Why do teachers demand so many multiples of school supplies? i do not have the money to provide 24 glue sticks, 100 pencils, and etc…like why do i have to provide for the whole class? this makes no sense to me
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why do teachers demand so many school supplies?
It’s not required, but it’s to help the school for the children who can’t afford.
Because half the kids don’t label their things and then kids would be fighting over who brought what and whose item is whose, so it’s easier to just pool everything together. I agree that it’s out of hand at times, but at the same time I would feel awful if kids who parents can’t afford the items were embarrassed because all of the other kids would notice they never had any of their school supplies.
Because kids go through a lot of supplies and it’s absolutely fantastic when we, the parents of the children, contribute. It can be very pricy for teachers alone and they don’t get reimbursed as far as I understand.
Cause the teachers have to provide their students with stuff out of their own pocket. They have to provide soap and stuff and it’s not in a budget. They don’t get paid back for it. Sad fr…
I can’t even begin to imagine how much of their own money elementary teachers spend out of their own pocket to make sure their students have what they need! The things they ask you to provide are cheap and are necessary for your child’s education
You don’t have to send the stuff in .
I mean… most of it comes back home with my kids and we keep it in a closet. I usually have to buy more throughout the year.
A good way to see school supplies is that it is the replacement of daycare fees. If you look at it that way you are getting off cheap.
I was one of those kids who couldn’t afford much… I was always grateful when someone shared
You can homeschool and buy only the supplies YOU require if you’d like
They don’t demand it
Elementary teachers already spend thousands of their money each year.
This is my kids school supply list
We always bought what we could. Sometimes we could only buy a little at the start of school. But anytime I had a little extra, I would get a few supplies from the dollar store and take them in throughout the year.
People can get mad at your post all they want i dont always have the money to get the entire list. I buy what i can and by the end of the first week my boys tell me they didnt even get to keep the markers and crayons and glue sticks and pencils or paper and sanitizers anyway it goes in an area that i guess is dispersed to the class. And whats ridiculous is my boys were given devices from the school to do all their work on, even my 7 yo. they dont even USE THE PAPER AND stuff they make us buy. Whatever happened to just text books and notebooks? Also when we paid our personal property tax on our home this yr which was $1200 …$800 alone went to the school district, so. I just buy what i can. And also for those of you who say homeschool costs more, i beg to differ. I have homeschooled 3 children and it costs less than the $100+ we spend on backpacks, shoes, clothes, and supplies that my kids don’t even get to keep anyway
Teachers have to pay for most supplies out of their own pocket. Also, as a former teacher, these are usually just wish lists or items “suggested” for parents to buy. Teachers appreciate every item they receive because what they do not receive ends up coming out of their salary - which isn’t a lot. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why I quit teaching because it became expensive for me to do my job. So no…teachers don’t demand anything so please don’t blame the teachers.
So the teacher doesn’t have to buy any. Please tell me why my son has to bring dry erase markers that he can’t even use?? Also, every year my kids come home with a bunch of supplies they never even used. Folders, notebooks. Pencils, pens…
Because some schools don’t provide enough or any so the teachers have to pay for it out of their own pocket. Our school does give a list but you don’t have to bring anything. The school will provide it but not every school is like that.
Teacher and parent of 2 here - I totally get your frustration and I can’t speak for others but here’s how I do it - on the first day of school, my students get a gallon ziplock bag with their name. Each student keeps a few sticks of glue, pencils, crayons, etc; the rest go in their ziplock bag. As they run out or loose supplies bc let’s be honest, lots of supplies gets lost, students are more than welcome to go their bag and take whatever they need. At the end of the year, those bags go home with that child. Some years there are more supplies than needed and some years I’m requesting more from parents. Majority of the parents have me keep the supplies for the following year to help provide for those that can’t afford anything or for those that move in throughout the year and come with nothing.
Because that’s your child and that’s what parents do
Plus pay high school taxes!
I homeschooled and trust me kids do go through all 24 glue sticks I always let the teacher know that I don’t want my child to use shared supplies and it has never been an issue. Personally I think it’s stupid. So.e kids want their own things and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Honestly, I don’t mind helping out. If anything, I’d rather there be a “buy out” option like there is on sports fundraisers so I can just send a check in and not have to chase around for a specific brand of pencils
For those who complain do have options to home schooling your children. It would benefit your complaint regarding supplies and see for yourselves. Simple as that.
As a teacher, I can assure you that little ones go through glue Sticks like you wouldn’t believe. The grade level makes the decision. Every team I have been on always takes in to consideration the current economic situation. Teachers have kids, too, so we understand. I would just explain to your child’s teacher your situation. I can’t tell you how many times I have bought glue Sticks for my first graders.
…it’s part of being a parent and sending your child to school. It’s YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to buy your children’s supplies. School isn’t free. Even if it’s public.
Who is asking for the class ?? Each parent gives for their own kid. We only have to provide Kleenex boxes.
Because they use it all and also spend from their own bank accounts for their student
As I’m going to have 2 in school, I’ve started buying early. The basic gist of the supply list is the same every year, so I get a little at a time through out. The same way I buy gifts for Christmas through out the whole year.
You think teachers make enough money to provide glue sticks for 15-20 kids out of their own pocket?
And, yes, Ticonderoga is the best pencil!
Neither does the teacher
Meh, you should do all you can to help the class your child is in. Teachers don’t get paid enough, truly, to supply every child with the necessary supplies that they will need for the entire school year. They literally tame, work with and teach your child as well as 20+ others, in the SAME space. Could you do that? I couldn’t. Teachers are amazing. Most, anyway.
If you can’t afford it then don’t buy it. I have no problem with what’s requested and try to go above and beyond to help. I make more then teachers do. My child’s education and experience at school is important to me so if the teacher needs extra googly eyes or popsicle sticks then I’m all for it. Just be honest with the teacher and communicate your situation instead of complaining on Facebook.
You do realize you aren’t required to buy the school supplies right? you do realize it’s suggested it’s not mandatory tell me you’re not a teacher without telling me you aren’t one. Please be a teacher for a year and you will see we aren’t given money to fund our classrooms. We have to pay out of pocket for everything. You think we have money like everyone else? We’re overworked with little pay. So please don’t blame the teachers for your frustrations take it up with the district. I also see many people in the comments saying so and so money goes to the districts why isn’t it given to us. That’s what we ask ourselves every single day. Where’s the money and who is it going to? If you have a problem with it contact the district but what you are NOT about to do is belittle teachers and let your frustration out on us when we don’t get any say in anything. As you can tell this type of stuff really irritates me. Thank you very much for coming to my Ted talk.
Also just an FYI we aren’t the ones who demand the school supplies. The list is created by either our admin or the district. the more you know huh
Because they are just trying to do their best and that seems like the best option. What do they do when only 5 in the classroom have supplies? They have to go buy for 15 students…
I mean a pack of 100 pencils is maybe 15 bucks at the most! I get what your saying if you can’t do it then you can’t do it! I know my child loses a pencil like every single day no it’s so annoying but it’s nice that a teacher can keep up and provide her with them! Some kids literally go to school with nothing! No that’s not your fault but if u can help a little then why not?
Dollar tree would be the best store for you to try to find school supplies if you are on a budget. Also try Amazon! Amazon always has good deals! There are groups you can follow that post deals for Amazon & they post codes to get up to 90% off of items! I was able to get over 20 toys for my girls for Christmas last year by using those codes for Amazon. I shop throughout the year month’s ahead of time for Christmas & buy things when they go on sale & get them cheap especially using those groups for deals!
Amazon just had glue sticks on sale in bulk not long ago for $5! It was a big box of Elmer’s! Join those groups to catch the deals & try Dollar Tree for cheap supplies!
Just buy the shit n get over it. U can literally get most the shit they ask for at dollar tree or Walmart real cheap
You have no idea lady how much teachers have to put out of their own pocket for your child to learn and get an education. I wouldn’t complain lady.
Anyone who pays school taxes is ALREADY paying for supplies.
They’re gonna tell you a high number like 30, so that you bring in 10, and if three parents of 30 actually do that, they have enough supplies.
Because TONS of parents buy nothing.
I send some and send more later when I can afford more
I dunno but I’ve never provided what was asked. I provided what I figured MY child would need because I cannot afford to buy what they want. That includes friggin multiple boxes of tissues?? Lol I never bought any! Ever!
I’ve never seen a teacher ask for 100 pencils or 24 glue sticks and I’ve been with the school system for 27 yrs. I’m pretty positive you can buy what you can afford and that will be fine. It’s called HELPING!
No teacher demands that you buy all of the supplies. You buy what you can so your child’s already underpaid teacher isn’t stuck paying for supplies out of their own paychecks.
Like others have said, teachers are coming out of pocket as well to make sure other folks kids have what they need to succeed. School supplies sales are starting, hit those sales up. I use to start right at the end of the year school for next year because folks tend to forget about the basics and they go from $0.01-$0.50 for a lot of items. But making sure your child succeed is your job…helping another child will be your blessing.
Geeze obviously shes new at this and everyone here rips her apart. Maybe she doesn’t know how school funding works and issues all around and why teachers resort to asking parents. Its a complicated issue and y’all could educate a little without biting her head off especially since she’s stressed over funding what she’s being asked.
You realise your not purchasing the items for the whole class. Your purchasing then for your child. What they don’t use , comes home with them at the end of the year.
Because our government sucks and doesn’t provide enough for your child or anyone’s for that matter. It’s also suggested maybe buy smaller packs and help as you can.
I would buy every kid a hazmat suit if it was required. Let’s be grateful they have a place to go for school and wonderful teachers
We all have days like this or feel overwhelmed so let’s try not to judge or criticize her for asking this question. She could be a single Mom who is on a budget & is just feeling overwhelmed with having to buy so many school supplies. Please be supportive & just help her. We should all , as Mother’s, have each others backs.
Last time I checked they didn’t fire out those crotch goblins. You’re not supplying for the entire class. You’re supplying for the kid you produced. God forbid you pay for their supplies.
Really complaining about what you buy towards your child’s education?
Bc kids will go through 100 pencils and glue sticks by January
Ok so I’m not a parent that cares about supplying my child with whatever is needed on the supply list and don’t mind sharing …but any teachers that have already responded on this post I have a question…do you get teacher allotments? Because our teachers do.
Teachers don’t DEMAND… Teachers pay for everything out of pocket so it’s not demanding it’s asking for donations… if you can’t donate supplies then don’t as simple as that
Imagine being this cheap
Not to mention the fact that kids get excited about back to school shopping. My daughters can’t wait to get their lists and go shopping for their classroom supplies. By buying this stuff you aren’t only helping the teacher out but setting the tone for how your child will view the importance of their education!
cause it’s the least u can do to help the teacher who takes care of all your kids and gives them an education to set them up for there life.
i know booklists can’t be costly but it’s important for there education and if u don’t help out then the teacher who is being paid crap wages has to buy extra supplies for there classroom!
Because kids will break about 25 pencils a year.
I use to complain about this crap UNTIL I went to school to be a teacher and started teaching. Appreciate teachers a little more because let’s face it, at the end of the day, they spend more time with your child. Showing your child love and giving them an education. It takes a special person to become a teacher. And to hear parents complain about school supplies is ridiculous. Teachers have to pay out of pocket for pretty much everything. But who cares huh?
The key is to buy next years supplies when school starts and everything is on clearance
Buy what you can. I also want to add teachers do an amazing job and service in teaching our children and it’s always a great thing to help them out whether it be a box of tissue, or some pencils. Also idk about you but kids lose things all the time. So having numerous pencils, erasers and glue sticks can come in handy especially if they’ll be using it a lot throughout the school year. Also if it’s an issue for buying for the whole class remember people have hardships. Compassion goes a long way. Buy what you can, and if you can’t buy 24 glue sticks then don’t. You can also buy a little of the list and as the school year progresses buy more. Complaining only stresses you out even more lol
You do realize this is your child’s education AND you get 8 hours of day care FOR FREE 5 days a week all school year long imagine you had to pay for that AND the school supplies to educate your kids at home? Think of that and get the 24 glue sticks….
As a teacher we put a suggested amount yes it may seem like an over abundance number but honestly some kids don’t even bring in supplies. Most supplies does go to other kids as well. The amount that teachers pay out of pocket to cover anything else is a crazy amount. Especially if they are younger school kids the supplies run out quickly such as pencils, markers, crayons, ect.
My Elementary School kids teachers don’t send lists home they just have supply fees that you pay at the beginning of the school year it’s like $25 that covers school supplies & field trip fees and the teachers do the shopping for their class. Sometimes they will have a very small list of requested donation idems such as tissue, hand sanitizer, or extra pencils and markers for the class but it’s not required. My High Schooler on the other hand get lists for each class and fees for different things. I didn’t realize how expensive high school is until this last year when my son started high school.
Them teachers take money out of there pocket and buy more than y’all do shame on you
Spend some time in a classroom.
Are you being serious? Damn. Teachers don’t get paid enough to provide supplies for their students. It’s never a demand. It’s suggested to buy them to last the year. Kids break pencils, lose the tops to the glue, etc. Most supplies don’t last the year. Many kids don’t often bring supplies so any extras can go to them.
They literally deal with our kids for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week! If the teacher wants wine, I will bring her a year supply. My kids are lucky enough to have a free education, the least a parent can do is buy the supplies they will use!
I buy the necessary supplies first then buy whatever extra I can afford or throughout the year I buy things. But from my experience my daughters last teachers have been shitty and rude to the kids so idk how extra supplies can change their attitudes.
Do you know how much money school teachers spend of their own money to teach OUR children?? Alot!!! They ask us PARENTS to provide school supplies for OUR children and you wanna complain. Really?!?!
Why should the teacher pay out of pocket for school supplies for the whole class?
It’s not mandatory. Buy what you can and send it…
Idk where your at but we don’t have to pay for that much stuff? Just your kids supply for the year… Seems weird to me… basic pencils, paper, folders…
Oh wow this sounds horrible. You gotta do better, these teachers deserve it.
There are a lot of places that do school supply drives. You should look into getting some donated.
When used 5 days a week, a pencil lasts maybe a week. Glue stick 3-5days. Kids go to school 9 months out of the year. Do the math.
Always school shop little by little if you can even if it’s a budget of $10 or less. And as a parent personally I like to make sure that the teacher has all she needs so I know my kid/kiddos or good in there class. She don’t even have to ask.
Just buy what u can afford. I never would buy that much. I would do a box of pencils and one pack of glue sticks that is it. It also goes to other kids. Teachers will not look down on you if u can’t afford them.
I can’t even believe this is a legit question
Genuinely, i think that this mama is probably just struggling to make ends meet so the extra school supplies seem like a lot to her. Quit bashing when you don’t know this woman’s circumstances. I’m pretty sure people would rather have food to eat than to buy 24 glue sticks. And people actually are struggling like this right now. Show some grace!
Buy a packet of each every month from a cheap store… (have a limit u spend) a few bucks.
I know once they get older. I would buy my daughter a huge bundle of glue, rubbers, pencils, rulers etc every term (that’s when it went in there pencil cases.) an I would keep some at home an replace when got lost so I could imagine what they lose when they are little…
I know sometimes ur asked for a box of tissues.
Plus I sent small tissues in my daughters bag for her own use in case.
And at the end of the year they send alot back home . They should keep what’s left over for next year for the children who’s families struggle with buying so much.
I honestly get where you’re coming from. Times are hard for us all. And I’m in a similar financial situation. However, so are these teachers that are picking up the slack. They are also with our children all day most days. I’ve had to nix things here and there in order to have the funds for new school supplies and new school clothes… because that’s just what has to happen. We all make sacrifices for our children even the teachers.
It’s because in elementary school the supplies are for the whole class not specifically your child. The teacher combines the supplies as needed and stores the rest for later in the year.
Which I don’t agree with. They should ask for so much at the start of school and then mid year send a notice of what is needed.
I personally couldn’t afford to shop for the whole class so I bought what I thought was reasonable and could afford.
You also gotta think by the end of the year what supplies that are left over the school uses that for the next comin school year for the kids that can’t afford school supplies
Did she/he in fact, asked you for the whole class? Because I am a teacher aid and to my knowledge the school supplies one, are optional and two is only for your child.
Buy what you can. Most people are understanding if you let them know your situation.
The schools have the money for supplies, they don’t budget correctly. But hey if they can get the parents to purchase everything…why not? More money in their pockets.
Some teachers understood you don’t have to.get everything at once …do a Lil each month that’s just to make sure they last.threw the year
I guess I am showing my age, but my kids are now in their 50’s and for them I bought what they wanted extra, but our schools supplied what they needed. I would buy special notebooks or tablets, pens, colored pencils, etc.
24 glue sticks is a lot, I usually buy off brand. I don’t think I’d buy 24 glue sticks though.
Why does the teacher have to supply the entire class?
Because your kid will go thru that many supplies throughout the school year. If it’s to much buy what you can now and get some later. What you don’t get for your child will end up coming out of the teachers pocket. Teachers are amazing people and will do what it takes to get your child the education and supplies they need. Unfortunately they are under appreciated and under paid. You may not think your child needs that much but they do otherwise they wouldn’t ask you to buy it.
I even know a teacher who makes a wishlist on Amazon for things her class needs or would help them learn things faster. She doesn’t expect anyone to buy the stuff but it’s nice for us PARENTS to help our teachers and children out not only with school supplies but classroom things too. and it lets us PARENTS get an idea of what they need for their education