Why Do Men Spend So Long on the Toilet?

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"have you asked your partners/husband/boyfriend why they spend atleast 30 mins in the toilet? my partner do it everyday. i’m curious on what he is doing though i have an idea… for the guys do you masturbate a lot everyday? specially if you don’t have sex life?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I mean, I spend just as much time it’s usually phone distractions."

"It’s normally just them taking a shit and scrolling through Facebook. I think you’re reading into this way too much lol"

"My husband’s usually on YouTube or playing a game on his phone lol"

"My husband spends that long sometimes. Usually on his phone reading or looking at memes. We have three kids, it’s usually the only uninterrupted time he gets to just sit."

"Usually phone distraction or maybe bowel issues ect. It’s different for everyone I would imagine. I don’t think it’s really something anyone should stress about."

"It’s their down time. Just leave them there."

"I will spend that much time in there 2 get away from the dog lol"

"My husband takes forever on the toilet. He normally just sits there playing his app games."

"Most of the time it’s because I’m on my phone that I’m in the bathroom for a while otherwise if I don’t have my phone it’s rather short ordeal"

"I just assumed they were hiding from the kids like I do lol"

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