Why are toddlers whiny?

I really need some help!? My just about 2 yr old son cries and whines all the time. I mean he’s always been a little whiner but now it’s to the point where I’m literally going nuts. All he wants is to be held. And refuses to walk ( would prefer me to carry him everywhere). Even from like room to room. I work alot and His father is with him most of the time and when I’m around that’s when it starts. Iv tried telling him I’m not.pickimg him up and he will throw a fit and scream till I do. I’m so exhausted :sleeping:. Is this normal? And if so when will it end?


He has seperation anxiety


My son was and still is the same way. Because you’re away more he is just begging for your attention the only way he really knows how. It can be exhausting, but he just wants his mamma. He doesn’t understand that you’re tired. It gets better!


I would have an activity such as coloring something simple. Just tell him I know you missed me. When you stop crying, we will play.

Love that baby and carry him. Believe me when I say that time will come faster then you’d like and you won’t be able to remember the last time you carried your baby.


Encourage him to talk and use his words. Tell him you hear crying but he needs to talk. Sit down with him on eye level and teach him. Instead of giving in and carrying him say I’ll hold your hand and walk with me. He does it for time and attention, give it to him in a different way.

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He’s a baby, what is give for that stage again. Make time read a book have him close, even if it’s holding his hand. I bet his love language is touch. He needs more touch, you don’t have to hold him just sit make sure you touch him from time to time. Look up love languages for kids… It’s worth it.


He misses his momma :cry: it only last for a little while it will be over before you know it
Take it while you can as tired or aggravating as it may be
They grow way fast momma


This is a GREAT read! We have had issues with our 5 yo since he was born. This has helped tremendously!

Loving Our Kids On Purpose book by Danny Silk

Separation anxiety :disappointed_relieved:

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Ugh I’m here now. I feel nuts and overwhelmed as well.

You need to spend more time with him
Do more fun activities with him

Baby’s don’t cry for no reason, sick, hungry, tired or emotional “upsettedness”. This time in his and your life is a drop of water in the pond. Stop everything you are doing and just love on him, cuddle, snuggle and let him just be with you. It may take a week, a month or even two years but the time you spend now and how you spend that time will be what shapes all his tomorrows.

He might just miss you and want some “mommy time”… Give it to him, but, limit it. Instead of picking him up, try making him hold your hand? Baby steps. Idk your parenting methods, but maybe him having a fit could be what he needs. Let him have one, but don’t let the hissy-fit end with you giving in, or the fits won’t stop. He’ll know he’ll get his way if he has a big enough fit, & then he wins. And it won’t stop. It’ll turn into bigger fits over smaller things because he’ll know he’ll get his way at the end.

I would say find something special for you two to do together, make it a routine when u get home, or shortly after, but always keep it around the same time between when u get home and activity. It can b anything he likes to do…watch something together, read a book, coloring, cooking, etc. Once it becomes the norm and he can expect it, the crying to b picked up will stop. Meanwhile, have him get ready or do something to prepare for your activity until u r ready. Let him know he will get that time no matter what and u can talk to him too, let him know why u r doing what u r and why u can’t pick him up, they understand way more than we realize. The more consistent, the better. U will work it out Mommy​:upside_down_face::sleeping::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::tired_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smile::heart_eyes:

You are his enabler. He knows if he throws a fit you will give in


Yes be firm I might be able to help maybe he needs a NaNa to send time with him .

I agree with so many of the moms here; he misses you. What’s hard to reconcile is what seems like (and can be) negative behavior… he probably doesn’t know he’s acting out so much; and he could be just missing you, without being able to communicate. :revolving_hearts:

Yes he does miss his mama

That’s because he misses you! Love him up…spend time with him if your gone alot.

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My 4yr old tells me all the time his knees don’t work or his legs don’t work. So much so that now my 2yr old says it. I tell them all the time that when I made them, they worked just fine. Sorry that doesn’t help with your situation.

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stop giving in hes learned if he throws a fit he gets attention and gets what he wants

I am with my daughter 24 hours a day. Some days she will walk, and some days she absolutely refuses to walk. We still take her stroller everywhere. My daughter has Autism, so she will go straight to the ground if she doesn’t want to walk. I feel your frustration, because if I go to the store alone it can be trying at times. :heart:

Take 10 min for yourself when you get home to unwind and then devote the next 30 min to him doing crafts, games, fun things. Appreciate this time. It’s hard but you never get it back.

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It sounds like he misses you a lot especially since you aren’t around much for him. Give him the love he is craving. He’s acting out pleading for you. Poor baby

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Try making your time together count more… little kid bored games… movie nights… learning activities…zoo and park trips . He wants your attention.

Ask father how he is around him. Walks or is he carried? Tell him he is such a big boy that it hurts your back? Tell him if he will walk you will take him to a zoo or something. Maybe a park with swings or slide, wading pool. Something he might like to do. Take a stroller just in case. I never had your problem as I was a single Mom and my son was in child care since 3 mo old. Maybe a play mate to come over the same age? One that is walking around.

Stop picking him up when he cries. Try to teach him that he’s a big boy and does t need you to always pick him up. Trust me if he’s only doing it to you it’s because you let him get away with it.


It sounds like he wants your attention and it doesn’t matter to him if it’s positive or negative. I would set aside solo time with him, maybe after dinner you guys do puzzles or color while the hubby takes care of the dishes something that only you two do together. When he gets older he won’t want you as much and that’s when you’ll crave his attention.

Let him throw a fit and whine… ur teaching him that if he does those things ull give in… as long as u keep picking him up every time he whines it’ll just get worse…make sure all his basic needs are met and leave him to play with his toys while you do wh as t you have to do


Dont give in. Let him sit there and cry until he learns you will not pick him up every second of the day.


He just wants his mommy

It may seem mean but let him throw his fits, don’t give in. My kids would do that when they didnt get what they wanted til I just walked off. Another suggestion, I know it sounds goofy, but if they were throwing a tantrum I’d crawl under the kitchen table n sit Indian style. A few minutes later they would be so confused they would stop w their fits and crawl under there w me.


He needs you, this is his way of asking. Carry him and hold. It’s only for a short time before he won’t even want to talk to you

Hes missing his mama!:disappointed_relieved:

Maybe hold him first thing when you get home for a couple minutes before he starts his whining and crying. Hold him close and talk about your day to him or sing a song. A few minutes of holding and attention to him first thing might help. Worth a shot.

Let him throw a fit he will get tired and stop quit giving in be the stronger person

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It sounds like maybe dad isnt giving him attention while you’re gone?

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Omg that’s exactly how my baby was. She’ll be two in sept.
I came to the conclusion it must be her teeth or something :woman_shrugging:t2:
It lasted about 1 month, she’s way better now. Still clingy but at least not such a cry baby.

When he’s throws a fit, just walk away .

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If you work a lot, he probably just really misses you and needs a bit of attention from you. Give it to him.

He misses you. My son acts the same exact way with my husband because he doesn’t see him as much. My son is with me 24/7 even when I go to work :joy:

Maybe there’s a problem you need to investigate. Just sayin

He’s always been a momma’s boy. And I think it is because he misses me. Dad gives him alot of attention but I’m the one who gives in to him alot. He’s the baby and gets what he wants. Yea ik big mistake. Lol. This am he started again. And I told him if he don’t start walking he was gonna sit there all day. Well he finally got up and now is playing with his toys. Aye…finally some alone time while it lasts.

Hes not getting enough quality time. Try one on ones and do activities with him. It’s a cry for attention

If he’s with his father most of the time .he might be missing you.

He misses his mommy. You dont no what goes on when your not there unless u do