Why do pregnant women gag?

Can you post please?

So… I’m 10 weeks pregnant and I gag over literally everything! If I look at my husband… I gag. If I try to wash dishes I gag. Its getting where I cant do anything without gagging. Does anyone know how I can make this stop? I would love to beable to look at my husband and kids without gagging :joy::joy:.


Dont do dishes. Abandon husband and kids. Go to Hawaii. Baby pops out. Send baby to husband. Sip margaritas on beach


I got so sick during my second pregnancy that I was just disgusted by my husband. I felt so bad too. I couldn’t even kiss him without throwing up lol idk what it was but I would feel awful when he would try to love on me and I’m like um no you disgust me right now lol nothing ever helped either til I had the baby


Do you think it could be a certain smell on him making you gag?

Cant help with gagging but what I tried for my HG was the sea sickness bands, the preggie pops, candied ginger bites, ginger white tea, and walking. Ultimately I needed phenergan and zofran along with ER visits every other day to get 3-4 bags of fluid

Oh man it’s probably a boy I finally just got over it :joy: laying on my stomach helped and just resting for a minute. I feel for u tho lol

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Try vicks under your nose. Alot of smells can make pregnant women sick.

I was the same way. I had HG with both kids and everything made me gag. Getting a handle on your nausea might help. Diclegis is the only thing that knocked my nausea down.

Do not use zofran at all it causes your unborn child to have defects!

We had cats. I LOVE my cats…unless I’m pregnant. Then…poor kitties. My husband caught me shoving them out the kitchen door or off my lap and would just look at me in puzzlement. I’m sure he was thinking “who is this woman?” I would feel angry and nauseous every time they would walk lol. No advice. It will go away.

My 1st was like that, everything i ate, drank & smelt made me actually throw up, their father smelt, his deodorant was gross (even after a shower). I sucked on lemons with a lil salt (in moderation) .


I honestly feel you!! 14 weeks and anything makes me like that too I have no idea why :joy::joy::disappointed::sob:

That’s how I was. I gagged ALLLLLL the time. The only thing that helped was smelling/ chewing this mint gum. It stopped it immediately


Uh… Say its the new way to say I love you.

I would gag at everything and always sucks on Wintergreen lifesaver mints, more saliva you swallow the less likely you are to get sick or gag.

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I had major nausea this current pregnancy at the beginning. at the same time I stopped wearing my fit bit and my nausea sky rocketed. I have preggy pops to eat and make sure to drink water

I’m not even pregnant but looking at my boyfriend makes me want to gag too :joy:


I’m 11weeks with my 2nd and I totally get it just hearing it from another person makes it that much funnier. My Doc gave me unisom and vitamin b6 it helps. Also I’ve been drinking a nutritional shake every moring to get the nutrients I need. It helped me ALOT. It’s the only thing that’s helpes me to eat. Doc also changed my prenatals. It was irritating my stomach. Hope you start feeling better!!!

Ginger candy helped me. My 2nd pregnancy was literally spent puking the 1st 9 weeks, ginger always calmed everything down

Have gingerale handy at all times talk to your doctor about that too lol

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With my 6 ginger ale helped a ton

Sounds crazy but try always eating Orange tic tacs…that helped when things would make me gag. I went about bought SEVERAL cases from sams.

25 mg B-6 3 times a day and unisom at night.

I think I started doing that the day after I got pregnant and it continued on until the day I gave birth. Nothing at all helped me.

Sucking on jolly ranchers or lolIi pops were the only things that helped me.

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I lived on Morning Ease lemon ginger lozenges. I also had to take Zofran because I couldn’t stop vomiting and ended up so dehydrated with both girls. I took it as sparingly as possible.

Lol yeah that sucks, I wasn’t quite that bad with people making me gag. My suggestion is seclude yourself for the next few weeks and keep your :crossed_fingers: that it ends in the first trimester

I always had peppermint in my mouth. It was the only thing that helped me with nausea.

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When my wife was pregnant, my farts would literally make her throw up in the sink…


Black licorice will help!
Good luck :shamrock:

This was me :joy: it passed with time for me

Ginger ale and saltines

Jolly ranchers helped me thru both 0f my pregnancies!!

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I’m 36weeks and I’m still doing this! Hope you can find something that helps!! Zofran did make it a little more manageable, maybe that would help you!

I told my Dr and he gave me an option for anti nausea medicine. Which also made me gag trying to take it, so nearly impossible. Hahaha maybe just take deep breaths and get your minset ready before you have to do something messy. Otherwise I remember the sensation going away until my daughter was 4.

I was prescribed Diclectin as an anti nausea medication, worked wonders!

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Try Phengrin (pretty sure I didn’t spell that right) but it’s anti nausea meds and it comes in two forms at least. My friend when she was pregnant had the form you rub on your wrist and it would stop the nausea. She had some left over and gave it to me before I got to the dr. to get the pill form of it which worked for me. But rubbing it on my wrist worked well too. Only way I could eat, drink or do just about anything else lol

It doesn’t get any better lol I’m 14 weeks and still this way lmao

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But when I chew big red gum it seems to help a little while but I go threw it within hours of buying a pack but it helps lol

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It’ll pass lol. Maybe.

I had to get a script for zofran.
And I eat peppermint candies like a nut job.

Try sea bands too

I look at my husband and gag, and I’m not even pregnant. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I had to brush my teeth all the time, the mintiness helped…

That husband part… Me too man, me too.


My wife used. B6 and unisom to help control the nausea\vomiting and gagging she was having from her pregnancy

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That was me too. My OB prescribed me Bonjesta and it worked very well. Maybe you should ask about them ?

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Try lemon ginger water or lemon ginger tea if you’re going to do the water I strongly suggest using fresh ginger

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I had really bad morning sickness with all 3. Sounds strange, but sip on lemonade, chew gum, mints, b vitamin suckers for morning sickness. I think you specifically have to ask the pharmacist at walgreens for the suckers. I’ve never seen them on the shelf.

A script for Zofran helped me. Was like this for the first 22 weeks and some now (38 weeks). Best of luck!

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My doctor wouldn’t give me any nausea medicine. So I did this to the day I delivered. With my last pregnancy. Just talked to your doctor

My doctor prescribed me Diclectin for nausea. Ginger gravol, and peppermint tea also done wonders. Im 29 weeks and still get like this lol

Preggo pops or preggo drops.

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You look at your husband and gag. Lol

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This is me right now like literally I can’t look at anything with out wanting to puke it’s like fuck this shit

Gatorate for the food part but for the husband part you may need a couple paper bags lol


My doctor gave me promethazine for the nausea I couldn’t take zofran it always made me throw up

Seaband bracelets work great for me. The only tbing that has helped

Ginger soda helped me a lot. Or mint gum.

Peppermint hard candies


I couldnt even roll over in bed without wanting to puke, for 2 weeks. A friend told me her midwife low key mentioned the silver supplement. Its not FDA approved thats why i say do your research for your own comfort. Its not to be used in large doses, or for weeks on end regularly. I used it for two weeks. Sparingly. Only when i felt my sickness was at its worst. I dropped 5 mL under my tongue, leave it for 30 seconds. Before you swallow, youll feel the difference. It attacks the bad bacteria in your stomach causing you to be nauseous. And has been used for hundreds of medical reasoms since the 1800’s. Im a skeptic, but i gave it a shot, and i do not once regret it. I am also perfectly pregnant with a very healthy baby still. So even though your doctors wont tell you because its not “FDA” approved, consider it. Look at everything that IS “FDA” approved. Theyve approved some of the worst things that people put in their bodies. This has been used for centuries.

My morning sickness medicinal help is illegal, so I cannot share, but I guarantee there will be mums out there who know exactly what I’m talking about and how AMAZING it was at stopping it.


Dramaine worked extremely well for me! I was nonstop puking for the first 4 months and i lost almost 40 pounds and that was the only thing that helped me

Tristan i gag when i look at u too :rofl:

you’re having a girl. :joy:

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I just had to let it pass on it’s own. It was around 16 weeks. But now I’m feeling a little nauseous again but not as bad (I’m 36 weeks!!!)