Why do my toddlers armpits stink?

My 17 month old recently started getting smelly/musty armpits, she’s well taken care of and we bathe her regularly , I’m starting to worry and will bring it up at her next doctors appointment. I’m wondering if others have experienced this and have ideas of why this can happen at such a young age and how to safely help it in the meantime. Thanks

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My 5 year old has stinky armpits too. I dont understsnd it lol

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Maybe things they eat ? IDK.First I have heard of this.

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My 10 yr old has always been a heavy sweater. Drs dont know why but thats just him. We had to bath him everyday especially in the summer

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Diet. GMOs. Non-organic shampoos and chemical cleaning household products, too much processed something…switch to organic food, only clean filtered or distilled water, give her Epsom salt/baking soda baths, lots of fresh green and colorful variety of foods, raw as much as possible. Look into a good probiotic at the health food store…when our bodies accumulate toxins we try to eliminate them through our sweat…so if our sweat is rank to be blunt lol…it means we need to clean up our environment and lifestyle habits…


Lactose intolerance!!! Took me a while to figure it out. Went to lactose free milk and cheeses problem solved. And can totally tell when shes had dairy.


I dont know if that site will help you or not

Coconut oil, grapeseed oil to cook with, olive oil to toss veggies in and used as a skin moisturizer. Everything we put on our skin our liver processes. So if it comes with a huge list of ingredients…toss it. Organic essential oils are great natural alternatives to perfume, deodorants, air fresheners. And you can buy household products from a health food store or use white vinegar


Having plants in your home also help keep the air clean…all of these things are natural detox methods

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Walking barefoot on the ground will also help detox

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Get antibacterial hand soap and wash only under her arms during her bath, its most likely an overgrowth of bacteria. My daughter has the same thing shes had since she was little. The antibacterial soap takes care of the problem

Oh thank God! My 14 month old smelled like a grown man after we spent the day outside the other day! I thought I was the only one! :sweat_smile:

Could be yeast infection . In days u don’t bathe u need to wash up with a rag , make sure when bathing soap is washed off good or rinse off after bath