them squeezing your breast sure does make them leak more lol

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I had this after having my two boys. Was told by doctor it was nothing to worry about. I had my daughter when my youngest son was 19, and after I breastfed her for six months, I dried up and have had no issues.

Mine do same thing my youngest is 6

Go to your doctor cause any liquid out of breast is abnormal unless you’re breastfeeding. So I definitely would make an appointment to get checked out to rule out everything


Definitely get it checked out to be safe because at my clinic I worked at we saw a lady once for the same thing about your age too and we had to have her get a bunch of tests just to be on the safe side because it can be a sign of something worse and it can be normal


I nursed my 3rd and 4th kids til they were 2 each, the 4th is now 14 yrs old and I had the same issue all these years l. Funny thing is, I had twins 8 months ago and never really got a full supply in. Think my boobs are just broken now :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I would certainly start with a mammogram.


I have this but I had piercings and my son is 4 lol. My dr told me not to squeeze the crud out

My milk only went away for good when I got my implants. Last baby was born in 2003 and got implants in 2009.

My youngest is 15 and I still have this happen regularly. Although, I notice that it’s a hormonal thing, as it seems to happen around my cycle.

I’m still lactating 2 years later

I’s say something to your Dr about having your prolactin checked if it’s super bothersome.

Told it was normal. My youngest is 2 1/2 and I still do. (Doesn’t help that my nipples are pierced.) And no I don’t breast feed. I leaked for a few years after my second baby also (2011) was told normal then also. Ive had exams done. (I have to due to cancer running high on my moms side)

I did for about 5 years after I stopped breastfeeding. My daughter is almost 25 and I still every once in a while will feel my milk ducts start to let down.

Time to see your doctor. I recently had a 3D Mammogram & some of the questions they asked had to do with leaking/discharge from the nipples or severe tenderness


Definitely get a mammogram! There could be multiple reasons why it’s continuing and I’m not by any means trying to scare you but having a tumor on your pituitary gland can cause breast leaking! Also cystic fibrosis


You sure your not prego?

If you’re having leaking or discharge from your nipples I’d talk to your doctor about getting a mammogram…. It could be considered a symptom of breast cancer.

Just to be safe.

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My ob said this is completely normal that our bodies were made to do this. We will never fully stop producing milk

Get it checked out. But put cabbage on them until it wilts

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I would go to the doctor, I had a regular GYN appointment and I just happened to mention how I was still leaking breastmilk two years after I stopped pumping and she referred to it as discharge and sent me to get some special ultrasound bc it could be a bad sign

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7 years here, still happening… if I squeeze them lol :weary:

My mom was around 45 and was leaking and she went in and they said it was early signs of menopause. Sorry not trying scare ya but yeah you should see a doctor if you’re worried.

Talk to a doctor. Just better to be safe than sorry.

Are your periods normal??

Have you doctor check your prolactin levels?

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My son is 3.5 and mine still leak colostrum. Quite the difference between those ages for us though…

Hormone imbalance. Talk to your obgyn


They told my mom ot was a thyroid issue. She still got milk of squeezed 20+ years after having kids and she didn’t breastfeed any of us

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Double check with a doctor, but I had a friend that did this. Just best to be safe!

You need to speak to an Ob/Gyn or primary doctor and have your hormones checked and probably a mammogram

I did this till u was 35.

This could also be a rare side effect from certain medications. I never breast fed my kids but a couple wks after being put on a certain medication, (this was a few years ago) I started leaking an could shoot milk across the room if I squeezed my nipples. I went back to the doctor and found out that lactation was a very rare side effect (less than 2% chance). She changed my meds an it dried up an didn’t happen again.

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Not to scare you, but i leaked for a year and a half when I had my first daughter. They sent me for an MRI and found a veryyyy small tumour on my pituitary glad in my brain and they put me on some medications that was meant to minimize the size, and it worked and is pretty much non-existent! Theyre totally harmless and if they even do get to a concerning size, they do a veryyy small surgery up your nose and remove it. I always tell Mommas this info when I hear theyre still leaking, just because its really rare but definitely something to look into :slight_smile:


I had this 11 years after breast feeding, I saw my doctor and was prescribed one pill and it all stopped!

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When I lactTed they took my blood saw my prolactin levels were high, sent me for an MrI and ended up being a small tumor on my pituitary gland. It is called prolactinoma

Get your thyroid checked

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I have some issue my baby is 23…

Please have this check out by a profesional ASAP! My sister started with tender breast and thought she was pregnant and let it go, but as time went by she took a test and she wasn’t. She started leaking something like milk, then it turned yellowish, she ended up with multiple cuts on her breast to drain the liquid out. She has to go to the clinic at least 2 times a week to get it drained out. She’s been to specialists and changed her diet. Doctors even told her that it was nearly impossible to transfer to her other breast and it did🤦🏽‍♀️ they still don’t know the cause of this or why. Her daughter is about to be 9 on July. So she hasn’t been breast feeding her for more then 8 years


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why am I still leaking breastmilk?

Honestly, hormones. Not really much else causing it.

Are you on antipsychotics or anything that messes with dopamine? I lactate from that :woman_shrugging:

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Nipple discharge needs to be talked about with your doctor. Please get your boobs checked asap.


You might have some hormones out of whack. Gyno or primary doctor can get labs for that :+1:t2:

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Go c a doctor .get a mammogram


Go to your doctor wtf you think people on facebook is the answer jesus wake up all you are doing is putting your private business out there


Please go see a doctor and get a mammogram. Any change in breast tissue can be indicative of a more serious matter, and should be checked as soon as possible.


Not uncommon but should be discussed with your Gyn provider. You likely have elevsted prolactin levels and decreased estrogen levels.

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Go get checked mama ! I was barely able to breast feed my son 3 years ago and I just recently had serious breast pain with leaking. My doctor wants me to be evaluated! Just to be safe, go get checked !

My mum had this too. It turned out to be the dreaded c. But was treatable. She’s had it again since but is 85 years old and still a live. So please go ASAP :pray:t2::four_leaf_clover::sparkling_heart:


I’m 35 mines been doing that for the last year are 2 and never breast feed I figured it was normal

When i had the mirena i had this happen when would be period time or ovulation but only one breast

Elevated prolactin may be the cause, but can be caused by several issues. Please see your primary care provider.

Nipple discharge can be considered dangerous please talk to your doctor

Pls see a doc at the earliest , it might be something else may not be milk secretion.

Mine were doing that and come to find out it was from a medication I was taking. I stopped the medication and the lactation stopped.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why am I still leaking breastmilk?

Some medicine can make this happen as well. Go to the doctor!

I have had the same thing for years. Mine are 15 and 17. My youngest I only nursed for a few months. Last August my breast swelled up really bad and I had a hard lump. I used to have my nipples pierced and stuff started coming out of the old holes. It would do it every couple months. I finally got in to see a specialist and had an ultrasound and biopsy done kuz they said it could be cancer. Turns out to be chronic mastitis. Last month I had another flair up and now have a second lump. I read it could be a hormonal thing. I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago and 1 ovarie removed about 3 years ago. Im 37. I just had blood work done today to see what’s going on hormone wise. I suggest going in and getting hormones checked out. Definitely see a Dr. I hope you don’t end up with the same thing. It’s very painful

Pituitary…see a doctor

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High levels of prolactin hormones… go get your levels checked!! Mine ended up being a tumor on my pituitary gland that I had my whole life and I am now on hormone replacement therapy and have never felt better!!

It could be a sign of breast cancer. I would go to a doctor and get checked out


Talk to ur doctor it’s actually normal even if a women never actually has had a child she can leak milk and or breastfeed a child oddly enough that’s how wet nurses started because of that :woman_shrugging:

You should probably go to your doctor. Could be signs of something serious.

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You’re certain that you’re not pregnant? Also, it could be your thyroids!! Get them checked.

O M G…

Please go to the doctor. Your youngest is 14 and you think you are still leaking milk? Again, please see a doctor. Prayers and good luck.

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I had something slightly similar and they did test and it turned out I had a benign tumor on my pituitary gland that made it produce Too much prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why am I still leaking breastmilk?

I had this happen to be before I ever had a child. For me it was Depo Provera that was causing me to lactate. Once I got off it and let it leave my system I stopped. I’d go see an OB for sure. I had to have a mammogram, sonogram, and hormone tests done.


100% get checked by your doctor! My son is four and I only breast fed him for a couple weeks, I wouldn’t stop producing milk-a very very small amount when squeezed- after 1.5 yrs I finally went to the doctor, I had high prolactin levels and my milk still wouldn’t dry up so they ordered an MRI and I have a very micro pituitary gland tumor. Doesn’t hurt to get checked!


This happened to me, I was checked for breast cancer


You could have high prolactin levels which can be caused by various things…pills can help but they will have to find out why the levels are high.

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Yes, get checked! It sounds like it might be discharge.

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I had this issue since I breastfed my oldest whose 12. I was checked for breast cancer and my prolactin levels were also checked, everything was normal. Some women continue to leak milk occasionally. I would definitely talk to your doctor about it to rule everything out. If everything is normal and it really bothers you, ask your doctor if there is a medication to help dry up your milk.

Get it checked out by a doctor ASAP


I have this, my youngest is 10… It’s normal, a small percentage of the population produces milk their whole life it’s called a wet nurse (Google it very cool) but still see a doctor just to be sure !


Go to the doctor!!! My mother had this problem and they found a tumor by her pituitary which caused her a high prolactin levels and she lactated for 33 years before they found it and started shrinking it.

I had slightly elevated prolactin levels from an antidepressant I was taking and was still able to lactate 3 yrs after my daughter was born. The doctor switched my antidepressant and I stopped.

I had it for years , it just stopped by itself in the end .

I did that for 2 years or more before I had my son and my gynecologist said it was normal. My mammogram was fine and it was never a lot but you could touch either breast like while taking a shower or after and a milky substance would come out. Fast forward until I had my son and I didn’t get any milk at all my breast even seemed to shrink he was only 15 days early. But after having him it never happened again. My doctor said it was probably just hormonal.

Go see your gynecologist to figure out exactly what it is. A cousin of my husband had similar issues and it winded up being breast cancer, she was 32 at the time. At first her doctor dismissed it, and then she persisted and had a mammogram.


See your Dr why wonder what the problem is…

Go you your doctor. It could be a sign for breast cancer …

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Betsy Marino Fatima Garcia Carolina Abrajan Gonzales a mi mamá le salía leche después de años que dejó de amamantar. Puede ser un pequeño tumor en el cerebro​:astonished::flushed:

Following, have the same issue and I’m 41, my oldest being 21…

I had this also but ignored it as I’d just changed my pill and it seemed to go away!! 6 month’s later very sore swollen breast went for a check and got immediately sent for a mammogram and had a fine needle aspiration. Tumours are benigne but was told it could have been different if I’d left any longer. Good luck

Like the others said it could be a side effect from medication or a hormone issue… Increased Prolactin. Best to see a g.p.

Get it checked out by Dr. … a friend of ours had that happen and it turned out to be best cancer. They caught it early, that was 15 yrs ago and she’s a grandma now. Don’t wait

Sounds like a really good question for your gynecologist and/or your mammogram technician.

Tell a dr. You might need a mammogram.

my lactation specialist was 60 and she could make milk.